You For Eternity

Chapter 953: Infatuated with the Sun Island (24)

"We have played together," Gu Tong said, "Once, I let her play alone, wanting to see how her luck can get better. With 24 swords, she finished 23 in her life. Leave the last number that will definitely trigger! You said, with such luck, I can play Uncle Barrel with her? I have never played with her again!"

Originally, Li Hengzhi and Li Tianyou had no idea what Gu Tong said, but they had a new understanding of Chu Chu's luck when they heard what she said now.

Can this be avoided?

That's really strong.

But Li Tianyou is not someone who concedes defeat easily, let alone in this situation, how good is playing games and how can it increase the atmosphere?

"Let's play Tongtong, my sister-in-law is lucky, don't you still have a cousin at the bottom?"

"God bless my little cousin, no matter how bad my luck is, I seem to be better than you. How many times have you beaten me?"

"My cousin, are you playing Doudizhu? You are playing a memory contest with me! How many cards are on the table and what cards are left in our hand? How to play!"


Chu Chu felt a lot!

Li Tianyou complained: "Sister-in-law, can you talk about cousin, how can someone play cards with his family like this, can he still play happily?"

Chu Chu raised his head: "Are you also playing Fighting Landlords? So grounded?"

Li Hengzhi lowered his head, kissed her on the lips, showing affection anytime and anywhere: "I will have a lot more, and I will show it to you later."

Li Tianyou looked at Gu Tong beside him, he was guilty and bold.

Forget it...

They are husband and wife, they are just boy and girl friends. The relationship between the two of them is not so natural yet. Maybe the game tonight...

Is it just an opportunity?

The cousin will not play this game for no reason, it must be done to him!

When Li Tianyou looked at Chu Chu, she suddenly blinked at him.

Li Tianyou raised his hand from behind and gave a thumbs up.

You really deserve to be a cousin!

The other three people wanted to play, and Gu Tong couldn't help them, so he had to agree.

"Let's warm up first, which team loses, just pop."

For Li Hengzhi and Chu Chu, what is Bobo! It doesn't matter! Come boldly, without fear!

For Li Tianyou, Bo Bo is good! It's great to be able to be upright and show what you don't want.

Now his purpose is to stab Uncle Barrel out.

"Then I will go first, Chu Chu last!"

This is also twenty-four numbers, one of which can make Uncle Barrel jump out.

In the first round, all four passed safely. The second round is also the third round. It is the twelfth number in Chuchu, halfway through.

Chu Chu stabbed without pressure, but Uncle Barrel still didn't jump out.

So the fourth round began.

Li Tianyou perfectly avoided the number again, and sighed in his heart. He was so bad in his hand that he was down today? !

This time it was Li Hengzhi's turn. He also picked up a small sword without pressure, then looked at it, and chose one next to the number Chu Chu had just inserted.

With a "crash" sound like a cork popping out of a wine bottle, Uncle Barrel jumped out.

"Hahahahahaha!" Gu Tong was dale, patted the table and couldn't laugh. "It turns out that this game is really playable. The big boss has bad luck!"

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