You For Eternity

Chapter 998: Cut off the love thread (11)

As soon as Nianxin woke up, she saw him like this, she didn't even know what was wrong with him. But when I heard these words, my heart fell cold.

Shouldn't you save her?

"You regret it?"

He did not answer, and said to himself: "You have made a choice for your own destiny, why should I be nosy? If I don't save you, you won't like me anymore."

What does it mean?

Suddenly... express the meaning that she likes him to bother him?

For a long time, no matter how she expressed her feelings, he always taught her with the attitude of her elders, making her not to be like this, and he didn't even take it to heart at the beginning, but he never was really angry with her. Not once did I really feel that she was hopeless.

She is very grateful to Xiaobai who embraced her like this.

But now, he finally felt that she was troubled by her, so he regretted... Want to end this trouble?

But why...

Obviously before she went to bed, he was fine. She thought that even if they couldn't be together, he could still be the uncle who petted her and loved her, why wake up...

Has it become like this?

Because of the morning?

Nian Xin's eyes seemed to have thousands of stories, she looked at him complicatedly without answering.

Bai Yujing was not waiting for her answer. He pressed her step by step and asked her: "Why do you like me? Do you know what the real me is? Do you know how many people I killed? Do you know I got on my hands? How many people’s blood? How many people’s heads were used to put the name of my second master in the Bai family on top? How much do you know about such things?"


"Don't call me uncle! When you like me, do you think of me as your uncle? Bai Nianxin, what do you think? How can you like your blood relatives? Then what do you want? Do you mean to give yourself to me? If I say I want you now, will you give it?"

Nianxin's eyes were unbelievable, as if she couldn't believe what she had heard.

how so……

Why did Xiaobai become like this?

Nian Xin didn't answer in a daze. The next second he roared: "I ask if you can give it! Undress if you give it! Don't you want to know what it's like to have **** with your uncle? you!"


she thinks.

She wants to break through the world, no matter what kind of blood relatives or other, she only wants him.

But why? The uncle she wants so much, now when she says she wants to fulfill her, she doesn't have such a strong impulse?

"You are not my uncle..." Nianxin's eyes were reddened, "Xiao Bai is not like you... I must be still dreaming, just dreaming of me..."

Bai Yujing tore off his tie, threw it savagely on the ground, grabbed Nianxin, and kissed her lips.

Nianxin's eyes widened and she looked shocked.

She couldn't react at all, and she didn't understand what all this was about, why did Xiao Bai suddenly treat her...

He held her face, although she was struggling a little, he was too strong to move, and opened her lips and teeth.

This was something that Nianxin had always wanted to do very much, but now she was scared, especially when Xiaobai leaned over her neck, and when she treated her like that, the sense of fear deeply surrounded her.

Xiao Bai now was exactly the same as Lan Ye that day, very scary.

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