You For Eternity

Chapter 988: Cut off the love thread (1)

Lan Ye can sculpt his bones, but even if he kills him, he will not sculpt Bai Yujing's bones, and he is unwilling to carry him, so the three of them just sat here and waited without doing anything.

Nianxin was afraid of pain, and even more afraid of hearing it. The sound of bone-setting was too shocking, so she turned her head away and covered her ears.

However, I didn't seem to hear it.

Because it was a momentary event, Bai Yujing was also mentally prepared, so he gritted his teeth and passed.

"Where is Miss Nianxin, are you all okay?"

Nianxin pointed to her forehead, "Except here."

"Brother Yan! The team doctor is here!"

They had no news all night, and they guessed where they must be trapped or injured, so they must have brought the doctor.

When the team doctor was about to go to Bai Yujing's side, he was driven away: "First treat the wound with Nianxin."

Nianxin did not agree: "I'm okay. You can show my uncle on his back. It looks serious. I cleaned it indiscriminately."

The team doctor came over to follow up Bai Yujing's injury, so he took the medicine, just in case, he didn't expect to actually use it.

After handling everything, Bai Yujing was backed by Zhan Yan.

Before leaving, he ordered Zhan Yan to send a few people to tidy up the wooden house. Those that could be reset were reset first, and then left a contact information to discuss compensation matters.

Nianxin and Lan Ye walked behind, and she said to Lan Ye: "Please believe me, nothing really happened to us."

"It's not impossible to believe you, depends on your performance." Lan Ye has lost the hostility he had just now. He has changed in a while, and Nian Xin has long been used to it, which is not surprising.

"Go to bed with you|no talk." She already knew his routine.

She didn't want to experience the same thing again.

She couldn't be so lucky every time and let him let it go.

"Cut." Lan Ye knew that this time he couldn't talk as easily as last time.

In addition, she was prepared, not so easy to deceive.

I knew that she shouldn't have let her go last time, just take it directly regardless of who she called.


After reuniting with the large group, Wei Young didn't realize that they had never seen them before. He saw them as soon as he woke up. Nothing wrong!

Qianyi was confirmed from Chu Chu after careful observation.

After returning, Chu Chu felt that they were a little weird, and asked privately what happened last night.

However, even Chu Chu, Nian Xin finally had no choice to say.

Because she knows, it means that her brother also knows. If her brother knows that she has done such an extraordinary thing, she should be cut again!

The less trouble, the better.

On the way back, Nianxin obediently drove with Bai Yujing. The two sat in the back, Zhan Yan drove.

"I'm sorry Brother Zhan Yan, let you look for it all night, so you didn't sleep all night."

"It doesn't matter, Miss Nianxin, as long as you and your second master are in good health," Zhan Yan stayed up all night and was not sleepy. Now that I see them all right, I feel more energetic. "It's too thrilling to say. At the time, I ran into a wolf. Although it was a wolf cub, what should you do if you meet him?"

A mentally handicapped female stream, one injured, if it is normal, the second master would be no problem, but the situation last night was really...

"What? There is a wolf?" Nian Xin shivered in fear.

Fortunately, he didn't promise to let her find the way alone.

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