You For Eternity

Chapter 955: Infatuated with the Sun Island (26)

Really are……

It's more speechless than doing it himself.

Going further down, Gu Tong couldn't do it, his hands softened, and when he went down to do the tenth, the whole person fell on Li Tianyou, and asked breathlessly: "Is it all right? I'm weak... "

"There are ten more..." Chu Chu smiled, "Why don't my little cousin come with ten more."

Cousin, cousin, this is giving you benefits!

Li Tianyou was protecting Gu Tong's body with a 180-degree rotation, and the positions of the two people's bodies had changed. How could Gu Tong think that he was so obedient, and his eyes stared like something.

Before she could react, Li Tianyou was already in this position, supporting the sand with one hand, and doing push-ups quickly and standardly.

Immediately aroused the applause of some onlookers at the scene and won some applause.

Is there anything more manly than doing push-ups with one hand?

Gu Tong's feeling underneath at this time is completely different from the feeling just above. Just now, she just thought about how to push up last night, she didn't think about anything else, but lying here at this moment, she only had...


What a shame!

Li Tianyou didn't do it. She was still counting. She could feel the heat he was talking, her cheeks were getting redder and red, and her two hands instantly covered her face, she didn't dare to look any more.

Chu Chu quickly smiled and fainted in Li Hengzhi's arms. This game is really not a mistake!

After finally finishing this punishment, Tong Tong was already flushed when she got up, and she was bumped into a smile by Chu Chu, her eyes seemed to say, who said the big deal in the morning and God blessed at night?

Just like her ashamed little daughter-in-law, who do you want to do?

"Come again!" Gu Tong was not discouraged, and he had to go all the way back today!

However, Chu Chu's golden fingers were not covered. Originally, Li Hengzhi was dragging his feet, but this time Li Hengzhi changed his strategy: "My wife, you hold my hand."

So the fifth round passed, and only the last four swords remained.

There is a quarter chance that Gu Tong's heart is beating in his throat, and he still retracts his hand when he comes, "No! You come first this round!"

"Then I will come?" Chu Chu had already picked up a small sword.

"No way, no way... God bless you to come first."

"I have the worst luck, you let me come first? Are you sure?"

"Cousin first!"

Before Li Hengzhi came, Gu Tong shouted: "Chu Chu is not allowed to help! Big cousin comes by himself."

Chu Chu held his cheek, and was the most fearless person in this game. This is already the first time after dinner, I don’t know the first time. Add up, there will be more than 20 times. All three of them have been recruited, but Chuchu really didn’t get stabbed once. Uncle Barrel.

Now, even she is convinced of her own golden finger settings, God really gave her a pair of golden hands.

Although Li Hengzhi was not afraid of any punishment, the first time the game was played until the fifth round, it really made people a little nervous. He chose a number and stabbed it...


"Oh yeah! I jumped out!" Gu Tong jumped up happily and hugged Li Tianyou to celebrate, "Why do I feel like a slave finally turned over! It's not easy!"

Li Tianyou was facing them, feeling all this, smiled helplessly, and gave Chu Chu a thumbs up again.

This evening, the distance between him and Tong Tong was much closer.

This is enough to show how important it is to have a **** assist.

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