You For Eternity

Chapter 954: Infatuated with the Sun Island (25)

It's just a boobo, the two face each other, touch their lips, and it's over.

"Continue," Chu Chu thought to himself, this is just the beginning, "Then it's officially started now, the truth is still a big adventure?"

"Big adventure!" Li Tianyou selected.

"Okay, start!"

This time it almost started and ended. Before playing, Li Tianyou stabbed Uncle Barrel out in the first round, which scared the other three people.

This is... too fast, right?

Chu Chu smiled and took out his mobile phone, opened the phone software of Truth or Dare, and chose the big adventure, shook it, and selected it.

"Ah oh..." Chu Chu took a look, raised his eyebrows, "God bless my little cousin, when I go back this time, you must give my cousin a good reward."


Chu Chu put the phone on the table and showed it to them, making Gu Tong blush.

It is so shameful!

She lay down and asked Li Tianyou to do push-ups on it!

Li Heng couldn't help but smile when he saw it. He touched the head of Chu Chu in front of him and kissed him, "My wife's hand is well-deserved."

"This...this is boring!!" Gu Tong yelled, "Chu Chu, we are boring, let the big boss lie down, or God Bless lie down, they figure it out."

"Huh?" I originally played this game that was chosen for the sake of perfecting Tianyou, but at this time, listening to Tongtong's suggestion, it seems not bad? He looked up at the man above him, "Why don't you two have a game?"

Li Hengzhi was very fond of Chu Chu, his eyes were able to sink people in, and he lightly flicked her forehead, "I want to bend me and remarry to someone else, but there is no door."

"Hehe..." Chu Chu straightened his face and said with a smile on his chin, "Yeah, you are bend it, you pay my husband. So Tongtong, come on, come-on, don't be shy. Hmm? Don't dare? Who told me this morning..."

"Just do it! Who is afraid of whoever!" Gu Tong thought suddenly, "God please lie down, I will do it."

Li Tianyou: "???"

Black question mark face! EXOME?


Chu Chu almost laughed and endured it abruptly.

Before Li Tianyou could react, he was rushed by Gu Tong, letting her "waiting" and lying on the sand, while Gu Tong stepped over his body, looking for a correct posture.

Uh, this hand should be placed here...what about the foot?

Watching them posing there, Chu Chu was responsible for recording this funny scene.

But Li Hengzhi leisurely leaned to her ear: "Wife, when shall we have's time for a new trick."

Other foreign friends who were eating nearby also laughed when they saw this scene. Some people quickly took out their mobile phones.

Li Tianyou didn't expect to be the one lying on the ground, and looked at Gu Tong on his body and asked, "Can you do it? If you can't, change me."

Li Tianyou was about to get up, but Gu Tong took the picture: "I'm coming!"

What are you afraid of!

Isn't it a push-up?

Gu Tong put his hands on both sides of Li Tianyou's body and began to rise and fall.

As soon as they tried to avoid their gazes, the referee Chu Chu stood aside and said without pain, "The sights must be in line, otherwise they won't count."

So they had to look face to face again, every time Gu Tong went to the next time, he stopped once, because he was tired...

They touched their noses several times, and Li Tianyou suddenly laughed.

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