You For Eternity

Chapter 984: Xiaobai, it's you and I willing (17)

"Me?" He said, and found that his throat was a bit dumb.

"Don't you remember? You last night—" Nianxin's words suddenly stopped.

She suddenly felt something wrong.

That's Xiao Bai...

Last night, she was only worried that he would lose his temperature and die. She didn't think about anything else, but at this second, the two people's thoughts had returned to the matter of men and women.

And the position he touched is exactly...

"Nianxin, we..." Bai Yujing's eyes became very complicated.

What the **** did he do to Nianxin? ! Why doesn't he remember anything, without any impression? But it is true that they are wearing nothing now.

At that moment, Nianxin suddenly swallowed what she wanted to say.

Xiaobai seems to have misunderstood...

Then why should she explain clearly?

"Xiaobai, what happened last night, do you really remember nothing?"

His mind was a little stunned, his memory was only when they were sleeping together with their clothes. What happened after that? ? Why is it like this when you wake up in the morning?

"Am I really..."

Nianxin smiled heartily, "Yes, it's like this."

Xiaobai still has such an expression!

It was the first time that Nianxin saw Xiao Bai who was panicked and didn't know what to do, and she felt better.

"Sorry Nianxin..." Bai Yujing finally accepted this fact and lowered his head.

He actually...

He turned out to be a beast to do such a thing to his own niece!

"Damn I!"

Nianxin grabbed him and hit her own hand: "It's okay. There are only two of us here. I won't know anyone. From now on, it will be the secret of both of us."

She has no concept of personnel, the only time she only left a very bad memory, she didn't want to think about it at all.

Now, for the first time in her life in a sober state, she is very nervous, she thinks...

To Xiaobai.

Taking advantage of his memory confusion, give herself to him truly, so that she will be content.

After leaving here, she never had such a chance again.

Nianxin moved a bit, causing Bai Yujing's body to become more rigid, and his eyes darkened, "Nianxin!"

"En?" Nianxin looked at him innocently, "Anyway, it has happened once, and it won't change anything again, right? Uncle obviously wants to..."

The word "Uncle" pulled back his willpower that was about to collapse. He held back his disturbing thoughts. Even in this embarrassing scene, he still said with a calm face, "Nianxin! We can't go wrong anymore. , I was sorry for you last night, I am ashamed of you, I am damned, you can hit me whatever you want!"

How could he do this!

Thanks to his constant ethics and morals, he always educates his mind with righteous words, but in the end, he actually broke through the final bottom line. He is really ashamed of his conscience, his eldest brother, and the entire Bai family!

"Why should I beat you?" Nianxin said anxiously, looking at him sincerely, "Even if I will be condemned by the world, I will not turn back, if I will be nailed to the pillar of shame because of these... Bai, if that person is you, I am willing."

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