Chapter 167 Why is this technique done with bare hands?

The drive from Xiajing to Shangjing takes nearly seven hours, but it is not a holiday and there are not many cars on the highway.

The two drivers took turns driving, and even if they stepped on the accelerator, it was already dark by the time they arrived.

Along the way, Wang Weijian and Su Wei chatted a lot.

Generally speaking, they are topics about the establishment of the ancient martial arts system and its development direction.

What is more worth mentioning is the ancient prescription.

According to Wang Weijian, the superiors are planning to exclude Su Wei's ancient prescriptions from drug management and create a separate system for management.

This is indeed necessary.

Otherwise, if we always sell these things as building materials, we will inevitably avoid those opportunistic people.

In fact, we should have done this a long time ago, but we were still a little too confident when it came to the "ancient prescription research base" in Jingmen.

Who would have thought that after investing countless funds and researching for nearly a year, not even the slightest result was obtained.


It’s so weird!

If Lu Jirui hadn't created a new set of exercises based on Tongji Quan in the ancient martial arts research group and incorporated ancient martial arts into the scientific system, Su Wei would have become the problem itself.

At this time, Su Wei's initial ignorance and superficial knowledge of ancient prescriptions became his protective color.

On the way, Wang Weijian used the new system as an entry point and asked Su Wei in a vague way, hoping that he would bring out all the other ancient prescriptions in his hand, but Su Wei just pretended to be stupid and shied away.

Su Wei has no choice. Without the help of Yanling, where can I give you a new ancient recipe?

Faced with Su Wei who was unable to get enough oil and salt, Wang Weijian had nothing to do.

Shangjing is mountainous and far away from the city center. Most people will not come here.

If someone really comes over, they need to check it carefully.

This place is currently specially reserved for the temporary residence of the Guwu Special Forces.

There is no one who practices martial arts who does not know Su Wei. After all, he is also a serious godfather of ancient martial arts. Even if you have not seen his image, you have heard of his name.

The soldiers all knew that Su Wei was coming this time. If it weren't for discipline, many people would probably come to see what their idol looked like.

It was getting late, and Wang Weijian didn't go back. After having a makeshift meal with Su Wei in the cafeteria, the two stayed together in a guest room provided by the base.

Along the way, Su Wei also came into contact with many people. Everyone knew that Su Wei came here to be a martial arts instructor, so they all affectionately called him "Director Su."

The profession of instructor exists in all walks of life.

In the entertainment industry, Wen Xiaofeng, who directs martial arts movements, is called "Director Wen," and Hua Rong, who directs filming, is also called "Director Flower." Su Wei never thought that one day he would also be called an "instructor."

In fact, in the army, there is already the position of "instructor", who is usually responsible for publicity and education, similar to the propaganda committee member in the class.

Su Wei was called an instructor just because he was an amateur and did not have an actual title, so everyone called him that.

After all, in this environment, you are called "Master Su" and I am called "God Su", so it is not appropriate to call them that.

Su Wei went to bed early and got up early. Su Wei woke up before seven o'clock.

However, most of the people here got up earlier than Su Wei.

When I opened the door, there was already someone waiting at the door. It was one of the two drivers who drove yesterday.

"Director Su, this is your temporary pass. The competition will only start in the afternoon. You can move around freely in the morning. My name is Wang Dong, you can call me Xiao Wang."

Wang Dong looks to be in his early thirties, Su Wei can't really call him Xiao Wang, right?

"Where is Wang Weijian? Still sleeping?"

They said they were free to move around, but Su Wei wasn't sure how much freedom he had.

Don't accidentally let yourself go to a place where you shouldn't be free, and let people get in trouble. That would be funny.

As long as you follow Wang Weijian, there will definitely be no problem.

"Yes. Team leader Wang just went to bed two hours ago. He was worried that you were alone and unfamiliar with the place, so he asked me to accompany you."

Su Wei was a little stunned after hearing this.

After a business trip, I stayed up all night. I was so busy. I couldn’t take Dali Pills every day, right?

