What's more, it is impossible to completely ignore all kinds of risks.

Is there really no way?

Su Wei flipped through several reference books in his hand and fell into deep thought.

Novels tell stories between people, whether it is Fengshen, Journey to the West, or Shanhai, it is the same.

However, does a world without animals really not exist?

Push the timeline forward again, to before Hongjun became a Taoist, to before the prehistoric times, when Pangu had just finished creating the world, and his body turned into all things, it seems...

It's not impossible...


It's just that the prehistoric world is round and square, which is completely inconsistent with modern science.

And the power system over there, the outrageousness of Su Wei's current work is not even as good as a hair of it.

That Gada just picked a gourd and broke a lotus flower, which is an innate treasure. If he can really materialize this thing, it won't be difficult for Su Wei to brag that he is the supreme god of the heavens and the worlds.

Having said that, not being able to materialize the prehistoric world does not mean that Su Wei cannot copy it.

If you think about it carefully, the myths and legends created by the ancients all have traces to follow.

Lotus, gourd, gold coin, big tree, stick bracelet, etc., borrow the appearance of ordinary things and give them special powers. If you think about it carefully, the word spirit can also do it.

Su Wei can do it like this:

Pick a gourd at random, paint it purple and white, and then say in front of all the viewers in the live broadcast room: See, this thing, the flying knife that kills immortals. Have you heard of it?

Don’t say it, don’t say it, as long as there are enough people who believe in it, it can really become a flying knife that kills immortals.

Okay, okay, play it this way, there is nothing wrong with it.

Su Wei scratched his head and found that he had completely fallen into a misunderstanding before.

This thing, there is no need to write a set of world settings, just copy the planet under your feet, scratch it according to the setting of the round sky and square earth, delete the small animals, and only keep the plants, isn’t it done?

As for the raw materials for the elixir needed for cultivation, wouldn't that be easier to deal with?

The spiritual plants and herbs in the fairy-tale novels pull their roots out of the soil at the slightest disturbance, and "run away at any moment".

First, make a replica of the land, and after this thing is successfully materialized, use the Word Spirit to add spiritual plants and herbs into it little by little.

Isn't this much safer?

According to Su Wei's current setting, which is also the setting that the Word Spirit has been materialized, after the spiritual energy is revived, it will take ordinary people decades just to get started in cultivation.

As long as Su Wei does not promote this process, he has enough time to slowly repair this world.

The fact that spiritual plants and herbs will run away has long been written into the public consciousness, and it is not difficult to materialize it.

When everyone finds that the plants in the "copy" are no different from those in the outside world, Su Wei can also explain.

"Do you really think you are the protagonist of the novel? You can pick up natural treasures on the roadside just by strolling around?"

If you want to pick them up, I will pick them up.

I am so strong that I can catch two treasures whenever I want. Who agrees? Who opposes?

The plan is clear!

As the saying goes: once you understand, you can understand everything easily.

After having an idea, it is much smoother to write the plan.

Throwing all the previous drafts into the furnace, Su Wei began to plan the script after the spiritual energy is revived.

Scratching his head, Su Wei said to himself: "Brother Xiaojian, I'm sorry, I have to trouble you again this time."


The Wo Gang has been very active recently. Originally, Su Wei thought that after Mi Long's old enemies picked up "good things" in the forest, Mi Long, as a condition of exchange, should not be able to hold on soon.

But in fact, the firepower in this guy's hand was so fierce that it beat the surrounding areas step by step.

Obviously, this guy was pushed to the front as a pawn to deal with Su Wei, and someone didn't want him to fall too quickly.

This large-scale mobilization of heavy firearms can't be hidden from the eyes of those who are interested.

Since Su Wei was sniped in China, Mi Long's opponents' "roadside treasure hunt" can only be regarded as a reasonable counterattack from Su Wei.

But Mi Long can also pick up, which somewhat ignores Su Wei.

