You For Eternity

Chapter 950: Infatuated with the Sun Island (20)

The noise got closer and closer, opened his eyes, and took off his sunglasses.

No wonder it was noisy, and I don't know where the young master came from. He was surrounded by countless black-clad bodyguards, just lying on the beach chair on her right.

That posture is not small.

Many people looked over here.

He is dressed in beach pants, dressed casually, and has a good figure, but it is the serious black bodyguards around him that are seductive?

On this white sand beach, it is really a special scene. There are many big people like Li Hengzhi who can come here on vacation. Which one is as high-profile as him and brings so many bodyguards?

Who doesn't have an identity yet...

Oh, people still bring their own beauties, and several big beauties surround him.

The beauties seemed to have seen Chu Chu too, smiled contemptuously, and straightened their chests.

Chu Chuqing coughed and stood tall, do they have a husband? Humph!

Chu Chu thought to herself, if she didn't understand, it would be fine! It happened that their conversation was spoken in French, and she just happened to understand it!

This is a bit embarrassing, right?

Chu Chu sit up

Chu Chu didn't say it in French. He didn't use it deliberately. It made them confused. What did they say?

Just don’t need to speak French, don’t you understand? I'm mad at you.

After Chu Chu finished speaking, she continued to lie down, but in the next second, she heard a slightly thick foreign accent speaking the same language as her.

Chu Chu stared slightly, he actually understood!

When she wanted to cover her breasts, she listened to the Master Moni in their mouths

Chu Chu sat up all of a sudden and wrapped her scarf around her body. She understood the best, and she didn't bother to speak foreign languages ​​to him.

Only then did Chu Chu carefully see what the Young Master Moni looked like, with a western face, but with a little Eastern gene feel, he should be a mixed race.

The face looks good, and the eyes after taking off the sunglasses are also amber.

She has always thought that the amber pupil color should be relatively rare, how come you seem to see it all the time recently?

The Chuchu approach made the bodyguard who could not understand the language feel nervous, and the two blocked her.

Moni said a word to them, probably meant to let them go.

Chu Chu carefully identified it. It was neither English nor French, and it sounded... and there was such a familiar feeling, as if he had heard it somewhere.

Moni spread his hands and swept his gaze under him: "I don't mind this beautiful girl, especially if the person who is talking about it is you, would you like to take a look?"

"I'm sorry I'm not interested."

There are so many of them. She can't do anything except say a few words about him. She must be unable to fight, so she has to lie back, take out her headphones, plug them in, and listen to the song.

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