Rolling his eyes, Su Wei complained: "Do you think these are leeks in the field? Will they grow after being cut? It's very tiring to consecrate them!"

As strong as Su Wei, he only had 10,000 consecration rings in one night, which was indeed very tiring.

Seeing Su Wei complaining like this, Wang Weijian nodded secretly.

If such a powerful "skill" could be created at will for no price, it would be a very terrifying thing.

Wang Weijian didn't know that all the rings Du Xiaoying had made had been turned into consecrated rings, and he thought they were all made by Su Wei.

As for why he still uses welfare in the live broadcast room when he consumes so much, in fact, there is nothing wrong with it in Wang Weijian's opinion.

Su Wei's fan-loving attributes are deeply rooted in people's hearts.

As early as when the Shenzhi Huanqi Pill came out, all the pill embryos sent by Shen Haoyu were turned into pills by Su Wei and distributed.

How could Wang Weijian not have done calculations after being exposed to ancient martial arts for so long?

According to the amount distributed at that time, Su Wei would have to spend at least nearly ten hours a day, rubbing the Ginseng Zhi Rejuvenation Pill non-stop.

And this kind of behavior is meaningless to Su Wei himself.

There is nothing unreasonable at all for such a fan-loving guy to spend a lot of energy giving out "consecration rings" to his fans.

"Well, it works, but it really doesn't work. Please tell me how to use this thing, so that I don't have to figure it out on my own."

Whether it is consecration or Feng Shui, spiritual suggestion or hypnosis, in short, its existence is reasonable, but science has not yet been able to draw a conclusion on it.

Even ancient martial arts and internal energy can appear, and there is nothing unacceptable if there is a consecration technique.

"This ring is essentially a carrier of spiritual energy. Consecration is actually similar to spiritual suggestion, it just makes people subconsciously make choices that are beneficial to themselves. First, you have to know what to do that is beneficial to you. Secondly, this This kind of suggestive energy can also be exhausted, and it can be easily exhausted. It is simply wishful thinking to rely on it to achieve major breakthroughs in science."

Wang Weijian originally wanted to use the results achieved by the Chinese Academy of Sciences to refute Su Wei, but after thinking about it carefully, the breakthroughs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences were all focused on "discovering" a certain required gene fragment. As Su Wei said, there was nothing at all. Operations involving creativity.

However, even if the abnormality of this "light-opening technique" was discounted in his mind, it was still a very useful tool.

But Wang Weijian was relieved when he heard this.

Su Wei saw this scene and couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart.

When will this group of people's "Ye Gong loves dragons" mentality change...

234. Chapter 234 Give me a cat lady wife

Chapter 234 Give me a cat lady wife

Perpetual motion machine is a theoretical concept, which refers to a machine that can do work forever without external input energy.

From a display theory perspective, such a machine could never be realized.

But if we simply look at input and output, the martial arts practitioner itself can be regarded as a perpetual motion machine.

Refining Qi increases the upper limit of internal strength, and internal strength can be continuously restored through weekly movements.

In other words, the apparent amount of food deceived the scientists, otherwise someone would have discovered this BUG.

If you want to ask what the scientific basis for internal power is, then you have no choice but to think of the ancient warrior's Dantian as a nuclear reactor, producing energy through nuclear fusion or nuclear fission.

Regardless of whether this is nonsense or not, if you don’t believe it, you can only believe that the human body is a perpetual motion machine.

If we have to use science to explain these metaphysical things, who can explain it clearly? In the end, there is still only two words: unknown.

Feng shui and fortune are all skill points that cannot be found in the current technology tree, but the unknown does not mean that it does not exist. At least the effects brought by Su Wei's rings are real.

If this kind of thing were just hearsay, Wang Weijian would definitely not believe it.

But now this is the result he has obtained through practice, and this result is a scientific breakthrough that cannot be faked, so he cannot help but not believe it.

It sounds a bit unpalatable that scientific breakthroughs are based on metaphysics.

But if we put it another way: cognitive scientific breakthroughs are based on unknown science, this seems less difficult to accept.

Whether it is ancient martial arts, ancient prescriptions, or the current consecration technique, as long as they are classified into the category of unknown science, everything seems to be reasonable.

Regarding the opening technique, Su Wei couldn't explain the specific principle, but he could always talk about the operation method, right?

"Well, you do this first, then that, then this, and finally this. Do you understand? Don't understand? This is a mysterious and mysterious feeling, just like when you have no internal power, how can I describe to you how the internal power moves around the world? You won’t understand either. In the end, you can only realize this by yourself.”

Wang Weijian was stunned for a moment after being deceived.

However, this silly boy didn't realize that Su Wei was deceiving him.

Since I don’t understand it all, I can only put it aside for the time being and leave it to future research.

