Du Xiaoying has received so many benefits, so she naturally works hard in live streaming. She has never thought about changing her career when she makes enough money.

In fact, her current assets are enough for her to realize her lifelong dream of buying a house in this community.

"Martial arts competition? Brother Su Wei wants everyone to expand the martial arts library together?"

"Well, Xiaoying is now one of the top masters in the country. I will write a plan for you later, and you will be the referee. For the others, I will try to get two people from Brother Xiaojian."

Wang Weijian has the 3D template of the human tendon map, and Su Wei can directly ask for it.

However, the martial arts of destruction are a combination of moves and exercise routes. If you want to record everyone's moves in the form of 3D animation, you have to find a group of technicians who know computers.

In general, the problem is not too big.

He said he would do it, and after Su Wei greeted the audience in the live broadcast room, he got up to write the plan.

166. Chapter 166 Modern Sutra Library

Chapter 166 Modern Sutra Library

The reason why the destructive martial arts in the practice study room have not been put on the shelf is nothing more than that they are too powerful.

The positioning of the ancient martial arts research group is very awkward.

Martial arts with too much power cannot be put on the shelf, and those with too little power are embarrassing. After more than two months of discussion, they finally threw out a set of internal family Tongbi fist to test the water.

Su Wei's idea is very simple. If you are afraid of embarrassment, then let those who are not afraid of embarrassment come.

I pay the money, and everyone comes up with ideas. We will come up with some low-end martial arts. It doesn't need to be shocking, but at least it can make the ancient martial arts circle more lively.

Moreover, never underestimate people's creativity.

With the population base of China here, who knows if there will be a few talented people?

People always have a preconceived idea that the martial arts Su Wei takes out are the strongest, but in fact, the routes of these martial arts are all derived from the ancient martial arts system by Yan Ling based on the effects in the novel.

Since ancient martial arts have been incorporated into the scientific system, similar strength will be created sooner or later.

At worst, Su Wei will do it himself...

Su Wei did this to take advantage of people's inertial thinking.

Everyone always thinks that people outside the national martial arts circle, who don't understand the moves, will definitely not be able to create awesome martial arts, and bet that their early management is relatively loose.

After a few unknown powerful skills spread out, it will not be so easy to take them back.

Su Wei has used this kind of warm water boiling frog operation more than once.

It's not that Su Wei wants to trick Wang Weijian, after all, he still hopes to get the genetic ability as soon as possible, and then find a way to revive the spiritual energy.

What's the matter with always hiding it?


In fact, people in the folk have tried to create their own martial arts.

There are countless such as "Internal Family Turtle Fist" and "Internal Family Mad Dog Fist".

However, everyone has a little idea in their hearts, knowing that these things are not presentable, so they are just playing around in their own small social circles.

But now it's different. Guwu Godfather Master Su is ready to spend money!

Su Wei spends money, and he is a famous sucker across the country.

Have you ever seen a rich man who has billions of pocket money every month?

Look, Su Wei is one.

The most bizarre thing about this rich man is that money is like hot in his hands. He spends as much as he earns, and the unspent money will be turned into red envelopes to give back to the fans in the live broadcast room.

In fact, they don't know that Su Wei is not "spending as much as he earns" as they imagine, but how much he earns depends on how much he wants to spend.

Su Wei casually takes out a monopoly-level ancient recipe, how could he be short of money?

If Su Wei is really forced into a corner, he will go to the weight loss industry or the beauty industry to make a big wave and let others open their eyes.


This time it's not a small outdoor event. Hua Rong alone can't support the entire program.

Su Wei called Zhou Yulong and raised a commonplace demand - borrowing people.

Things are different now. Zhou Yulong's reputation in the circle has long been at its peak. When Su Wei asked him to borrow people, he had to beg for help and sometimes even had to do it himself.

Now, as long as he opens his mouth, a lot of teams with free time will rush to take his work.

