You For Eternity

Chapter 951: Infatuated with the Sun Island (21)

Chu Chu didn't want to look at them or be seen by them, so she turned sideways, turned her back to them, and went to sleep.

However, she did not fall asleep, because she always felt as if there was a hot sight on her body, and there was a faint burning sensation in her back, which made people very uncomfortable.

Who else can this sight radiate from?

There will be no one but Master Moni.

Chu Chu had been holding it back, but it seemed that he couldn't help it anymore, and one suddenly stood up: "You-- um!"

This sudden turning around scared me!

Moni was not on his own beach chair, but didn't know when he started to stand behind her.

Chu Chu was taken aback and fell back, leaning back, accompanied by an exclamation.

At this moment, Moni extended a helping hand appropriately, pressing one foot on the beach chair that was about to fall over, and one hand around Chuchu's slender waist, and time stopped.

Chu Chu balances in panic, Moni's current height and angle are just perfect to watch her ****...

Moni's hand moved restlessly on her waist, and his fingers deliberately hooked on her smooth skin, as if teasing.

Chu Chu's eyes changed, and the raised hand slapped him on the cheek with a quick thunderous motion, refreshing and crisp.

"Oh!!" The beauties who were with him were terrified, so did Master Moni dare to fight? !

The faces of the nearby bodyguards changed and they took out their guns and pointed them at Chu Chu.

The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, Chu Chu immediately raised his hand and said in English: "OK, I surrender."

Just kidding, that's a gun. Can she fight so many guns?

Chu Chu's heart was a little broken. Originally, he thought that with so many bodyguards, he couldn't beat him and he could run, right? Who knew they were still carrying guns!

This is embarrassing. If you move a little more, you may be killed by them, and that death is too unreasonable.

Just who is this Master Moni? With bodyguards and guns with you, it seems that your identity should not be underestimated...

Moni touched his beaten face, looked at the woman in front of him, and said, "My face, no one has dared to move it. Do you know you are the first one?"

Chu Chu smiled: "My pleasure."

The corner of Moni's mouth twitched, as if sneered: "Take it away."

When Chu Chu stood up obediently, he kicked his mobile phone under the beach chair. After being pushed by two sturdy men in black, he said to them a little uncomfortably: "Don't push me, I will go by myself."

These people are all subordinates, this Master Moni didn't say to kill her, they certainly didn't dare to do it.

"Don't be so rude to my new favorite."

"Sorry master."

Chu Chu couldn't understand what they were talking about, and when she finished speaking, she smiled meaningfully at her.

Moni said to her: "You know the current affairs."

"It's not that I'm invulnerable, I have all the guns out, am I still fighting?"

"You shouldn't hit me." Moni said.

"Master, you said earlier that you have a gun, and I wouldn't dare to hit you if you gave me a hundred courage."

"Really?" Moni thinks about it, "So if I touch you now, you won't dare to hit me, does that mean?"

That hand was already on her shoulder.

Chu Chu looked at the hand that fell on his shoulder, and indeed did not act impulsively as before.

"Master, do you think I am special?"

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