You For Eternity

Chapter 985: Xiaobai, it's you and I willing (18)

"...Xiao Bai, if that person is you, I am willing."

"Nianxin! We are already wrong! Don't go wrong!"

Things have reached this point, Nianxin will never give up. Her eyes have never been so determined as today, boldly............ (I am the line of harmony -v-)..................

Bai Yujing took a deep breath, grabbed the mattress with both hands, and stopped breathing, almost shouting two words from his mouth: "Nianxin!!!"

This is the first time in Bai Yujing's memory, so this kind of ***** thing made his body seem to be frozen, **, bottom line, **...

These pros and cons are all mixed together, completely messed up, and about to drive him crazy!

In the end, his bottom line was defeated again.

He grabbed Nianxin and almost warned: "Don't do this again."

Nianxin is a bit mischievous and disobedient at this time,.................. (harmonious)..................: "Okay, what do you do here? My uncle is clear about the truth... Why don't you want me? Speak out? It’s because of our blood? I’m going to change the blood, okay? If the technology is really released in the future, I will be the first to change, so that we are not blood relatives, and Xiaobai can try to accept me It's..."

As she said, her eyes were red.

"Don't talk about Nianxin, go and get your clothes on!"

Nianxin wondered, whether he remembered what happened yesterday or not, but at least at this moment when he has sensory memories, he must not do it?

So Nianxin knew it failed.

The moral bottom line in his heart is far stronger than she thought.

Nianxin gave him a sad look: "Then you want to come by yourself? Or should I help you?"


Bai Yujing's mood now is not much better than before.

He did hold back and stopped thinking about it, but he always felt that doing such a thing next to her was almost the same as blaspheming the mind.

Do not……

To be more shameless.

Nianxin refused to go out, she wanted to be there, but his patience had reached the limit, and he was about to explode.

After that, he lost his strength and his heart became even more heavy.

He was so angry that he wanted to scold her. How could she push him to a place where there is nowhere to retreat? How could she be like this?

However, thinking of the beasts and beasts he did last night, he couldn't scold a word when he saw Nianxin.

What does Nianxin do? What is wrong with Nianxin?

He is the one who should be scolded, and the one who is wrong is also him. He can't control his bastard. If he refuses, what can Nianxin do with him as before?

For a long time, the two people still sat in the bed and no one went out.

Bai Yujing was silent for a long time without speaking.

Looking at him like this, Nian's heart is blocked.

She suddenly regretted it, regretting whether she had done something wrong. What did she get when she forced Xiaobai into this field?

"I'm sorry..." Sitting there with guilty mind, his eyes were red, "I'm sorry, uncle, I was wrong, I won't be like this in the future, don't be angry with yourself, it's all my fault."

She was really wayward just now. She hardly thought about the consequences, let alone think about how she forced him so, where did she put his dignity?

"You are not wrong." Bai Yujing's current state is neither happy nor sad.

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