After Ye Yuan's funds were transferred to the Bank of the Dead, they had no intersection with the domestic financial system at all. If this doesn't explain the problem, what about Miao Jia?

Miao Jia is a very thoughtful person. He didn't even use the phone to do the evil things he did. Even his accomplices were kept in the dark, let alone others?

At that time, the incident of the black jade Liangyi cream causing cancer involved Wang Weijian's future. And Wang Weijian's father has extremely powerful energy.

Even in this case, Miao Jia was not exposed. He Su Wei is just one person. How can he find out the matter clearly within three days?

The explanation at that time was that he found the experimental records of a cancer laboratory by chance.

For Du Yusheng's mother's condition, Su Wei checked the cutting-edge experimental data related to cancer, which sounds very reasonable.

But think about it carefully?

A geneticist came up with a new topic in a few weeks - invasive gene preparations, a fully mature market-oriented product. Such a great man, does he need to look at other people's scientific research data?

This is clearly a reverse process with the answer in mind, picking a relatively reasonable one from the flaws left by Miao Jia to explain the source of the news...

As for the real source of the news, Shen Haoyu felt that he had already guessed it.

Is there really a fairy hero in this world? Is there really a cultivator?

The answer is already in front of him, and even if the answer is outrageous, he has to believe it.

It is somewhat ridiculous that such a powerful cultivator would worry about being envied because of his high martial arts value.

But in Shen Haoyu's opinion, it is not necessarily so ridiculous.

Ye Yuan originally asked someone to kill Su Wei. Su Wei clearly figured out the real culprit behind the scenes through divination, but he only emptied his account to teach him a lesson.

In the end, if Ye Yuan hadn't been stupid and called the police to sue the bank, this matter would never have been exposed.

With Su Wei's martial arts value, he could obviously take revenge without anyone noticing, but he never thought of doing so.

The same thing happened with Miao Jia. If Wang Weijian hadn't been unable to find out the real culprit behind the scenes, Su Wei wouldn't have said anything.

So what about Dusan from the Wo Gang? No matter how awesome he is, can he withstand the thunder and lightning?

But Su Wei didn't do that. He chose to play by the rules that Dusan approved of.

As for the sniper just now, if he hadn't posed a real threat to Su Wei's life, he wouldn't have done it so extreme.

What is this called? Hmm... self-defense.

He is playing by the rules.

He obviously has the strength to break the rules, but he never chooses to do so.

Perhaps, this is the rule that practitioners must abide by? ? ?

Shen Haoyu felt that he couldn't think any further.

It's okay to make some speculations based on existing reality, but unfounded speculations can easily make people nervous.

No matter why Su Wei chose to abide by the rules of the game, it is a good thing for Shen Haoyu, Wang Weijian, and even for anyone.

What's there to target a kind and lawful transcendent? Unless...

Shen Haoyu suddenly laughed. He was not sure about Su Wei's strength, but now he is sure that this will not be a problem.

"Actually, there is really nothing to explain. If I really want to restrict you, I would have done it a long time ago. You don't think that your previous identity as a martial arts master is weak, right?"

Thinking back then, Su Wei's internal strength of 80 years had already been the ceiling of human combat power.

Indeed, as Shen Haoyu said, if he wanted to restrict him, he would never be as free as he is now.

However, Su Wei always felt that this explanation was not reliable.

"Bullshit, are the destructive power of these two things at the same level? I thought you had some high-sounding theory, but it was all barking for a long time?"

Shen Haoyu wanted to get rid of Su Wei quickly so that he could call Wang Weijian, so he made the simplest analogy.

But unexpectedly, Su Wei didn't buy it at all.

After a good ridicule from him, Shen Haoyu was a little hairy.

If you don't show some real stuff, do you really think your buddy is joking with you?

"Bullshit, with your destructive power, you can't catch up with some small-yield missiles. Why are you pretending? Look at your mental state in the video. Can you do it again?"

Shen Haoyu's tone was very firm. He was sure that Su Wei would never have the ability to do it again.

With Su Wei's temper, he was almost killed. If he didn't do his best to retaliate, wouldn't it be a ghost?

Didn't you see that the hilltop was rubbed back and forth several times?

This guy would never have thought that Su Wei really didn't consume any energy in doing this!

He stopped not because he was exhausted, but simply because he was angry.

"Uh... One more time, it should be possible..."

"You just brag!" Shen Haoyu didn't believe it: "Change the angle, today a shotgun hit you like this, if the caliber is a little bigger, if the firing rate is a little faster, if the opponent is close defense? Can you withstand it?"

