On the first day of the Lunar New Year, Wang Weijian came to visit. Su Wei didn't think he was just here to spend the New Year with him. In fact, he was still a little emotional at first, but now he is much better.

The value of the things is not very high, but Su Wei is not a person who is short of money, so he doesn't care at all. The important thing is that it looks like that.

"Tsk-" Su Wei couldn't help laughing out loud. He felt that his current mentality was becoming more and more like a leader.

"Why, are you happy because I came to spend the New Year with you?"

Although Wang Weijian is thoughtful, he can be considered a young man after all, and he is not so old-fashioned that he can't make a joke.

"Come on, you are not a beautiful woman to spend the two-person world with me, why should I be happy. I just think of happy things."

Originally, Wang Weijian thought of getting some ingredients because Master Zhao was going to come with him, but he really didn't expect that these worthless things could make Su Wei smile, so he secretly remembered it in his heart.

Everyone's joy point is different, how to communicate with others is also a learning.

"Speaking of happy things, I have something interesting here too."

"Then tell me."

As former playmates, Su Wei and Wang Weijian had a good relationship, let alone enemies, otherwise Su Wei would have closed the door long ago.

Wang Weijian said that he encountered something interesting, so Su Wei was naturally curious.

However, he never expected that Wang Weijian had a lot of bad intentions and was just digging a pit for him to jump into.

"I heard that Huazhong University of Science and Technology not only developed a treatment for red and green color blindness a few days ago, but also other treatments for hidden diseases. It's just that they are not sure and dare not use people for experiments for a while. After you send your new information, I believe there will be good news soon."

To be honest, Su Wei didn't think what Wang Weijian said was interesting.

However, it is a good thing to have a new drug developed for the symptoms, and Su Wei would never lose face for him.

"That's a little more reasonable. Otherwise, it's pointless to keep staring at me and trying to get the wool."

Knowing that Su Wei was complaining about the fact that Huazhong University of Science and Technology used the black jade Liangyi cream to prove that recessive genetic diseases can be cured, Wang Weijian smiled and didn't respond. Instead, he said mysteriously:

"By the way, I'll show you something interesting."

The hand that had been hidden in his pocket stretched out. Su Wei didn't doubt it and raised his head to look.

As a result, Wang Weijian spread his hands, and an extremely modern silver-white ring lay in his hand. Looking closely, the words DS with a string of numbers were engraved on the inside.

Su Wei was originally surprised. Huazhong University of Science and Technology didn't use external plug-ins, so how could the efficiency be so high and produce so many results in a few days.

Seeing the ring in Wang Weijian's hand, all doubts were immediately explained.

"Damn, it turns out that you are the one who got the ring for more than one million!"

Wang Weijian smiled happily despite being called a scapegoat: "Why? Can't it be luck that I got it in the live broadcast room?"

Su Wei was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

Wang Weijian continued: "I put the results of Huazhong University of Science and Technology together with this ring, and you don't seem to be surprised at all."

Wang Weijian's change of topic was very abrupt. He was still talking about Huazhong University of Science and Technology the previous second, and the next second he talked about the ring.

But on Su Wei's side, everything seemed to be logical, and the communication between the two did not feel unsmooth at all.

This situation can only happen when the brain waves are matched.

And the so-called brain waves are matched, naturally Wang Weijian knows what he is talking about, and Su Wei also knows what he is talking about very clearly...

Now it's Su Wei's turn to be in trouble.

Wang Weijian, this little bastard, is not sincere at all. He actually dug a pit for himself to jump into. He really has no conscience at all!

"Young man, you have to believe in science."

Su Wei held it in for a long time before he finally gritted his teeth and said this.

Wang Weijian hadn't talked about science yet, and Su Wei had already done this, which was pure self-incrimination.

However, it didn't really matter whether he confessed or not, since it had come to this point.

This made Wang Weijian very happy: "Think positively, at least this is not alien technology, right?"

Su Wei rolled his eyes.

In fact, it's hard to say whether it's alien technology or not.

If you really want to dig deeper, whether Su Wei is an alien or not is still a big question.

Su Wei didn't believe that Wang Weijian hadn't checked his background.

Until now, he hasn't found his parents in this life, so it's hard to say whether they exist or not.

It's hard to say whether his soul traveled into the embryo of a baby, or whether he grew backwards and became a baby during the travel.

"You really didn't come here to spend the New Year with me sincerely..."


