You For Eternity

Chapter 947: Infatuated with the Sun Island (17)

It wasn't until she felt Li Tianyou got out of bed and went to the bathroom that she sat up and looked at her clothes that were almost untied, and her mood was very complicated.

What do you mean Li Tianyou!

You might as well just stop doing it at the beginning!

No one stopped halfway through, too much, too much!

Gu Tong angrily closed his clothes, sitting on the bed and couldn't figure it out.


Gu Tong invited Chu Chu to have breakfast with them.

The advantage of coming to Sun Island to play is that few people here know them, and their racial blindness is very serious, just like all foreigners look the same to Chu Chu, they are also for these foreigners. They are all similar faces, and they are hard to recognize.

Therefore, they safely chose to dine in the open-air courtyard, where there are birds and flowers, there are mountains and waters, handsome guys, and beautiful women. The view is a kind of enjoyment.

The breakfast is buffet style. Two men take the initiative to order the meal, and the two ladies sit in their seats and wait.

Not far away, you can still see the backs of the two of them, lining up in a regular line.

Chu Chu and Gu Tong had nothing to do, so naturally they were chatting.

Chu Chu felt that the early sun was also very dazzling, so he took off the sunglasses stuck in his hair, leaned back in the chair, and said very leisurely: "How about my sister, ecstasy?"

"Ecstasy." Gu Tong supported his chin with one hand and smiled slightly.

"What an ecstasy!" Chu Chu was excited when he heard it, and leaned over, and asked with one hand on his chin, "Quickly tell me."

Gu Tong gave her a silent glance.

"Eh...girl! Don't be so stingy, right? I told you before, but if you don't tell me now, it's too loyal, right?"

Gu Tong said: "Fall, kiss, unbutton--"

Chu Chu's eyes were sparkling, and the frequency of nodding was like asking, eh, then what?

"Then it's gone, ecstasy enough, right?"


"That's it..." Gu Tong turned his eyes to the sky, and patted the table, "God bless my little cousin, is it heartless! Just show me this if you take off your clothes!"

Actually Li Tianyou is several years older than their two peers, but Chu Chu likes to follow Li Hengzhi to call his little cousin, and Tong Tong follows suit.


"Really! I got him out of my bra! He stopped kissing halfway through! Stop! Can you believe it?"

Gu Tong is so resentful.

Just like half talking makes people feel uncomfortable, half of this kind of thing makes people feel more uncomfortable, OK!

She might have to think about it all day long.

"Uh...Tong Tong, little cousin Wuli...Is there a defect somewhere? Anything that has to be cured, I will ask his cousin to persuade him and he will be cured."

"Nothing wrong," Gu Tong held his temples, tilted his head, and looked at Li Tianyou, "He is fine."

The last time he was at Uncle Li's house, and this time, it was enough to prove that he was extremely normal and...very majestic!

"Oh..." Chu Chu said, "That's water in your head! Don't be afraid of Tongtong, I will let his eldest cousin give him water."

"I knew it would be better for me..." Gu Tong, an impatient person, couldn't help but mutter.

Chu Chu smiled slightly: "Isn't there two more nights, why don't you catch it!"

On the other side, Li Hengzhi walked in front of Li Hengzhi and asked routinely: "You got it?"

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