You For Eternity

Chapter 952: Infatuated with the Sun Island (23)

"Chu Chu!" Li Hengzhi's voice sounded behind him.

He patted her on the shoulder. This time, the person who turned around was indeed Chu Chu.

She saw Li Hengzhi's expression relax.

How many people did he shoot on the shoulder just now? Not every time.

Because it is the Sun Island style bikini and scarf bought by a store here, there are too many people who wear the same style as Chu Chu, and they can't tell at the back.

Li Hengzhi first notified Li Tianyou and Gu Tong: "It's okay, I found it."

"Where have you been? I saw your phone dropped under the chair, and thought you had something wrong."

"Also... you can say that, I just met a very strange person, and I really thought I could not come back.

"Strange person?" He glanced around, "Who?"

"It seems to be called Moni. A native of the Sun Island with this name and armed forces, do you have any impression?"

"Armed forces?"

"Those bodyguards, each with a pistol, but fortunately I can bend and stretch, but I didn't insist on them." Chu Chu smiled happily, saying that he was fine now.

One of Li Heng hugged her and touched her head: "Good job..."

But Moni?

Who is that?

He searched his mind, but he didn't find any information about Moni.

"Why did he take you away? Know you?"

"I don't know... I can't see it."

Chu Chu thought for a while, but still didn't say that she was eaten tofu. Now that I'm back, let's forget it, I hope she is careless, like that, never meet again!

"What did you do to you? Where are they now?"

No matter what they did, they took Chu Chu away in broad daylight. How could this account be counted?

"I don't know! I was just taken over blindfolded, and then let me go. Okay, maybe it's crazy. Leave them alone, don't disturb our fun."

Chu Chu pushed Li Hengzhi to another place, fearing that he would run into that neurosis again.

Li Hengzhi always felt that Chu Chu had something to hide from him, but thinking about it in such a short period of time, it should be impossible for the guy named Moni to do anything to her.

At night, two couples go to an open-air restaurant on the beach to eat together. Basically, each table is a couple or a couple, and they are in pairs. If single dogs come here to play, they should be hit every day.

This is a restaurant opened by Asians, and there will be some small game tools for the guests waiting for the dishes to play and pass the time.

Chu Chu pointed to one of the barrel uncles and said, "This is it!"

What idea was in her heart, Li Hengzhi could not know?

He was born tall, and after talking to the owner, he went straight to get it.

Chu Chu came back holding it and put it on their dining table and said, "Let's play with Uncle Barrel! Whoever jumps out will be punished, is it true if you want to take a risk?"

Gu Tong stepped back at once, frowning and saying: "Don't play with her! She just opened the cheat finger! I played this with her and I have never seen her stabbed! Every time I lose. !"

"This is just luck!" Although she did not lose!

She seems to be set by cheats.

"You let me compare my luck with someone who has won the jackpot?"

Li Tianyou thought it looked interesting, "It seems to be quite fun, does my sister-in-law often play this?"

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