There is a six-layer shelf on the left wall of the studio. At some point, it was already filled with all kinds of snacks.

Su Wei was speechless at this scene. He reached out and picked up a few popcorns and stuffed them into his mouth:

"I see you are becoming more and more lawless now. You dare to broadcast this thing. If you are sued, the little money you earn will not be enough to pay for it."

Su Wei is not very clear about the price of the Olympic broadcasting rights, but he knows with his toes that it will definitely not be less than nine figures.

"Hehe, Xiaoying has the Olympic broadcasting authorization. Didn't expect it!"


It is rare to see Su Wei's confused expression, and Du Xiaoying is in a good mood.

Recently, there have been many happy events. While eating snacks and broadcasting the Olympics, Du Xiaoying can play hard in the next half month.

What's this? Isn't this a paid vacation!

"Hey, when did Dousha get so rich?"

Modern people's entertainment tends to use fragmented time, so live broadcast stations can't beat video stations and short videos.

Putting aside the profits brought by Du Xiaoying's live broadcast room, Dousha's business is actually shrinking year by year. It can only be said that they made a good move by making friends with Su Wei last year.

However, even if the profits have recovered, Dousha can't get the Olympic broadcasting rights.

"It was given by dear sister Yutong."

The Olympic broadcasting rights are in the hands of CCTV. If the platform wants to get it, the price is 100 million yuan, which can only be high.

There has never been a precedent for authorizing private broadcasting of this thing, as for how much it is worth, it is really hard to say.

Xiaoying likes to show off, and Lin Yutong's gift is really on point.

"Tsk... When did you get so close to Lin Yutong?"

"I have been in contact since I came back from Beijing."

"Oh, it's good, you can broadcast it, this year's Olympics will definitely be a bloody storm. It's very exciting!"

Du Xiaoying scooped a spoonful of ice cream and put it into her mouth, very calm.

No inside information is needed, just based on the powerful diamond pills she has eaten, she can guess that this must be a good show.

Su Wei glanced at the backstage, and the number of people online has exceeded 10 million. You know, today is Friday!

With so many people, the barrage is inevitably mixed. The floating barrage is okay, but the free barrage has long been a mess. Su Wei even saw a lot of weird barrages like [Who are these two anchors? Can you shut up? The nagging affects my watching the opening ceremony].

"Hey, I think what this brother said is quite right. What's good about the opening ceremony? Why not watch the legal education video."

The ice cream spoon in Xiaoying's hand fell to the ground with a "click".

Is it so abrupt?

I'm having fun playing badly, please don't mess with me, okay?

141. Chapter 141 The Olympics that were played badly

Chapter 141 The Olympics that were played badly

In the sports world, especially the Olympics, there is a joke that is widely circulated.

"If it can be found, it's a stimulant, and if it can't be found, it's high-tech."

As for the Dali Jin Gang Wan, the research institute in Jingmen has been established for half a year, and there is no result at all.

Do you want to find out? It's so funny, it's impossible.

These athletes seemed to have made an agreement. It was fine in the preliminaries. The athletes who had taken the Dali King Kong Pills for half a year were still fighting with the physical fitness brought by long-term use.

But in the finals, the outrageous things came...

When it came to events like swimming, athletics, rowing, etc. that required physical fitness, the Chinese athletes rushed around like crazy.

As long as they were Chinese, they could break records.

Gold medals broke records, silver medals also broke records, and even bronze medals could exceed the world record by a large margin.

This is so outrageous, okay?

Are you so high-profile when taking drugs? Can't you be a little more restrained and give me the face of the Olympic Committee?

Urine test! Check! No one can escape!

Check! Nothing can be found!

Whether it is China or other countries, the Internet is in an uproar.

The audiences on the foreign network have criticized this shameless and despicable behavior, calling on the Olympic Committee to disqualify all Chinese athletes because they "abused drugs."

But the Olympic Committee is also in a difficult position.

You say that they abused drugs, you must have evidence, right?

What drugs did they use? What ingredients are in their bodies? What are the results of the urine test?

You have to come up with a method.

You can't just slander them for using banned drugs just because their results are amazing, right?

You don't have the face to do that.

The more the audiences on the foreign network make a fuss, the more excited the domestic audiences are, just watching for fun.

Before the spread of ancient martial arts and light skills, breaking records was considered news.

But now, if you can't break a record, it's news, okay?

Of course, everyone doesn't know that these athletes have not practiced internal skills.

Perhaps because Su Wei's light skills came out too late, or perhaps in order to "hide their shortcomings", the participants did not make temporary changes.

This year's Olympics have been ruined.

However, Su Wei has a hunch that this year's Olympics may be the most normal one from now on.

In the future Olympics, there will be no most outrageous, only more outrageous.

In this year's Olympics, China obviously won more gold medals than any other year, but people who do data statistics can find that people's desire to watch the Olympics is lower than any other year.

In fact, it is easy to understand. How can it be as fun to watch others show off as to show off yourself?

The gold medals stimulated everyone's senses, making people excited and wanting to practice for several nights.

"It's just a gold medal, I can do it!"

This time it's not the strongest king's "I can do it", but "I can do it"!

At the same time, after more than ten days of popularization of law, the practice study room also officially launched a number of "teaching videos" of internal skills and light skills.

Watching the teaching videos online is free, but after clicking on each video, you will be forced to watch a 100-second popularization of law clip:

"This video is permanently open and free, please feel free to watch it. It is strictly forbidden to privately reproduce and disseminate the teaching videos included in this platform. Violators will bear the corresponding legal responsibilities. For details, see: "Ancient Martial Arts Management Act (Interim)"

In addition, there is a special thanks. As for who is thanked, everyone can guess without elaboration.

Not everyone has Du Xiaoying's luck and can be taught by Su Wei himself.

After the video came out, many people had a kind of "Oh! That's it" enlightenment.

The combination of ancient martial arts and technology has unleashed amazing power.

Modern society is still good. Everyone has the opportunity to practice martial arts. There is no need to fight to the death for a martial arts book like in martial arts novels.

On the first day of the teaching video being put on the shelves, the number of views of many internal strength videos has exceeded 100 million.

This is the same as what Wang Weijian and others predicted. If ancient martial arts are not taken as a profession, no one can endure the ten-year hard practice, so Wanhua Jue has been neglected.

After learning about this situation, Su Wei was a little scratching his head and no longer cared about the ban on Dali Jin Gang Wan.

Some things, if not taken out before everyone's internal force attributes are fixed, there will be no chance again...

Holding the phone, Su Wei thought about it, and finally did not look for Wang Weijian, but chose to call Shen Haoyu.

In terms of strength, background, and even the degree of information, Wang Weijian is better than Shen Haoyu.

But compared to this guy, Su Wei still thinks Shen Haoyu is more reliable.

The reason is probably that Wang Weijian would be reserved about certain things, and Shen Haoyu would never cheat Su Wei.

"If you have something urgent, tell me. If you want to chat, I'll hang up first. I'll call you later when I have time."

Shen Haoyu's voice revealed a hint of hoarseness from smoking too much. This guy usually smokes in moderation, and this usually happens when he is under great pressure.

"I have something to ask you. It's urgent for me, but for you, well, it may not be urgent."

"Then wait a moment."

Shen Haoyu hung up the phone and called back half an hour later.

Looking at this situation, Su Wei was a little worried about his condition. Don't let him die suddenly at any time. He can't find such a good tool person.

When it came to the profit distribution of the Black Jade Intermittent Cream, Shen Haoyu wanted to take Su Wei with him.

Later, even if Su Wei was not present, he still fought for 7% of the share for him.

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