Seeing that he didn't give any hints, Du Xiaoying didn't bother to worry about it. Anyway, she just said what she could say according to her own understanding.

If it was according to Du Xiaoying's understanding, then apart from the need to shut up for family matters, there should be nothing that couldn't be said, and the most important thing among them was the things in the live broadcast room.

"What can be said... well, the most important thing. The agent called me two days ago and said that when they contacted the audience who won the prize in the live broadcast room recently, because there were many overseas accounts, several of their accounts were frozen. They wanted to ask if they could impose some restrictions or something."

When Du Xiaoying said this, the audience in the live broadcast room exploded.

[What? I was wondering why the popularity of the live broadcast room has soared recently. I thought it was because Su Shen had more fans, but I didn't expect that it was the outsiders who came to compete with us for the benefits. ]

[Damn it, these people are too shameless! ]

[Come on, pull up my tiger-head guillotine, drag them all down, and punish them severely. 】

Except for the first few benefits that Du Xiaoying distributed in her live broadcast room, which she personally contacted with fans to send, she later outsourced them to agents.

Anyway, this agent is quite reliable, and there has been no problems so far, and the cooperation is quite pleasant.

At this point, in order to maintain the number of people in the live broadcast room, the red envelopes distributed every day start at 10 million.

Based on this number, even if there are fewer outsiders climbing the ladder, the agent is a little overwhelmed.

Su Wei has face, but it does not mean that they have face.

This number is suspected of transferring assets. Not taking people in is already a face.

Those outsiders who trip Su Wei are those who have power.

Although the daily turnover in Du Xiaoying's live broadcast room is high, it is only a few hundred when distributed to each benefit.

Those who are rich and powerful will not expose their bank accounts for these few hundred yuan.

And those who are willing to expose their accounts for these few hundred yuan have no disputes with Su Wei.

Even more, these people will provide Su Wei with a stable level of trust.

Those outsiders give people the impression that they are stupid and easy to deceive...

Let's take a step back and say that Su Wei has made so much money on the deep web, and that little amount is just a small amount. It's not bad to use it to attract outsiders to watch his live broadcast.

"Forget it, maybe they will also recharge money to give you gifts. They are all viewers of the live broadcast room, so there is no need to treat them differently. However, diluting the benefits originally given to everyone is also a problem.

How about this, starting tomorrow, you will double the daily benefits. In this way, in terms of expected value, it should be more than before.

As for the issue of account freezing, I will set up a special international account and send them benefits."

Before Su Wei became popular worldwide, he had tens of millions of stable viewers in China alone.

If there are more than 10 million outsiders climbing the ladder to watch the live broadcast, Su Wei is afraid that he will wake up with laughter in his dreams.

[I said, our Su brother's pattern is here. 】

【Hundreds of millions of benefits are given out every month. Isn't this more conscientious than those capitalists who run platforms? 】

Su Wei has the final say on how much and how to give out the benefits in the live broadcast room.

Du Xiaoying curled her lips. She was not interested in stopping Su Wei's "refined interest".

If he was not of this character, how could the brothers in the dormitory each get a gift with a dividend of over 100 million in a single month?

"Okay. Also, about the practice of the technique, Sister Yutong has called several times to ask when you are free. Otherwise, you can call her back."

"The technique? Tsk..."

Recently, I have devoted myself to the planning of the Brave New World. The technique...

Su Wei really hasn't prepared.

Chapter 281 Didn't I say that?

As for the technique, I did promise Wang Weijian to record it before.

But the situation is a bit complicated now.

First of all, Su Wei spread the first four realms of the twelve realms of cultivation. He was afraid that no one would believe the other eight realms because he was too arrogant now, so he kept it secret for the time being.

Among the first four realms, the strongest foundation-building stage is just barely entering the door of cultivation. It is not easy to achieve the thunder and lightning of heaven.

It is said that if the great power belongs to oneself, it will leave a mess, so until now, Su Wei has never announced to the public what realm he is in.

It is just right to use it on the blade.

The gate of heaven is open when the spiritual energy is revived. Even if everyone has not started to practice, their perception of this world will be roughly different.

And according to the current setting, the Wanhua Jue is the practice of immortal martial arts.

Ordinary practitioners represented by Du Xiaoying have already touched the edge of the Wanhua Jue. With the current popularity of ancient martial arts, whether the spiritual energy revival is true or false can be identified at once.

Regardless of whether everyone is practicing or not, as long as everyone recognizes the result of the spiritual energy revival, the acceptance of the extraordinary will naturally be improved.

