You For Eternity

Chapter 999: Cut off the love thread (12)

"Don't... Uncle..."

Nianxin raised her hand to push him, who knew that his hands were immediately buckled above his head, pressed against the wall, and could not move.

The unmovable mind could only turn his face to avoid his kiss at this time, fear and despair came up at that moment. The images from a few years ago kept appearing in her mind.

It turned out to be the same...

It turns out that men are all the same!

Whether it is that man, Lan Ye, or even Xiaobai, whom she regards as a god, they are all the same!

They could also make her fall into a deep valley in an instant, and the fear was beyond him.

Nianxin's tears kept streaming down, crying, "Don't... save me... Xiao Bai... save me..."

She became incoherent.

Every time she encounters danger, the first person she thinks of is Xiao Bai. But what is she doing? The person who is assaulting her is Xiao Bai...

"Save you? Don't you want to be with me? I'm putting everything aside now. I want to fulfill you. What's the matter, I'm afraid again, and regret it?"

Nianxin's wet eyes stared at him, unable to answer.

"I will give you three seconds to think, stay, or leave my vision forever, don't tease me and cry again and beg me to let you go. Three-two -"

"I'm going."

Her hand was released.

Nianxin was still panting with lingering fears, tears falling uncontrollably, and choked up: "You're not Xiaobai...I don't believe Xiaobai is like this..."

"I said, it’s because you don’t know anything about me. I am not as good as you think. I am also a human being. I will also want ****. You let me bear it, I bear it. I can’t stop it, that’s why I want to do you. Or do you think we can talk about platonic spiritual love? If you want to be with me, what we just did is just one step. Didn’t you know it a long time ago? You I just said this morning, if that person is me, you would be willing, and now you don’t, what should I believe you?"

Nianxin just cried, crying very sad leaning against the wall.

she does not know……

She felt that the world had changed when she woke up, as if everything was out of control.

She wanted Xiao Bai, but the Xiao Bai in front of her became so strange, she didn't know him at all...

Thinking of all this, Nianxin broke down and cried: "You are not Xiaobai...This is not true... Xiaobai is not like this... Don't touch me! You are not Xiaobai!"

With fear of him, Nianxin exited the bathroom step by step, leaving here as if fleeing.

Is it a dream? Why do you have such a terrible dream?

Wake up, you wake up!

Nianxin ran out all the way and ran into Zhan Yan and Luo Xing who came back. Luo Xing originally came to see Nianxin's condition, but at this time, the two of them saw her state and were stunned.

"Miss Nianxin, you...what happened to you? How did you make it like this?"

"Xiaobai is gone..." she said while shaking her head, babbling as if she had lost her heart, "My Xiaobai is gone..."

"What?!" Hearing this in their ears, it seemed to mean another.

"You look at Miss Nianxin, I'll go see Erye!"

Nianxin pushed Cai Luoxing's hand into the elevator, and Luo Xing followed in.

Luo Xing is a doctor, and said to her, "Miss Nianxin, let me see."

She refused, "Brother Luo Xing...Xiao Bai has changed..."

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