Are those who watch foreign 50-cent videos and call for China to reduce emissions and not eat meat bad intentions?

Su Wei dares to say with a clear conscience that these people are not as good as me!

"If you say so, it would be unreasonable not to give me some salary, right? At least you have to give me the identity of the leader of the gene research airborne team, and then give me a group of people under me. It should be done in a decent manner, so that it is not easy to arouse suspicion."

"That's a must, I'm asking for your consent. With your words, I will announce the list of the research team. Everything starts from the beginning. I will give them a few topics to study first, and when the time is right, let our Su Shen show his power!"

Standing on the wind, even pigs can fly.

Su Wei is Shen Haoyu's wind, and Shen Haoyu knows it very well.

Because of this, he can do it like this now, in order to solve Su Wei's troubles, and invest billions without frowning.

Some people's tracks are in new energy, some people's tracks are in real estate, only Shen Haoyu has never changed, his track is Su Wei.

After hanging up the phone, Su Wei sorted out the information in Shen Haoyu's words, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

The right path has many supporters, and the wrong path has few supporters.

Shen Haoyu and Wang Weijian are like two smart housekeepers, who have handled many difficult problems for Su Wei behind the scenes.

No matter how Su Wei does it, the most cutting-edge genetic technology will inevitably bring a lot of benefits.

It's not that he hasn't thought about setting up a research base himself, but the problem is that he can't stay in the laboratory 24 hours a day.

In the eyes of those who really care, the genetic results he brought out are all copied from other places.

It's not appropriate to steal things from other places, get them to generate income for yourself, and let the country take risks. So Su Wei had previously brought out the results through the Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

However, Shen Haoyu is different. He is now considered a person in half of the system. The income from these things will only make the team around Su Wei stronger.

This is the original intention of Shen Haoyu to establish the gene research base.

Cutting the ribbon is considered a social event. There is no essential difference whether Su Wei goes or not. Naturally, he will not go if he can.

Anyway, Shen Haoyu talked to him about this matter just to start a conversation, and he didn't really want him to go to cut the ribbon.


At night, Du Xiaoying, who was supposed to live broadcast the practice, did not stay in the studio as usual.

Su Wei was interrupted by the knock on the door and had to get up to open the door.

"Is there an emergency?"

"Brother Su Wei, please take a look at the practice study room. There is a set of destructive martial arts on the shelf."

Du Xiaoying was in a hurry, as if she wanted to share a new toy with Su Wei, and her face was full of "impatient".

"Oh, the civilian version of martial arts is out so soon?"

Although Wang Weijian's research team has a poor memory, it seems that they still have some real skills.

165. Chapter 165: Collecting Destruction Martial Arts

Chapter 165: Collecting Destruction Martial Arts

Su Wei has taught Du Xiaoying a lot of orthodox martial arts that have not been castrated. The martial arts that can be put on the shelves in the practice study room are indeed like toys to her.

She came to Su Wei because she really thought this thing was interesting, and secondly, the audience wanted to hear the evaluation of the ancient martial arts godfather on this new martial arts.

The core fans have a demand, and Su Wei doesn't mind working overtime.

Following Du Xiaoying to the live broadcast room, after greeting the audience, Su Wei logged into the account of the "Martial Arts Alliance Leader" in the practice study room and started watching the newly put on the shelves.

"Tongbi Fist?"

Tongbi Fist is a set of boxing that was widely circulated before the rise of ancient martial arts. Many martial arts schools teach this set of boxing.

Its big and open moves are both destructive and beautiful. Tongbi Fist appears in many movies.

The practice route of internal force for this set of boxing was mainly created by Lu Jirui.

As a martial arts master and an old actor, he is naturally familiar with this set of boxing.

The Tongbiquan modified by Lu Jirui has a total of 25 moves. The video is not long. Compared with the practice route of internal force, the practice route of this set of boxing can be described as simple.

However, these seemingly simple practice routes contain great knowledge.

Mr. Lu has a deep attainment in the external boxing of Tongbiquan, and has a deep understanding of its force-generating techniques of each move. Because of this, he can use internal force to strengthen the force-generating techniques of each move, so as to enhance the destructive power and achieve the effect of defeating the enemy.

