You For Eternity

Chapter 987: Xiaobai, it's you and I willing (20)

"And you, Bai Yujing, in vain, your dignified second master, and your niece! You two, really opened my eyes!"

Lan Ye pulled and Bai Yujing pulled, neither of them let go.

"Let Nianxin put on your clothes first!" he repeated.

"Clothes..." Lan Ye sneered, turned around and threw all the clothes on the ground, dried, and all the clothes outside. "You go pick it up by yourself, go naked! Your subordinates are also there. This neighborhood just happened to let everyone take a good look at what kind of person their second master is!"

"Lan Ye, you are angry at me. I am the one who did the wrong thing. It has nothing to do with Nianxin. What do you say about me? Bai Yujing recognized today and returned the clothes to Nianxin."

"Of course I'm **** at you!" Lan Ye was annoyed by the fire, drew a gun and walked up to him, "Bai Yujing, you are worthy of my sister! You are engaged! You are still sleeping with other women! This woman is still your niece! How does it feel to be your niece? Isn’t it particularly good?"

Nianxin hugged Bai Yujing: "Lan Ye, if you hate me, you kill me, don't move Xiaobai! Thousands of mistakes are all my fault. It's me who **** him, I am cheap, I am dirty, are you satisfied? satisfaction?"

"You thought I would spare you!!" Lan Ye roared, "I will kill him and then kill you!"

Lan Ye's gun directly touched Bai Yujing's forehead, and pulled the trigger, Nianxin's eyes widened, and he grabbed the muzzle: "No!"

"Nianxin!" Bai Yujing buttoned the gun body and turned away.

The bullet does not have eyes!

"Don't..." Nianxin looked at Lan Ye and cried out to tell the truth, "We really haven't done anything! My uncle lost heat last night and almost died. I did this to save him. We just talked to each other. I hugged and slept all night."

This fact surprised Bai Yujing: "Is what you said is true?"

He also thought he had made a big mistake.

"You two will act for me there!"

"I didn't! I swear! I swear by my life that if I lie, I will die without a place to die!"


It's not that Bai Yujing didn't believe her, but that this poisonous oath was really too poisonous.


Before they arrived, peace was restored in the wooden house.

All three did not speak.

They did not say whether to believe or not to believe in Nianxin's words.

Because both Bai Yujing and Lan Ye had some uncertainty about Nianxin's oath.

Nianxin once blocked a knife for him, she did it for him, just like he did it for her, she could ignore her own life. A mere poisonous oath, can she just play it casually?

To Lan Ye, she said this to calm him down.

To Bai Yujing, she said so, it can alleviate his psychological burden.

So even if Nianxin is telling the truth now, they cannot be 100% sure whether it is true.

But no one mentioned this matter again.

After the noise, it was extremely quiet, as if no one knew what to say.

The person led by Zhan Yan found here first, and saw that Erye and Miss Nianxin were all safe and sound, and he was relieved. Everything was fine except for the blood-stained shirt on the ground.

"Second Lord! Miss Nianxin, are you all right?"


Zhan Yan went over immediately and squatted down to check his injuries: "Second Lord, it's already swollen. You have to lay the bones right away, so bear with him."

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