Zhou Yulong recommended a director named Li Changqing. Su Wei was not picky, but just asked people to pull up the team and rush to Xiajing as soon as possible.

However, talents in 3D modeling and animation need to be found again.

Although Su Wei has the software technology provided by Yanling, most of them are related to network security.

It is not a big problem to ask him to write a plug-in script for a small game based on coordinates, but it is too difficult for him to model.

Even if he really has that ability, he can't be tied to this kind of thing every day.

The software industry is more professional and stressful, unlike the entertainment industry, where a bunch of frustrated and idle directors can be caught at any time.

If you want to find someone to work for you, if it's short-term, then outsource it. If it's long-term, then you have to set up your own company.

Su Wei didn't go to Wang Weijian for this little thing.

First, he was afraid that if powerful martial arts appeared in the show, Wang Weijian would know too early. Second, Wang Weijian's status and position were different from Zhou Yulong's. Going to Wang Weijian to ask for someone was a bit like using public resources for personal gain.

After hesitating for a while, Su Wei called the otaku Xu Jie and called him back from Du Yusheng.

This event is aimed at millions of practitioners, and according to Su Wei's idea, it is definitely impossible to just hold one session and then pack up and leave.

Turning the practice study room into a modern Sutra Library is not something that can be done by Wang Weijian's few people alone. The market prospects of 3D animation will also become broader with the arrival of the ancient martial arts era.

It doesn't cost much to support a team, and it is not appropriate to always look for outsourcing.

It's not a matter of money, but the quality cannot be guaranteed. If there is a problem, Su Wei will be very passive.

If it is a team raised by himself, there will be no such problem.

The work of workers is nothing more than giving enough money.

Although Azai's technical level is not particularly high, as long as Su Wei offers a high enough salary to the animation production team, it should not be a big problem for him to lead the team.

In this way, under Su Wei's arrangement, Du Xiaoying, Xu Jie and Li Changqing got together and started to work.

In late September, the auditions for "Qi Ji" ended, and the "Original Martial Arts Collection Competition" was also on track, and Wang Weijian finally took action.

A special car drove out from the suburbs of Shangjing, crossed half of China, and stopped at the Benma Park in Xiajing.

A muscular young man on the co-pilot turned his head and said a few words to the driver, then pushed the door and got out of the car, took out his mobile phone and called Su Wei.

"Hello, Brother Su, I'm downstairs."

Not long after, the unit door opened and Su Wei walked out alone.

"Hey, Brother Jian, you're so free, you actually came here in person."

Su Wei always spoke with a bit of sarcasm, but Wang Weijian had seen Su Wei and Shen Haoyu chatting, and knew that he talked to his own people like this, so he didn't care at all.

Smiling, Wang Weijian explained: "It's because I really don't have time that I have to come here in person."

Seeing Wang Weijian's smile from the bottom of his heart, Su Wei immediately understood.

"Oh, you also want to be a pioneer in anti-involution?"

"Haha, let's go, let's get in the car and talk."

It takes nearly seven hours to drive from Shangjing to Xiajing. Su Wei can just take the high-speed rail by himself. There is really no need to come in person.

However, Wang Weijian really couldn't bear to give up this rare excuse, so he forced himself to go on a "business trip" for a day to relieve his nervousness.

There is a lot of space in the business car. In addition to Su Wei and Wang Weijian, there are two drivers.

The two drivers are tall, solemn, and sharp. You can know their identities without guessing.

"Are you going to go directly?"

"Well, I know you don't like socializing, so I won't take you to those meaningless meetings."

Wang Weijian said this from Su Wei's perspective.

Many meetings are extremely important to him, but for Su Wei, they are really meaningless.

This occasion is not suitable for live broadcast to the public. What's more, Du Xiaoying is still worrying about the new program.

So Su Wei is alone.

Wang Weijian didn't even say to go upstairs and sit down. After the two got in the car, the driver released the handbrake and drove towards Beijing.

167. Chapter 167 How come this technique is all done with bare hands?

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