Although Su Wei's experience in martial arts shows that this set of practice routes is still a bit rough and has many points that can be optimized.

But considering that Lu Jirui has only practiced internal force for two months, it is already an amazing achievement to be able to do this.

Don't underestimate the creativity of modern people.

Compared to the top heroes in the novels, Lu Jirui is not much worse.

For him, the only difference is probably that he was born at the wrong time and was not able to get in touch with the mysterious thing of "internal force" early.

As one of the top masters of Chinese traditional martial arts, Lu Jirui never thinks that he is worse than others.

"How is it? Is this set of boxing powerful?"

Seeing Su Wei finish watching the video, Du Xiaoying is particularly impatient.

Wanhua Jue can simulate the exercise route of any martial arts, and with the systematically instilled martial arts memory, this simple exercise route is like a high school student doing kindergarten questions for Su Wei. One repetition is enough to memorize. Once downloaded, there is no difficulty at all.

After simulating the path of the Tongjiquan in his mind, Su Wei also came to a conclusion about this boxing technique.

If you can practice it, you won't be considered strong, but you won't have any problems with it.

However, that’s not what I meant when I said it:

"Internal skills and mental methods must be combined with moves to have the greatest effect. The line of practice without moves is the internal bastard boxing. As an expert in Chinese martial arts, Mr. Lu will naturally be good at this. Once you have mastered this set, , can defeat ten masters of the same level.”

There are no young or old in martial arts, and those who are masters come first.

As an ancestor, when faced with Lu Jirui's dissatisfaction, it is natural to give priority to praise and encouragement.

Otherwise, people will think that you, Master Su, are small-minded and have no moral integrity.

[Master Ye can fight ten, and I can fight ten too. Sorry, I’ve already started dreaming! 】

[Qiang, Master Lu, you are indeed my idol. 】

[What are you still doing? Learn them all from me. 】

Su Wei praised Lu Jirui's moves but did not comment on his internal skills, but the audience probably knew what was going on.

Before the Neijia Tongjiquan was uploaded, didn't everyone use the Neijia Bastard Boxing?

Guns are banned in China. This kind of lethal martial arts is good if you practice it, so don't be picky.

From all aspects, the significance of this first set of destruction martial arts put on the shelves in the practice study room is epoch-making.

This is a great attempt for all people to use martial arts, and it is also the first answer sheet submitted by the ancient martial arts research team.

If the follow-up results are impressive, this will definitely be a mark on Wang Weijian's head.

Of course, if something goes wrong, he can't run away. I don’t know if he can sleep these days.

For Su Wei, this also verified the possibility of the ancient martial arts system built through Yanling being included in the scientific side.

As time goes by, as more and more self-created techniques are created, Gu Wu will inevitably move towards a spiral upward path.

A set of martial arts that was not very powerful made Su Wei start to think about the future of ancient martial arts in China.

Du Xiaoying saw Su Wei in a daze, waved her hand in front of him and said, "Brother Su Wei, what are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking……"

Su Wei came back to his senses, and suddenly an idea flashed in his mind, and he said: "I was thinking, since Mr. Lu can create martial arts, why can't others?"

To put it bluntly, the martial arts skills in Su Wei's hands cannot be disclosed in the practice study room. The reason is that the destructive power is too strong when practiced deeply.

If not, Wang Weijian wouldn't have to think about developing a few less powerful martial arts.

This kind of cherishing the broom is reasonable, but it is not entirely clear how much Su Wei approves of it.

Without having to take the blame himself, Su Wei certainly hopes that Guwu will develop as prosperously as possible.

"Xiaoying, how about we hold a martial arts competition, I'll pay the prize money, and you can prepare it?"

Du Xiaoying's eyes suddenly lit up when she heard Su Wei's opinion.

Hold a martial arts collection competition, this is a big project!

It’s fun to listen to.

For Du Xiaoying, live broadcast now is just boring work.

After getting one percent of the shares of Black Jade Liangyi Cream, she will never be short of money again in this life.

The reason why we continue to live broadcast now is entirely because of Su Wei.

Su Wei needs a place where he can show off anytime, anywhere, and he can't live broadcast every day and expose all of his life in front of the audience, so he has no choice but to ask Du Xiaoying.

A live broadcast room with millions of active people every day is the source of Su Wei's trust.

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