233. Chapter 233 The opening technique is exposed

Chapter 233 The opening technique is exposed

In order to set up a privileged supervision system based on ancient martial artists, Wang Weijian arranged to hype up the foreign teacher thing before, and after Su Wei spoke up, let Zhao Gang and others form a group to create a new era martial arts hall.

In addition to the turmoil Su Wei has caused during this period, he can only be busier than Shen Haoyu.

In this case, he came all the way to spend the New Year with Su Wei?

It can only be said that those who believe are excellent audiences of Yan Ling.

"In addition to spending the New Year with you, I came here mainly because this matter is too important. Even if it is a telephone communication, there is a risk of leakage."

"Don't flatter yourself. You even came all the way to spend the New Year with me. Your little tricks are almost written on your face."

Su Wei was merciless when he confronted Wang Weijian.

Regarding the ring, although he had used luck as an excuse to fool Shen Haoyu, Su Wei had never planned to keep it a secret.

Otherwise, he would not have let Du Xiaoying continue to distribute these rings.

Of course, it is definitely impossible to make it public. At a suitable time, it is best to leak it to some suitable people in exchange for the relaxation of restrictions in some aspects.

Wang Weijian spent a lot of money to acquire these rings that were circulated outside, and mentioned the multiple breakthroughs of Huazhong University of Science and Technology in genetics, in order to tell Su Wei that this side has been tested less rigorously.

I have come here in person, and it is a bit unreasonable for you not to give a little explanation.

Regardless of whether the timing is right or whether Wang Weijian is a suitable person, Su Wei can't treat Wang Weijian as a fool.

As for what can be said and what cannot be said, and to what extent the opening technique should be discussed, Su Wei already had a plan in mind.

"Alas, it's the New Year, and I have to take a few days off. Before I entered this circle, I didn't expect to be so busy. If I had known this, I might not have chosen this path."

Su Wei's grievances hadn't been fully vented, but Wang Weijian was already melancholy.

However, after thinking about it carefully, the situation was indeed as he said. The network that Su Wei spread out, whether it was related to ancient martial arts or genes, had Wang Weijian's shadow in it.

This guy was the type who would find something to do even if he had nothing to do.

It was impossible for ordinary people to buy the opening rings that Su Wei had spread out in his live broadcast room because of a guess that sounded outrageous.

"Hey, please hold back. This kind of reminiscing about the bitter past will only make you feel pretentious when you are older."

"Oh, I forgot. No one is more professional than you in this regard."

Although Wang Weijian's words sounded sarcastic, they really hit Su Wei's funny spot.

"You know how to praise people."


Speaking of which, Wang Weijian's patience is actually quite good. After getting a positive answer to his doubts, he did not pursue the victory, but coaxed Su Wei and chatted with him.

After talking for a while, Su Wei was too lazy to keep him hanging, so he simply asked:

"Tell me, what do you want to know, I can tell you what I can tell you."

What can be said and what cannot be said, Su Wei has the final say.

This sentence is ugly words in advance, don't expect me to answer your questions without reservation.

However, Wang Weijian didn't care.

"What exactly is the consecration technique? Is there a scientific principle to refer to?"

Su Wei enchanted the ring, and the person wearing the ring had a chance to make a major breakthrough in scientific research.

The progress of science is actually based on the metaphysical skill of consecration, which makes Wang Weijian a little unacceptable.

Relatively speaking, although ancient martial arts also have countless secrets that cannot be understood for the time being, at least there is still staged progress on the road to incorporating it into the scientific system.

Wang Weijian's first question almost made Su Wei lose his temper.

I've already mastered the art of consecration, and you're still talking about science?

However, that's not the right way to say it. Although Su Wei himself doesn't quite understand the principles of supernatural powers, he still has to talk about it.

"I don't really understand the scientific principles either. In essence, this thing is just a mental suggestion. If you have to put it into a system theory, it can only be related to Feng Shui. In fact, this thing is not as outrageous as you see it. Have you done any experiments?"

"I have tested it, but there are too few rings on the market, and it's hard to get too detailed data. After wearing the ring, most researchers' projects still haven't made much progress, and only a very small number of people can make breakthroughs. However, even for these very few breakthroughs, the results are gratifying enough. Otherwise, you can make a batch for me, and I'll take it back and distribute it, and try to get one for everyone?"

Wang Weijian's idea is good. If he really does this, Su Wei might become a donkey pulling a millstone, and he won't do anything except consecrating all day long.

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