
Chapter 34

Lennox—whose eyes were piercing through the crack of the closed window of the carriage—looked inside. Someone was in there, he was sure of it. His legs strode faster. The anxiety he felt while closing the distance for less than a few minutes was indescribable.

It was then that a pair of emerald eyes reminiscent of a forest caught his figure. Lennox missed the time to open his mouth.


Olivia stared at him with her eyes wide open like a surprised rabbit before she blinked a couple of times.

“Welcome back. You’re earlier than I thought you would be.”

He remained motionless even when she delightfully offered him a seat. He only stared at her with a penetrating gaze.

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“Lennox, what’s the matter?”

He couldn’t answer. The moment he saw her, he felt a sudden sense of relief washing away his discomfort. It made him realize how insanely anxious he was. He couldn’t believe it.

“What is it? Perhaps the Crown Prince–”

“It’s nothing.” Lennox cut her off as soon as she mentioned Edwin. Then he sat down opposite the woman who blinked at his ignorance. Soon, his questions under the guise of calmness followed.

“Have you been waiting for any mishaps?”

Olivia, relieved by his usual attitude, squinted one of her eyes as if wondering how to answer.

“Unfortunately. I was nervous about the appearance of an evil spirit, but nothing happened.”

“Sounds like you were bored.”

“Is that really what I sounded like?”

Her chuckle tickled his ears.

“I saw the garden on my way…”

He hated hearing that noise, but strangely enough, her voice was pleasant. He quietly thought about the strange changes he was experiencing. The most incomprehensible change was after he met the woman in front of him.

“Lennox, are you thinking of something?”

“I heard you liked the fountain in the garden of the Imperial Palace. Shall I build one in the Duchy as well?”

“Really? Do you promise?!”

Nodding at her bright smile, Lennox couldn’t help but swallow the question that was poking him since.

‘Olivia Brienne.’

…Who on earth are you?

All I did today was have a brief meeting with the Crown Prince, but I felt exhausted to my core.

“I’m afraid I’m as weak as they say.”

I was seated on the sofa, relaxing my stiff neck and shoulders. Next to me was Ash, who slept contentedly on a comfy cushion.

“But, Ash is still asleep.”

Soon after our conversation in the carriage, the little guy fell asleep and did not open his eyes even after a few hours had passed. He slept so deeply that he didn’t even budge when I poked his body. If it weren’t for his heaving chest, I could’ve believed it was a doll.

Thanks to this, my room was very quiet. I collected the piece of paper that I had hidden at the bottom of my desk drawer and sat down on the chair.

“…I wrote whatever I could remember.”

It contained a brief summary of the main events of the original novel, which I had secretly written last night.

“I wonder if this will help.”

If I had possessed a body, this world was from a novel, and the future was progressing step by step as planned originally, then the knowledge I gained from the novel would have been of great help to me.

However, since this was an existential world and since I was the real Olivia, it became difficult for me to predict an inch ahead.

I changed the future because I wanted to. And I didn’t have any regrets about the results I would receive.

“No matter who Olivia was in the novel, I am me.”

I slowly got up and approached the fireplace. Then I let the piece of paper slip from between my fingers to be swallowed by the red blazing flames.

“This is enough.”

Even though the records I stored burned without a trace, it was not regret or anxiety that I felt.

“I feel relieved.”

“What’s making you feel relieved?”

“Kya!” I screamed as I turned around to find Lennox leaning against the door. “You scared me!”

“I did knock quite a few times, but you didn’t answer me.”

“…You did?”

‘I don’t think I heard a knock.’

As I stared at him doubtfully, his lips bent into an elegant arc.

“I was afraid that an evil spirit had broken into your room.”

Sure enough, I could see his mischievous smile. I felt attacked by this man again. I asked, narrowing my eyes.

“When did you say I’d be safe from evil spirits?”

“Only once.”

“Now that I see it, you have a knack for telling lies, don’t you?”

“I’m not lying.”

“Such a pity.”

I stared at him as he took his seat on the sofa after I led him. Then his eyes fell on the sleeping form of Ash.

“He’s still like that?”

“He must have been very tired. I tried to transfer some energy, but he didn’t wake up.”

“What a waste of time.”


I reproached him, doubting my ears.

“Why are you so harsh? Your Grace, how many times have you taken your energy from me?”

“I never exactly took it, I just let it flow by itself.”

“That’s what it is.”

“It’s quite different.”

“Don’t be so stubborn.”

“I’m not being stubborn, I’m telling you the truth.”

I slapped my forehead.

“How can a man not lose every argument?”

“Because I’m right.”

Lennox added brazenly,

“Don’t use your energy for nothing. The ability of an Epure shouldn’t be used on something that is nothing more than a pet bird–”

“What do you mean, a bird?” I lost my temper. “I don’t know what he looks like to you, but he’s the most important to me.”


“That’s right!” The fact that I had to explain it made me even more upset.

I recklessly yelled out in anger,

“No matter what anyone says, he’s my one and only friend. Who is Your Grace to conclude that it is insignificant to use my energy on Ash?”

“Your husband.”


“Your legal husband. Your real family, who can’t be compared to a bird that’s simply a friend to you. Now, am I wrong?”

I snapped, saying whatever came to my mind first.

“Are you jealous of Ash?”

I thought he’d definitely cut me off by saying, ‘What are you talking about?’

“So what if I am?”

Instead, I was left speechless at the most unexpected reply.

When I looked at him in dismay, Lennox chuckled briefly. “Why? Should I not be jealous? Since he’s the most important individual to my wife and her one and only friend.”

“No, that’s not what I–”


The initiative passed to Lennox in an instant.

“Did you forget what you promised?”

“What promise?” I stuttered, uncertain as he tilted his head and looked at me with those shiny red eyes.

“So you’ve forgotten.”

“But what have I promised–”

“That’s not going to work.”

All of a sudden, his face was very close to mine.

“Hold on!”

Surprised, I tried to flee but I was blocked by the backrest of the sofa. There was nowhere to hide.

Meanwhile, Lennox murmured in a low voice,

“I was talking about our contract.”


“The contract based on which we promised to be faithful to each other during our marriage.”


Still looking at me—who couldn’t hide her embarrassment—he asked, “Even after you swore to be a faithful bride to me, when did you change your mind?”

My eyes widened at his bright red pupils.

‘Too close.’

I gently pushed his chest.

“Your Grace, first, get away from me–”


Hesitantly, I met his gaze. The unexplainable glare of those bright red eyes was too seductive. My eyes flickered from his intense gaze to his red lips.

“Call me Lennox.”

His low, deep voice tickled my ears to the point where my heart pounded against my chest.

“We’re married, aren’t we?”



His long white fingers stroking my loose strand near my lips was as natural as ever. He was calmly waiting for an answer. I belatedly realized that I had been completely enclosed within Lennox’s arms.

“But we haven’t had a wedding ceremony yet.”

I pleaded like a trapped animal, even though I knew it was an absurd excuse.

“If that’s the reason, shall I tell them to hasten the preparations of our marriage?”

“No, Your–”

I gulped exceptionally loudly.

His ruby-like eyes narrowed beautifully.

“Say it now.”

His deep voice did not feel sweet anymore. My heart was racing. It was a very clever strategy if Lennox intended to seduce me with his stunning beauty. For I had no way to stop him, rather I could be helplessly swayed.

“Call me by my name.”

With his knees gently pressing against the leather of the sofa right next to my thighs, I felt my body slowly sinking.


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