The result was that a small tree as thick as a neck was smashed by Su Wei's slaps, and the property lost thousands of dollars in vain.

If this kind of power really hits a person, the lightest one will break bones and tendons, and the worst one will die on the spot.

So now, Wang Weijian is a little nervous.

The task of his research group is not only to sort out the martial arts in a systematic way, but also to optimize, research, create original works, or simplify the civilian version of martial arts with less power but easy to learn.

Su Wei did not answer Wang Weijian's question directly, but asked back: "Brother Jian, how many years do you think it will take to practice to my level?"

Wang Weijian pondered for a while and said his guess: "It is definitely impossible for ordinary people to learn all martial arts, but if you only practice basic internal skills and the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Subduing, it will take at least thirty years."

For martial arts, comprehension is really important.

During this period, Su Wei has been guiding him in practicing light skills.

Compared with self-study, the light skill after Su Wei's teaching has reduced the consumption of internal force by 70%.

He felt deeply the difference between beginners and masters.

Su Wei drank a sip of orange juice and explained slowly: "Don't you have the answer in your heart? For ordinary people, fitness can also make you stronger. If you keep exercising for 30 years, it is not a problem to beat three people alone. Practicing martial arts only increases the upper limit of what humans can obtain through exercise. The human body is made of flesh and blood, and it can't withstand hot weapons anyway."

After that, Su Wei added in his heart: However, these are only temporary.

As the saying goes, I read books so that I can talk to idiots properly. I practice martial arts so that idiots can talk to me properly.

The stability of society is not only related to the level of education, but also to various factors such as economy, environment, ideology, etc.

Accidents are inevitable. An honest man with a knife can also stir up bloody storms. On the contrary, when punches hit the flesh, people will subconsciously stop and are easier to control.

This is also one of the reasons why Su Wei decided to hand over the decision-making power of "The World of Martial Arts".

Making decisions requires responsibility, and Su Wei's shoulders alone can't bear such great pressure.

This "Martial Arts" needs someone to take responsibility for who it is passed on and to what extent.

Of course, standing in Wang Weijian's position, responsibility also means power.

"Brother Su, the higher-ups are preparing to expand the scale of the Ancient Martial Arts Test Team. It can no longer be called the Ancient Martial Arts Test Team in the future. It will probably be upgraded to the Ancient Martial Arts Special Forces."

The matter of the Ancient Martial Arts Force was within Su Wei's expectations.

The state is a violent institution. Whether it is hot weapons or hand-to-hand combat, it always has to have the greatest say. Only with a big enough fist can it protect the rules it has set.

"Are you all practicing the Wanhua Jue?"

"The first batch should practice other internal skills, and the upper limit will be considered later. Brother Su, look at the map."

Wang Weijian handed over the tablet, and the screen showed a bird's-eye view of the area near Xiahe Xiaozhu.

Sliding the screen, Wang Weijian drew a circle on the map with an electronic pen and said:

"This area, a hilltop about four kilometers away from here, is now being flattened to build a camp. The construction team should have entered the site. I don't know if you, Brother Su, saw it when you came these two days. After completion, it will be used as the training base of this unit."

Xia Jing originally had a garrison in the suburbs of the east of the city.

This new one will probably be disguised as an ordinary camp when the time comes.

The news about the Guwu Special Forces garrison is all military Jimmy, right?

What's the point of telling me this?

Su Wei touched his chin, a little melancholy: "After this, can Xia He Xiaozhu still be inhabited?"

"Hahaha, I'll go back to Shangjing after recording the exercises, so as not to delay you, Brother Su, from pretending to be cool."

Well, the personality of the first generation of the king of cool, now everyone knows it.

"Brother Jian, the Olympics will be held in a few days. Tell me the truth. Are you ready to release the Mighty Vajra Pills?"

According to the information obtained from Shen Haoyu, the number of Mighty Vajra Pills stored in the warehouse has reached an extremely terrifying level. If the medicine is not unsealed, it will be moldy. No one can finish it.

"Release it, it must be released. The opening of ancient martial arts has been opened, who cares about these things? Improving the physical fitness of the whole people has great benefits in any aspect. What's the point of hiding this thing?"

"Roar, I'm afraid that retirement will be delayed again!"

"Uh... I probably need to study this further."

Su Wei, the old thief, has done all kinds of bad things and aroused jealousy. It is not without reason that he was reported.