That's not a shotgun! It's a sniper! Do you know what a big sniper is?

Su Wei wanted to slap this old bastard to death for not giving him face.

It was annoying. He was embarrassed by a sniper rifle, and in front of millions of viewers. Su Wei was already a little upset.

In the eyes of others, it was really cool that he couldn't be killed by a sniper rifle, okay?

But in fact, it would be fine if he didn't break the defense. If he was injured, it would directly affect the upper limit of Su Wei's bragging.

If he was beaten down by a Sanda champion and said that he had eighty years of internal strength, no one would believe it.

Similarly, if someone is injured by a sniper rifle and says that he is indestructible and cannot be killed by missiles, it would be a miracle if anyone believes him.

"What the hell, if you can bear it, come and let this shotgun shoot you!"

Shen Haoyu was amused: "Oh, don't be impatient, I am just reasoning with you and helping you analyze their mentality."

"I shouldn't have believed your nonsense. With your IQ, you can be the king of live performances if you bring a mirror to the stage. Listening to your nonsense, I am simply brain-damaged by the shotgun. Get out of here, go find your Wang Weijian."

Uneducated people don't know what others are scolding them for when they are scolded.

Shen Haoyu certainly knew that Su Wei was not praising his singing skills. Although he didn't understand what this sentence meant, it obviously didn't sound good, so he had to remember it silently in his heart and ask his secretary later.

However, he understood that Su Wei scolded him for being illogical, so he had to have a good talk with him.

What's the matter? In terms of fighting power, you are better than me, but in our circle, although I am also half-baked, I have to be better than you, right?

"Don't disbelieve it, they don't care whether you are a threat or not, they only care whether they have the ability to counterattack. Unless you are so strong that no means can hurt you, there is really no need to worry too much. Of course, if you are that strong, there is even less need to worry."

Shen Haoyu took a puff of cigarette, sorted out his thoughts, and continued: "Besides, your contribution is obvious to all. In terms of background, you are already as famous as you can be, not to mention that you are not alone."

Su Wei wanted to scold him again, but when Shen Haoyu said "You are not alone", he lost interest.

However, why does this sound a bit like scolding?

After Shen Haoyu said this, Su Wei was a little unsure.

Song Xianfeng's case was right in front of Su Wei. Su Wei thought he came here to deal with him, but in fact, he just moved his mouth and Song Xianfeng really took everyone away.

Soldiers have faith and blood.

Su Wei didn't think they chose to retreat because of their own strength.

If the order Song Xianfeng received was inconsistent with Su Wei's request, Su Wei believed that even if the whole team was defeated here, they would not leave so easily.

Do the higher-ups really only care about whether they have the ability to counterattack?

If what Shen Haoyu said was true, then it was a good thing that Su Wei was shot in the head?

Su Wei's mind turned over thousands of thoughts. Seeing that he didn't speak, Shen Haoyu thought he was too stubborn, and this reason still couldn't convince him:

"Well, let's take a step back. If it weren't for a weirdo like you who loves to show off, everyone wouldn't even be able to get in touch with ancient martial arts. It's been almost three years, and they really can't find any clues in your circle. By the way, how many people are as powerful as you in your circle? What level are you in?"

Circle? What circle am I in?

Su Wei was stunned for a moment, but soon realized that the "circle" Shen Haoyu was talking about was people of Su Wei's kind.

Before what happened today, this "circle" referred to the unknown ancient warriors besides Su Wei.

And after today, his "circle" must be upgraded.

"Me? My strength should be at the top of the pyramid."

Su Wei didn't expect that his unfounded background could help him so much.

So, part of the reason why the higher-ups are so tolerant of him is because of Su Wei's undisclosed identity and background?

Since Shen Haoyu asked this, Su Wei just made a perfunctory remark.

The top of the pyramid? There is only Su Wei in the whole pyramid, so where is the top and bottom?

However, Su Wei didn't expect that his words would arouse Shen Haoyu's curiosity.

"Excuse me, have you really only lived for more than 20 years?"

The earliest record of Su Wei was in the welfare home.

Speaking of "family-inherited ancient recipes" and "family-inherited ancient martial arts", Shen Haoyu really didn't know where this family was.

But Su Wei had it.

This had to arouse suspicion.

Su Wei was always careful when speaking, and when it came to the possibility of the Locking Words Spirit Strip, he naturally didn't dare to say anything. However, during this hesitation, Shen Haoyu felt that he had guessed the answer.

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