This bullet, which posed a great threat to Su Wei, still penetrated a wall and embedded in the second wall after most of its kinetic energy was absorbed by Su Wei's brain.

Su Wei didn't know much about firearms, so naturally he couldn't understand the model of this bullet.

But it doesn't matter, as long as someone understands it.

Shen Haoyu's call came a little later than Su Wei expected.

With this guy's temperament, he should have contacted Su Wei to confirm this kind of thing that everyone knows. After all, this guy can't keep things in his heart.

If he didn't do this at the first time, but chose to discuss it with others first, it means that the scale in his heart has gradually turned away from Su Wei.

Once a person becomes depressed, he will be suspicious and think of everything as a conspiracy theory.

After answering the phone, Shen Haoyu made Su Wei laugh with one sentence:

"Fuck, I just closed my eyes for a while, and you made such a big deal. You don't want to tell me that this is still electric eel potion?"

Shen Haoyu's tone carried a hint of resentment of being deceived, and a little excitement of discovering a big secret.

In short, this nonsense look is no different from usual.

This guy is different from Wang Weijian, he is not too cunning, and he says whatever he wants.

If this is fake, Su Wei can only say that he is too awesome.

"If I say yes, do you believe me?"

"Little bastard, do you think I'm stupid? I was a little skeptical when the clinical results of the electric eel drug first came out. Someone in the institute told me that based on the distance between your palms during the live broadcast, it would take at least hundreds of thousands of volts to produce an arc that could penetrate the air. Even if you replace your Jill with a battery, I don't believe that the electric eel drug alone can produce such an effect. Otherwise, it would be a miracle if the electric eel drug could be put on the market."

Shen Haoyu is well aware of Su Wei's temperament. This guy is a hidden bastard.

Did Shaking Shark do special effects for Su Wei? Can he hide it from others and him?

However, since Su Wei has used such an excuse to prevaricate him, he is too inquisitive. I'm afraid he won't be friends with him.

With Su Wei's personality, how can he resist pretending?

Let him hide it. When the time is right, he will always take out the things that should be taken out.

Why can Wang Weijian withstand the pressure and fight to the death to maintain the healthy operation of Su Wei's live broadcast room?

Wang Weijian was able to establish the new regulatory system so smoothly, relying on the Dust Cleansing Pill that Su Wei took out?

If you don't give him a chance to show off, can he be so proactive?

Su Wei was happy. It seems that there are not as many fools as imagined these days.

Playing dumb is a science. Everyone knows whether to eat one meal or eat every meal.

Shen Haoyu is still the original formula, and Wang Weijian has not changed for the time being. At least now he doesn't need to fight alone and be an enemy of the whole world.

"Alas, there is no way. Let me think about it for two days and come up with a suitable excuse to fool you."

It's not that Su Wei wants to make trouble, but the current scene is exactly what Su Wei fears the most.

Netizens are in a mess. It is difficult to infer the approximate trust that can be obtained based on their speech tendencies.

Everything is prepared, and it is useless without preparation. Su Wei often said that when the great power belongs to oneself, it will leave a big mess.

Since the strong personal destructive power has been exposed, it is necessary to obtain enough benefits on this basis.

If you brag too little, you will waste a great opportunity.

If you brag too much, if you can't realize it, it will be a waste.

Before bragging, you must prepare some extra persuasive things to increase the trust that may be obtained.

"Go to hell, you can say it or not, do you really think I care?"

Su Wei was attacked today and almost died. It is normal for him to do some irrational things in extreme anger.

It has only been half an hour since the incident happened. It is normal for him to calm down first in shock.

Shen Haoyu is quite considerate, but he has a foul mouth, and his good words sound like bad words.

Su Wei doesn't mind his friends being more "real", at least they are more reliable than smiling tigers.

This is the good thing about Shen Haoyu. If he feels that he has been cheated, he will not do any preparations and will call to hold him accountable directly.

It sounds a bit ruthless, but Su Wei is surprisingly reliable.

"By the way, let me ask you something. I can cause such great damage by myself. What does Wang Weijian say now?"

Compared with the chaotic fans who are waiting for the follow-up, Su Wei cares more about the opinions of the above. Although this seems to be asking Wang Weijian, in fact...