140. Chapter 140 People are almost unable to keep up with the version

Chapter 140 People are almost unable to keep up with the version

Proper exercise can strengthen the body, and a healthy body will naturally live longer.

However, due to human laziness, most people would rather live a few days less than exercise.

The pills like Dali Jin Gang Wan, which can easily improve physical fitness without any cost, are typical examples of getting something for nothing.

Things that come with the label of "getting something for nothing" are the most popular, otherwise weight loss pills would not be so popular.

Dali Jin Gang Wan is low-cost and can improve physical fitness, so it is expected to exist as a regular food like rice.

Increasing life expectancy will also help population growth, boost domestic demand, and slow down the decline of the housing market. These benefits are all visible at a glance, so Wang Weijian dared to make an assertion.

In fact, there is "Brother Wei" on the market, so it doesn't really matter whether the Dali Jingang Pill can be lifted.

What Su Wei cares about is that with this ban, he can't boldly come up with some "new drugs".

If he wants to come up with some new prescriptions, the topic of "ancient prescriptions" will inevitably be hyped up, and the medicines that Su Wei has taken out will always be taken out and counted.

It's not a good thing to always suppress them.

After Su Wei transferred the profits of Shenzhi Huanqi Pill from "luck" to "strength", many people made a lot of money, and the market price of Shenzhi Huanqi Pill plummeted.

At the same time, this also means that the popularity of internal power cultivation has reached a higher level.

And the practice study room, as the only way to sell pill embryos, has gradually come into the public eye.

A niche software customized for private use has now taken off overnight, and it has also been labeled with some special labels.

Not everyone in this world has enough perseverance and willpower.

Su Wei had done this operation of purely relying on thoughts to drive the internal force to go through the basic cycle. It was really too torturous.

Such practice is very discouraging. As Wang Weijian said, at the beginning of practice, it must be mainly based on popularizing other internal skills. Not everyone has the need to practice "Wanhua Jue".

In other words, only a very small number of people have the need to practice "Wanhua Jue", and most people can't stand this loneliness.

In fact, this is also a good form of the popularization of ancient martial arts. The upper limit of the force of full-time warriors who are off-duty will be much higher than that of the general public.

Wang Weijian plans to put the teaching videos of internal skills and light skills in the practice study room and spread them in the form of online viewing. But before spreading, the compilation of the "Ancient Martial Arts Management Code" must be completed first.

Real name online, watch and learn at will.

However, offline dissemination is prohibited. Once discovered, severe punishment will be imposed.

Rules can only be used to manage people who are willing to abide by them. Wang Weijian provides those who are willing to abide by the rules with a legal way to obtain cultivation knowledge, and then cracks down on all unregulated ways.

Doing so, beautifying and modifying it is for the convenience of management.

In fact, it is a knowledge monopoly, but it is not used for profit.

Several years ago, martial arts films entered the overseas market, leaving foreigners with the stereotype that "Chinese people all know martial arts."

With the rise of the Internet, everyone's horizons gradually broadened, and this stereotype disappeared.

However, if this trend continues, foreigners will be confused again within three years.

"Didn't they say that Chinese kung fu is fake? Why is it coming again?"

"I don't know either! Overnight, suddenly, everyone knows martial arts. Let alone you foreigners, we ourselves can hardly keep up with the version."


After collecting most of the exercises, Wang Weijian took the interest group back to Beijing to work.

At the end of July, the Olympics were held as scheduled. At the same time, Wang Weijian sent a video and asked Su Wei to help spread it in the live broadcast room.

Su Wei looked at the title: # Must-learn for martial artists! In-depth interpretation of the newly issued "Ancient Martial Arts Management Act" #

Wow, is it so efficient?

It's a bit fierce. I can't keep up with the version.

Xiao Jian came to ask for help, Su Wei naturally had to give him face. Besides, whether it is the spread of ancient martial arts or social stability, it is in line with Su Wei's interests to a certain extent.

A society full of demons and chaos will make people lack a sense of security.

And people who lack a sense of security rarely give up their trust casually.

After all, flowers in a greenhouse are easier to fool.

Du Xiaoying installed a doorbell outside the studio, mainly because the door Su Wei chose had a very good sound insulation effect. Sometimes when she was wearing headphones, Su Wei would suddenly come in and she would always be startled.

"Hey, what video are you watching?"

"The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games!"

Du Xiaoying turned on the external speaker and held a box of vanilla ice cream in her hand.

On the computer desk, there were popcorn, sparkling water, chocolate, spicy chicken feet, etc., a lot of snacks.

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