"Okay, let's go have breakfast first. After breakfast, you can take me for a walk."

Hearing Su Wei say that he wanted to make his own decisions, Wang Dong was dumbfounded: "Huh? How about we go to the training ground to watch the training after eating?"

Wang Weijian did not arrange Su Wei's schedule for Wang Dong today before going to bed.

One of these two people didn't have the airs of being a special guest, and the other didn't have the habit of making decisions for others. Together they were like headless flies.

"Can I watch the training? There's nothing taboo about it, right?"

Wang Dong just doesn't have any opinions, but he is not stupid.

After hearing what Su Wei said, he realized what Su Wei was worried about.

"As you said, our place is now an ancient martial arts training base. These things are secrets to others. What secrets can they have for you? Everyone knows your identity, so just let a hundred of them go. Heart."

This is the truth. These ancient martial arts practitioners wish that Su Wei could give him more guidance. How can there be any reason to push him out?

If not, Wang Weijian would not have let Su Wei know in advance about the base under construction in Xia Jing.

However, when Wang Dong said this, he was serious and seemed to be telling a well-known fact, which made Su Wei very comfortable.

"You have thick eyebrows and big eyes, but you are also a flatterer."


Wang Dong scratched his head. He didn't know how to respond to Su Wei's words: "Coach Su, how about we go have breakfast first?"


Although he didn't have a formal identity in the system, Su Wei had a high level of authority.

It was for this reason that Wang Weijian didn't arrange a trip for him.

Shen Haoyu said that Su Wei liked to hide his shortcomings. He didn't like to take out all the good things he had.

If you want to get some good things from Su Wei, you must create opportunities for him to show off.

Wang Weijian agreed with this.

After all, it took seven hours to drive from Xiajing to Shangjing. He talked a lot but couldn't get any benefits from Su Wei.

After breakfast, Su Wei followed Wang Dong to the training ground.

It was said that he was just looking around, but in the end, he was just looking at people. There was nothing worth seeing in this place without people.

To be honest, the training ground was not quite what Su Wei imagined.

"Those teaching videos are open here. In principle, they will not restrict everyone's training direction, so it looks a bit messy."

The warriors on the field are all fighting, fighting instead of training. Even if there is internal force to protect the body, it is impossible to be painless in that kind of flesh-and-flesh fighting.

"How do you usually arrange your training?"

Walking on the training ground, Wang Dong patiently explained to Su Wei: "Get up at six o'clock, turn off the lights at nine o'clock, eat at noon and take a two-hour lunch break. Under normal circumstances, in addition to taking out one hour a day for the most basic physical training, the rest of the time is spent on training, learning and fighting. However, the fighting is bare-handed, without the use of weapons."

Su Wei narrowed his eyes and thought to himself: "I'm afraid that this last sentence is the key point!"

168. Chapter 168 Brother Su is showing off

Chapter 168 Brother Su is showing off

"If I give you a copy of the Sword Manual of Exorcism, will you practice it?"

Wang Dong scratched his head and did not answer.

Su Wei once heard a joke about "Bixie Sword Manual" and internal circulation.

It is said that everyone in the martial arts world has a copy of "Bixie Sword Manual", whether you practice it or not.

If you don't practice, you will be killed instantly, and if you practice, everyone will just tie.

So, those who don't practice died, and the rest have no small hooks, this is called internal circulation.

Su Wei doesn't know whether Wang Dong said this casually or at the instruction of some people, but Su Wei thinks that it is probably a casual mention.

Among all the skills that Su Wei took out, there is no weapon-related.

And Wang Weijian never asked.

In fact, everyone knows in their hearts that in terms of lethality, what sword and knife skills can compare with gun skills?

Things like swords and knives cutting bullets are just for listening, but if you can really do it, it is not a martial arts.

For a special operations team, boxing and palm skills are not important, the most important thing is light skills.

Just look at how everyone allocates their time for practice and you will know: apart from physical training and rest, the practice time a day is only about ten hours. Among these ten hours, the time spent on practicing internal strength and light skills adds up to at least eight hours.

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