At that time, Su Wei will release some subsequent realms of cultivation, and at the same time, strike while the iron is hot, and brag about his own realm, and everything will be natural.

If he really develops at this pace, how can Su Wei now come up with a method of cultivation?

But Wang Weijian is urging, and it is really unreasonable if he does not give a reasonable explanation.

In fact, even if we put aside Su Wei's cultivation realm, it is not an easy task to record the method of cultivation.

The term "cultivation method" has actually only become popular in recent years.

In ancient books like Journey to the West and Fengshen, you will only be told that Monkey King can transform into seventy-two forms, Zhu Ganglie can transform into thirty-six forms, and Zhen Yuanzi can hide the universe in his sleeves.

These are all spells, not skills.

Most of the so-called skills frameworks in Xianxia are established with reference to the internal force system of martial arts.

Most of the Xianxia skills that are now known to the public are the skills used by the protagonists in some modern novels.

Is this really appropriate if we really take it and "borrow" it?

You monkey, aren't you forcing me?

Su Wei touched his chin, hesitated for a while, and then answered:

"Regarding the skills of cultivation, I discussed it with Brother Xiaojian before, and I was indeed going to record it, but after thinking about it for a few days, I finally decided not to record it."

When this was said, the barrage did not have the uproar that I imagined, and everyone was still bragging and playing with the jokes, as if Su Wei's decision was "no big deal".

[Hi! Isn't it just not recording the exercises? It's not a big deal. I haven't practiced the Wanhua Jue yet, why should I be anxious? 】

In fact, by now, Su Wei's fans have begun to have a blind trust in him.

Mainly because historical experience tells everyone that Su Wei never hides his extraordinary skills, nor does he expect to suck everyone's blood here.

For Su Wei, spreading the extraordinary is like a game.

The term "game life" always feels a bit magical if it is really put into reality, but if it is used on Su Wei, it is just right, not more, not less.

Su Wei does not want to record the exercises of cultivation, and he has his reasons.

Just listen to his arrangements, and it's over. If you have to go against him, how can you get a good result?

[Speaking of this, I regret it to death. At the beginning, I was greedy for the speed of cultivation, and I couldn't help but practice other internal skills directly. Now I have to disperse my skills and practice again to practice the Wanhua Jue. Family members, who understands, it is a torture to practice basic internal skills after having a foundation. I regret it so much. 】

To copy calligraphy, you have to start from a child who can't write. Once you get used to writing ugly characters, even if you can recognize all the characters, it is really difficult to change the habit.

There are many people in the same situation as this barrage.

Compared with the shortcut paved with cement roads, the rugged mountain road is definitely more difficult to walk, but the natural scenery along the way must be more attractive.

Didn't you see that Du Xiaoying, who is known as the "representative of ancient martial arts", still practiced the basic mental method in a proper manner even after being beaten to the ground in front of hundreds of people, and didn't think about quick success at all.

Until then, everyone "understood" why Su Wei was only willing to share the family-inherited Wanhua Jue.

Good words can't persuade the damned ghost.

Su Shen refused to share those familiar internal skills. Is he stingy? He is doing it for everyone's good!

Su Wei scratched his head and smiled a little embarrassedly.

This group of people has been properly trained, and they all started to take the initiative to think for him.

"I have my own reasons for not sharing the cultivation method with you. I may not use the right words to describe my reasons, but I just want to express a meaning, and you can understand it."

On the surface, it is to let everyone understand, but the necessary explanations are still necessary.

What is this called? Only by being "frank" can we gain more trust.

Scratching his head, Su Wei continued to make up:

"According to historical records, even before the advent of the Dharma Ending Age, the development trend of the entire cultivation world was getting worse day by day."

"According to the earliest records, every thousand years, there are always two or three people who ascend to the upper realm, but then there are fewer and fewer, until finally, there is no one who ascends for tens of thousands of years."

"I think the most fundamental reason lies in the method."

"Everyone's physique is different. Some people can kill a brown bear with a sliding tackle, and even more, they can punch through thirty in extreme anger. 1 meter thick steel plate."

"No set of exercises can meet the requirements of everyone at the same time. In other words, exercises are something that the creator customizes according to his own physique. What suits the creator may not be suitable for you."

"The principle that the predecessors plant trees and the descendants enjoy the shade is not universal in the world of cultivation. This is why I have always encouraged originality."

"In my opinion, the revival of spiritual energy after the Dharma Ending Age is a reshuffle of the world for practitioners. If I take out the previous exercises again, it will be a bit against the will of heaven."

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