But for Wang Weijian, getting a positive answer from Su Wei would make this trip to Xia Jing worth the price.

The consecration technique was not suitable to be exposed to the public for the time being, and the two of them tacitly understood this.

And Wang Weijian's confirmation of this matter is equivalent to the approval of this matter by his circle. For Su Wei, this meant that another layer of shackles on his body had been removed.

Under the banner of "science in unknown fields", many things that could not be boasted before can now be tested.

For example, making paper figures or something...

Well, it’s not enough to tie up a paper man, as this thing can easily cause panic.

The tangible ancient martial arts caused such a big stir just because someone beat up a beast foreign teacher. It is hard to imagine how terrifying it would be if everyone knew that someone could threaten themselves by just tying a paper man.

Although the main reason for coming to see Su Wei was to consecrate the ring, he was already here, so it would be unreasonable not to exchange more feelings.

Regarding Su Wei, Wang Weijian had many topics to talk about, but he just didn't have the time or the intention to do so.

It was not until five o'clock in the afternoon, after the three of them had an early breakfast, that Su Wei sent Wang Weijian and Chef Zhao away.

On the first day of the new year, Su Wei actually spent it with a man. Su Wei felt a little unlucky.

After all, it was Su Wei who was willful. The snow scene was broadcast in the live broadcast room for a whole day, and he received a lot of gifts, but no one came out to scold him for cheating...

After adjusting the lens, finally, a figure appeared in the live broadcast room.

[Yo, the missing person is back. 】

[Su Shen, it has to be you! This live broadcast is really for you to understand. 】

[After such a long time, Dousha didn't care, so he quickly banned him for seven days and gave him some color. 】

With a fan base of several million, there are naturally not a few people who noticed Su Wei as soon as he came back.

Su Wei laughed twice, and after sending a gift bag in the live broadcast room, he explained:

"I can't help it. There is a big shot who came all the way from Beijing to celebrate the New Year with me. I have to give him some face. I originally wanted to have a good time with everyone, but there is nothing I can do if something like this happens."

Go to Beijing, big shot. It is easy for people to have some wonderful associations.

However, with Wang Weijian's current status, he is indeed worthy of these two titles.

[When it comes to showing off, you have to look at Su Shen. The big shot has come all the way to celebrate the New Year with you. Look at the face. 】

[Okay, okay, a million fans can’t compare to a big shot, right? 】

If other anchors said this, everyone would just think of it as bragging.

But now that Su Wei's reputation and status were there, it was really not unusual for someone to come to visit him on the first day of the new year.

Of course, this kind of thing will definitely not be a hot topic, but everyone knows that just because it is not a hot topic, it does not mean that it does not exist.

Su Wei laughed and scolded: "You guys who are having fun, don't lead my way. Although you are here to celebrate the New Year with me, we also talked about a lot of business matters. I am planning to start a new topic recently."

[New topic? Again? 】

[Damn it, how else could Su Shen be called a "god"? One topic in three days and one result in five days. 】

[It’s worth waiting so long in the live broadcast room. Once Su Shen shows up, there will definitely be big news to watch. 】

[Is there any good thing you can tell me? 】

As a fan of Su Wei, I am almost desensitized to Su Wei's efficient scientific research.

Call him pretentious, but he is really awesome. Breakthroughs can be quickly achieved in every topic direction that is announced.

Aliens, proper aliens.

"There's nothing I can't say. There are foreign gene anti-rejection technologies and directional blasting technologies. I'm wondering if some powerful genes from animals can be integrated into humans. Of course, this is just a research direction at the moment. , No specific resources have been invested yet.”

[What the hell, genetically modified humans? 】

[Isn’t this human body modification? Su Shen likes to do some sexy things, but do you dare to study such a taboo subject? 】

【cat ear? Foxtail? Okay, okay, book a cat lady wife. 】

"Bah!" Su Wei laughed and scolded: "Cat lady wife, why the hell do I still want it! The tail has bones. Even if the project I mentioned can be realized, if you want a cat lady wife, you have to start cultivating it from an embryo. Transforming embryos is like this Things are truly taboo experiments, and this is not a taboo subject for me.”

Decades ago, when genetic engineering first emerged, there was the issue of integrating animal genes into the human body.

However, firstly, it is difficult to locate the special genes in animals. Secondly, the human immune system cannot decipher the foreign genes. Furthermore, even if the integration is successful, it is impossible to foresee what consequences it will have on the human body.

Therefore, this subject has no viable soil at all.

But now, these three difficulties seem to be no problem at all for Su Wei.

Once the train of thought opened up, the horror of these techniques in Su Wei's hands was instantly revealed.

The corner of his mouth curved, and Su Wei secretly complained in his heart: Dig a hole for me, right? Then I won't be polite. Waiting for you to be exhausted!

This chapter is late, there is nothing I can do, my luck is too bad today.

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