You For Eternity

Chapter 948: Infatuated with the Sun Island (18)


"Keep working hard, just say if you need help."

Li Tianyou thought for a while and said: "Then cousin, let my sister-in-law help me to find out if Tongtong is angry."

Li Heng paused: "Did you mess with her?"

"...Not counting." He briefly said.

Hmm... I always felt that the end was a bit abrupt, and I didn't feel embarrassed to watch it more, let alone ask more questions.

"..." After listening, Li Hengzhi was silent for three seconds and looked at Li Tianyou and said, "Cousin, your brain is a good thing, I hope you have it."


A blonde leaned on the pillar in front of them and greeted them coquettishly.

She was beautiful, her eyes were green and transparent, flashing like magic.

She showed catwalk to Li Hengzhi's side and put her hand on his shoulder: "Handsome guy, can you meet me?"

There are very few tall and handsome Eastern faces like them here. There are too few, so they have attracted the attention of many people as soon as they appeared.

And this beauty is the first one who dared to face the attack.

Li Hengzhi leaned over and said something in her ear.


Chu Chu took off his sunglasses, saw more clearly, and narrowed his eyes.

Courageous... dare to hook up with other women in front of her! This evildoer!

"Chu Chu, it's time to take care of it. Tutoring is not strict." Gu Tong was finally a little happy, watching the show lively.

However, Li Hengzhi immediately turned back and returned to his position.

As soon as he saw Chu Chu's black face, he smiled and said, "A beautiful lady just came to strike up a conversation. I said sorry, my wife is watching."

This is a funny way of saying, Chu Chu certainly wouldn't think that she would go crazy without looking at him.

Being jealous is jealous, but reason is still there.

After Li Hengzhi finished speaking, he put the meals he had taken in front of Chu Chu one by one, "I said, my cousin is not married yet."

"Puff......" Chu Chu smiled suddenly, too bad!

Sure enough, they looked over, and the entangled person became God's blessing.

"Tong Tong, don't laugh too early in the future."

Gu Tong snatched a plate of sausages in front of Chu Chu and went down with a knife and fork.

"Oh, I forgot to tell her that although she is not married, but she has a girlfriend, she may have misunderstood." Li Hengzhi said "afterwards".

"Puff......" Too fake! Chu Chu fed him a nutritious little tomato, and the two showed their affection regardless of the occasion. The pain of others is their happiness.

It's not too big to watch the excitement.

Li Tianyou got rid of that blonde beauty and ran back and put a few plates on the table: "Tongtong, do you have coffee?"

"Don't drink!"

Li Tianyou: "?"


After eating breakfast in a riotous manner, although I made it clear about the blonde beauty, Gu Tong’s depression was obviously more due to...

Love love that stopped halfway!

What she is more entangled is, is she not attractive enough?

Or, taking advantage of the high black wind tonight, she hastened to do it?

In the afternoon they went snorkeling. Because Chu Chu couldn't swim, and nearly drowned in the water several times, she had an inexplicable fear of water, so she didn't dare to go into the water.

Tong Tong is very interested in this kind of unusual sports. She is not afraid of being able to swim. She has taken a few snorkeling courses in the past and is led by a pair of senior snorkeling enthusiasts, who are cousins ​​in the Li family. Snorkel together.

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