
Chapter 33

What was he talking about?

“No? I didn’t get any of that?”

[Strange. Is there some kind of misunderstanding…? I obviously made a proper application, but the compensation hasn’t been paid yet?]

“What’s the kind of reward I get?”

Ash shook his head. [I don’t know that either.]

“You don’t know? Am I supposed to believe that?” When I gave him a look of suspicion, he looked like he had been judged unfairly.

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[I’m telling you. Even though I did apply for the compensation, I can not determine the details. However…]


[The reward is to give the person what he or she needs the most.]

I paused at the words. There was only one thing I needed right now.

‘Survival. Or the power to survive.’

“Is it perhaps the power of Epure?”

[No. That power belongs to you,] He immediately shook his head, which led me to wonder. [Maybe it’s because the right ‘time’ hasn’t arrived yet. I have heard of rewards being presented at a particular time.]

The more I listened to his explanation, the more complicated this notion felt.

“Anyway, how do you know if one’s been rewarded?”

[I just naturally realize it.]

“Can’t you find out what the reward is?”

[No. I couldn’t tell you even if I knew. It’s forbidden to divulge things that are yet to occur.] He added before I could say anything, [If I break the rules again, I will be annihilated.]

He had a serious expression. It didn’t feel like he was lying. I was curious about the reward I would receive, but it wouldn’t have been enough to lose Ash. I would find out eventually anyway.

“Then, did Olivia receive compensation as well?” She was now living my previous life with my body and name. There were many twists and turns in my life, but I wanted her to live happily and well.

“…It’s not that she hasn’t been rewarded yet, right?”

When asked carefully, Ash replied with a slightly chirping voice.

[Wait, let me check.] About less than ten seconds passed before he opened his eyes. [The former Olivia has received a reward.]

“What? Already? Can you tell me what it is?”

[Yes. Besides, you’re from a completely separate world, so it will be fine because it is not related to your future.]

“So, what did she get?” My eyes twinkled with curiosity at him.

[The principle was that you’d receive what you needed the most, right? Before you came here, think about what you needed the most in your previous life.]

The answer was so obvious that I didn’t need to think about it for long.



“Did you give her counterfeit money?”

That was illegal.

As I muttered, Ash poked my palm with his beak. Then he whispered, [You bought lottery tickets sometimes, right?]

‘No way…’

The bird read my expression of shock and grinned.

[Winner of the lottery with a probability of 1 in 8 million that carried over for 3 consecutive months. That was her reward.]

Edwin frowned at the unwelcoming information.

“Are you sure? It’s been very long since black magic practitioners were eliminated…”

“Did you forget about the Epure that appeared for the first time in a thousand years?”

“What is the source of that information? You said you don’t even know their identity. Isn’t it difficult to conclude that it was a black magic practitioner?”

“Believe it or not, it’s up to you. My business is done here.”

The Duke responded coldly. His ignorance was what made Edwin conclude, “This is crazy.”

He rubbed his face roughly with his palms. It would be nice if it was fake information like he wished, but the chances were slim. Especially if the person who gave the information was none other than Lennox Kravant.

‘Why did it have to be during my generation?’ The descendants of surviving practitioners now could shake the empire from its roots.

“Anyway, there’s nothing wrong with having preparation. I’ll make well use of this information.”

Instead of answering, Lennox got up from his seat. His business was over now. Except for one thing. It was time for Edwin to follow and see him off to the gate.

“By the way,” said Lennox, who suddenly stopped walking and turned his head. Edwin trembled involuntarily as the Duke’s gloomy eyes scanned his entire body.

“What’s wrong?”

“How did you know that I was getting married?”

“Eh?” In an instant, Edwin’s face was flushed in a surge of embarrassment. He quickly fixed his expression. “There was a rumor. Also, I have a source planted in Count Brienne’s area.” Although imperials like him were taught to hide their emotions, he couldn’t fool Lennox’s eyes.

“You planted a spy. At my house.”

Edwin’s face hardened as the words stabbed his head.