"That kid hasn't contacted you yet? Well, but that's true. In your situation, if it were an ordinary person, he would have sent someone to "protect" you a long time ago, but if it were you, it would be more special. He is probably still confused. I just woke up and don't know much about the situation there. I'll ask him later."

In the past two years, whether it is charity, people's livelihood, technology, or other aspects that cannot be spoken, Su Wei has made great contributions. His background is naturally beyond doubt.

With the rise of the corresponding national team of Dichen Xisui Dan, some problems have been properly handled, and Wang Weijian's new supervision system has been established. Everyone knows how much power he has in his hands. Compared with half a year ago, it is completely different.

As the provider of the Cleansing Dust Pill and the treasure of the ancient martial arts faction, if you want to move him, have you asked Wang Weijian if he agrees?

With Su Wei's current influence, although he is not in the system, if you want to move him, you really have to sit down and think about it carefully.

Shen Haoyu could also guess Su Wei's concerns. After a few seconds, he continued:

"As for the issue of personal martial arts value..."

Chapter 262 Non-existent Circle

"As for personal martial arts value..."

Speaking of this, Shen Haoyu also hesitated: "I think it should not be a big problem."

Su Wei saw that Shen Haoyu was talking nonsense in front of him, and he couldn't help laughing:

"You know how to comfort people. I have some idea of ​​what the situation is now."

Are you crazy? The problem is obviously very big!

The thunder washed the ground and plowed the mountain back and forth several times. Who wouldn't be confused when seeing this thing?

The whole nation is waiting for the follow-up, and Shen Haoyu actually said it was not a big problem. How could Su Wei not laugh?

"Hey, do you think I'm kidding you?"

In front of Su Wei, Shen Haoyu seemed to want to prove himself, but, I don't know if he thought of something, and suddenly changed the subject and said: "Forget it, this matter is complicated to talk about. If you don't want to listen, I'm too lazy to talk about it. If you are fine, I'll hang up first, and I'll go to Wang Weijian to find out the news."

Su Wei was immediately anxious.

Knowing yourself and the enemy, you can win every battle.

He really doesn't want to get involved in the mess in Wang Weijian's circle, but it doesn't mean he likes to be kept in the dark.

Wang Weijian did this, but why did Shen Haoyu start to play this game?

"Is there a possibility that the dog who breaks the chapter will have a rotten asshole? If you don't make it clear today, do you believe that I can make you unable to sleep soundly for the rest of your life?"

This threat is too cruel, Shen Haoyu has no doubt that Su Wei has this ability.

Just in terms of ancient martial arts and genetics, the things this guy has dug out have already made him sleepless, otherwise, he wouldn't be catching up on sleep at this time.

If Su Wei really wants to do something, no one can stop him.

Let alone this thunder technique, even the prescriptions in his hand are enough to make Shen Haoyu drink a pot.

Be in your position and do your job. Life is like that. When you are in a certain position, many things are forced.

Of course, it's not that there is no solution at all, it's nothing more than the word "sucking".

However, these two words are just a lip service, and few people can really do it.

Desire makes people progress, and having no desire is a state of mind, at least Shen Haoyu thinks he can't do it.

"Hey, don't you know what's going on? Why do you insist on listening to my nonsense?"

"Tsk, I'm in a bad mood now."

Shen Haoyu was stunned. He ignored the fact that Su Wei was almost sent away just now. At this time, it was indeed not a good time to tease him.

"Okay, you are the wounded and you are right. I won't argue with you. Wait a minute, I'll sort out my thoughts first."

Shen Haoyu lit a cigarette. After taking the Dust Cleansing Pill, he took it back.

After taking a puff, Shen Haoyu was a little dazed.

His thoughts were not on explaining to Su Wei, but drifted to another side.

Good luck ring? Ancient elixir?

The opening technique can be effective in the field of science, but it can't reveal the secrets of the ancient recipe, and the source of these things is Su Wei.

Recalling the video, the martial arts value shown by Su Wei has completely belonged to the category of metaphysics.

Fortune? Elixir? Thunder method? Body forging?

Shen Haoyu suddenly took a breath of cold air in his heart.

His thoughts were scattered again, and he suddenly thought of Ye Yuan and Miao Jia again.

Before, he always thought that Su Wei had discovered the clues of these two people with his unparalleled hacking skills.

But until now, he found that things were far from as simple as he imagined.

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