Things have come to this point. Although everyone knows each other well, after all, this method is not open to the public, so on the surface, it is really impeccable.

In this regard, Su Wei can only say that none of the forces affected by those tubes of source blood are really wronged.

However, although Mi Long received support that cannot be seen in the light, it is just a last-ditch effort.

The accident at the beginning directly exposed Su Wei's past.

For people who can't be killed by sniper rifles, they have to use a cannon sniper with steel core armor-piercing bullets to try.

If you want to be safe, you have to transport a small-yield gameboy to try.

But where is Xiajing?

That is the garrison of the Guwu Special Forces Brigade.

This kind of thing, if it happens for the first time, can be considered negligence. If Milong can still do a hat trick, I don’t know how many people will be fired when Wang Weijian gets angry.

Recently, Wang Weijian arranged several military exercises with live ammunition, and he didn’t hide this from anyone.

The news that the revival of spiritual energy may bring a beautiful new world is only spread in a very small range. People outside don’t know what Wang Weijian wants to do by doing this. For a while, there was a bit of panic and everyone was in danger.

Especially Milong, this guy relied on the advantage of equipment to beat the surrounding people, but he didn’t dare to be too arrogant, and only dared to passively defend.

Keep your tail between your legs and behave yourself, this operation does not need to be taught.

He was too active and left long ago.

That is, Su Wei hadn't had time to deal with him yet, otherwise, he would have followed in the footsteps of his predecessor.

On Wang Weijian's side, in addition to the drill, Su Wei's proposal was also quickly put on the agenda.

Su Wei's globalization brought about the globalization of ancient martial arts.

The globalization of ancient martial arts and the outflow of a large amount of source blood directly brought back a large amount of resources.

A large part of them were invested in subsidies to increase the birth rate.

In Wang Weijian's words, this is only the first five-year plan.

For Su Wei, this is obviously a sustainable and sustainable plan.

If there is not enough money, I will find a way.

You can always believe in Su Wei's ability to make money - as long as the Word Spirit is not in use.


"Brother Su Wei, are you out of retreat?"

With the spiritual energy reviving, Su Wei used "retreat" as an excuse to disappear without eating or drinking for more than ten or twenty days, which is basically no problem.

There is no time in cultivation, so this time is not long.

"Yes, I have some insights. Is there any new news during my retreat?"

Speaking of not eating or drinking, Su Wei remembered that the legendary "Bigu Pill" can also be put on the agenda.

Food is the first necessity of the people. When Yuan Lao passed away, the saying "the merits that even the Naihe Bridge cannot carry" appeared because of this eternal truth.

In addition to Bigu Pill, there is a classic hurdle that cannot be overcome in fairy tales, that is, "space magic weapon".

The purple gold gourd and jade bottle, the world in Zhen Yuanzi's sleeve, etc.

In fact, science can also do extraordinary things.

The time machine and space folding technology in science fiction are all just thoughts, so just think about it.

In terms of destructive power, the technology side is no worse.

From the discovered "fried egg" to the high-energy weapons being studied, to the envisioned antimatter cannon, space-based weapons, star-destroying weapons, and even artificial black holes, etc.

However, they all rely on external forces. Su Wei still prefers the feeling of destroying the world with a wave of his hand.

"New news?"

When Su Wei asked this, Du Xiaoying was full of complaints: "No new news, but there are many problems."

Su Wei glanced at the barrage, which was full of peaceful and quiet appearances, and was brushing some meaningless topics such as [Welcome Su Shen to come out of the mountain].

"Tell me about it."


"Then pick something to say."

If Shen Haoyu was asked to pick something to say, there would be no problem.

Even if Du Yusheng came, he could pick a general idea.

But if Du Xiaoying was asked to say it, wouldn't it be a waste?

Su Wei dragged the mouse to scan the barrage, and Du Xiaoying stood beside him and looked at him with confusion.

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