“No one dares to do such a thing in the duchy, but I see you’re good at annoying the head of an institutional mansion.”

Lennox did not hide his smirk.

“If you don’t want to see filth, get rid of that dog you sent to my house. And…”

He emphasized his next words,

“If you send me such a letter again, I will not wait for even a second to lift the boundaries around the Empire.”

Edwin stood still with his mouth open until Lennox, who had finished threatening him, walked casually out of the drawing room.

Meanwhile, Lennox felt very uncomfortable walking down the Imperial Palace hallway. He was barely enduring the discomfort by gathering as much patience as possible. If it weren’t for Olivia, he would have choked Edwin to death.

In fact, it was not the first time he had to endure the Crown Prince’s petty jokes. His efforts were so great that they even got along sometimes. But this time, he crossed the line.

‘How dare he.’

How dare he bargain over Olivia?

Lennox clenched his fist tightly. It was actually the first time that he couldn’t wipe the Prince from his mind. Edwin’s letter, which had been burnt down, was stamped in his head like an afterimage.

《 If you don’t visit, I’ll reveal the secret to Lady Olivia that time doesn’t pass for you. 》

Trapped in time. That was Lennox’s punishment. His body, which deviated from the providence of life, stopped growing long ago. And therefore, he was trapped in the passage of time.

Birth, growth, aging, and death.

Beyond that logic, he could not live a normal life. Let alone marriage, he had never had a deep bond with anyone. He never hoped, and he wasn’t disappointed. So in a way that it surprised Edwin to suspect about his marriage.

Actually, the Duke was surprised by himself.

It was too light to be a deal, and too natural to be a choice.

“How about me?”

“As a purifier, I’m sure I can heal whatever disturbs you.”

Olivia firmly believed that she could heal him with the power of Epure, but honestly, Lennox did not expect much.

Epures were rare, but making it to the third stage of awakening was even more of a challenge. Considering the short human life, it was almost impossible. Therefore, Lennox planned to let her go by saying that he was healed when the right time came.

In other words, he wouldn’t gain anything from this deal. Nevertheless, he accepted her proposal. He couldn’t find a reason why he did such an uncharacteristic thing.

He… He just wanted to.

He had never been with anyone. To marry someone so unexpectedly. Strangely enough, he thought it would be fine. Even though he knew that it logically didn’t make sense.

And now, Lennox was angrier than ever. It was because what he was worried about had exactly happened.

‘I shouldn’t have brought her.’ Lennox ground his teeth as he recalled Edwin’s eyes watching Olivia. His nails dug deep into his palms, leaving marks, when they were always kept neat.

‘That jerk.’

He was certain that those blue eyes unique to the imperial family were filled with interest and curiosity. It was also what he was most wary of. Though Edwin was just a puppy to Lennox, he was the Crown Prince of the Empire. It was not easy for a person who lost everything since birth to truly care about something.

“Who broke through the barrier and took the seat next to Lennox Kravant, whom no one could shake? Wouldn’t you have been curious?”

Interest and curiosity. It didn’t seem like a big deal, but in the end, everything started there. Lennox clearly remembered the conversation he had with Edwin in the past.

“If the Duke isn’t interested, I shall meet the Epure. As you know, the Crown Princess’s seat is empty.”

The moment he recalled those words, he couldn’t stand it anymore. He was only able to relax until he mercilessly pressed down the Crown Prince, breaking his spirit.

It was a rather emotional response for him. Emotions that have been piled up over the years included negativity such as anger and anxiety, so it was not normal for Lennox, who was indifferent to everything. Edwin couldn’t answer back with a single word, but it was also because he was quite shocked to see him like that for the first time.

‘I should’ve scared him properly.’

When he remembered that puppy’s face, who had no intention of hiding his interest in Olivia, he felt extremely disgusted again. This interest needed to be eliminated firmly so that it would not grow again.

While Lennox tried to figure out how to kill Edwin, he arrived at the place where the carriage stood, waiting for the departure.


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