You For Eternity

Chapter 986: Xiaobai, it's you and I willing (19)

With a "bang", the door fell to the ground.

It interrupted the discussion of who was right and who was wrong.

The eyes of the two turned to the door together, and their eyes widened for a moment.

The person here turned out to be Lan Ye!

Anyone is fine, but that person is Lan Ye!

Lan Ye saw a small wooden house here, so he went up and took a look. Who knows that the door fell just by a light touch of his hand.

He stepped inside, but saw a scene he will never forget.

Bai Nianxin sat on the bed with the little uncle she admired, Bai Yujing ****!

Obviously, both Nianxin and Bai Yujing were stunned, and never expected that they would meet a third person under such circumstances.

Lan Ye walked in, and the air was still filled with an easily reminiscent smell.

He is so familiar, how can he not know what it is?

It's so heavy, it seems to indicate that they have only ended a short time.

I don't know why, seeing Lan Ye makes Nianxin more nervous than seeing anyone. Because he was a lunatic, she could not guess what he would do in the second step after seeing this scene.

"Lan Ye, it's not what you think--"

"Hahahahahaha..." Lan Ye suddenly burst out laughing, "I am really speechless to myself hahahahaha..."

The two of them are wearing nothing now, even if it is the appearance of being "husked in bed", they can't do anything except sit there.

"So many people, who didn't sleep all night looking for you, thought you were eaten by some wild beast, and didn't rest for a second, almost turned the whole mountain over!" Lan Ye smiled, his face was terrible With a ferocious expression, "and you... and you are hiding in this small wooden house, lovingly and lovingly sail the boat! My **** brain is flooded, and I come to you without sleeping! Isn't it quite annoying, I interrupt Yours? Want me to leave?"

Of course he didn't. He walked over and grabbed the bedding, trying to tear it off.

Bai Yujing's expression changed, he grabbed the other end and protected Nianxin: "Lan Ye, if you have anything to say later, let Nianxin put on your clothes."

"What clothes are you still wearing?" Lan Ye looked like crazy, "You two are still shameless?! Uncle and niece can get **** too! I **** convinced you! Bai Nianxin thought you Just talk! You actually slept with your uncle? You can! Really! My Lan Ye has never served anyone in my life, but if it's really fucking, I will persuade you in vain!"

How many harsh words came out of Lan Ye's mouth.

In fact, isn't this scene exactly what he has thought about many times?

How many times he told Bai Nianxin that he wanted to see when she and her brother-in-law only pierced the last layer, and wanted to destroy them both.

However, he himself did not expect that when he really saw this scene, the scene was so dazzling.

In the past, Bai Yujing could justly refute it, but the established fact kept him speechless. Today, he can't refute a word.

Lan Ye's words seemed to be correct in every word, but they were a bit ugly.

"Lan Ye! It's really not what you think! We don't have one!"

"No? Do you think Lan Ye is blind or stupid? The clothes are all stripped off, the smell of the house is full! You are almost a three-year-old child! Bai Nianxin, I used to think you were just dirty, but I didn't expect you to be really that way. Cheap, even my own uncle is fucked!"

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