Reminiscing about that scene just now.

    Yuan didn't come back that night, no one in the room knew where he went or saw him, but the vines in the room did not disappear overnight.

      The team was captured under the defense, and the situation gradually stabilized.

    "Boom, boom." Someone knocked on the door outside, Gao Ling and the others looked over, and saw the voice of a little monster from the door, "The rebellion outside has been quelled. , in another hour, you can leave."

    When the person outside said this, he disappeared, and his voice was no longer heard. There was a cheer from someone in the room, and everyone stayed up all night yesterday, until now.

    The original Yuanyuan is now hiding in a small classroom. She silently smeared the burns on her body with scalding cream, about two or three places. After applying the medicine, she sat there without moving, quietly waiting for the sun to rise.

    After she hacked the monster to death, she sat here quietly and didn't move, because she lost her strength.

    What Yuan Yuanyuan did yesterday is actually quite mysterious, but even when she thinks about it now, she is not so afraid because she doesn't know how the sudden feeling of yesterday came from , the kind of feeling she was sure she could do.

    When she thinks about that feeling now, it is still too exciting. It belongs only to herself, and only one person can fully feel it... When she really succeeded in doing it, the surrounding Those eyes made her feel a shudder in her heart.

    Yuan Yuanyuan sat in the classroom for a while, the monsters outside gradually began to disperse, in fact, except for the monster that Yuan Yuanyuan killed yesterday, the others are just a group The mob, monsters are the same as Yuan Yuanyuan thought, which is really interesting... After the big monster was killed, the other little monsters did gradually start to decline, because no one could command them anymore, so Attacks and anything can't hit one place, and it looks like a mess.

    Where did they find such a group of little monsters... is there something wrong? Yuan Yuanyuan thought, she didn't understand what the demands of these little monsters were.

    After about an hour, the mess outside had been cleaned up. Yuan Yuanyuan finally saw a strange monster on the playground, silently put away her vines, and then Drag the body home to sleep.

    People in the room watched the vines on the walls suddenly disappear, and after a while, they slowly walked out of the room, and when they opened the door, they saw that the corridor was full of people sitting People, crowded together one by one, heard the sound of the door opening, and turned to look at the same time, the people in the room were startled.

    They were stunned for a while, and then walked out of the room one after another inexplicably embarrassed. People in the corridor watched them all the way without saying a word, and then everyone walked down the stairs silently down, ready to go home...

    It was chaotic outside, when Gao Ling and the others went down, they were suddenly stopped by a monster. The monster asked them, "Has the big monster in your house returned?"

    "No, I didn't come back..." Several people said weakly: "I haven't been back since three in the morning..."

    "Oh, thank you." The monster in the brown robe thanked them, turned and roared back, "Where did he go? The report hasn't been handed in, they're all waiting for him. , he ran away?"

    "What the **** to report..." Gao Ling complained, and hurried to the security room, verified his identity, and then came to the street.

      On the ground, the temperature of the ground is constantly dropping.

    This is the damselfly demon, they have small hands and feet, their translucent wings are fluttering gently behind them, and they are holding the pollen of the flower demon, which is used to repair the land.

    And the monsters of the security team replanted new trees in the tree pits that were burned yesterday. These trees actually won't last long, because the ground was destroyed by such a large-scale After the demon fire is burned, no grass will grow in a short period of time, and it will take a long time to restore it to normal.

      There was still black smoke coming out of the place, and some cautiously passed them, looked at the playground again, grinned and walked out of the school gate, took a taxi and hurried home.

    It was terrifying...truly a dream experience.

    However, what left the deepest impression on Gao Ling was the scene in Yuan.

    Even after a night, when she thought of that scene, she was still in a trance.

    As if in a dream…

    Of course Yuan Yuanyuan didn’t know that someone was arresting her to write a report, but she went back to her small shop silently to sleep. When she went back, the children and Liu An hadn’t woken up yet. I found a small place next to me and started snoring within three seconds. However, she felt at ease, but the other monsters were not at ease, especially the captain directly under Yuan Yuanyuan, who was even more angry.

    "Where are the people? Where did the people go?" The captain was not only angry, but also anxious. He searched everywhere in the teaching building, but no one was found.

    "No, I don't know, I heard from others that no one will be found at three in the morning." The monster below said cautiously.

    "Fart!" The captain slapped the table, "Find it for me! Poke such a big cage, just leave? Hurry up and find it for me."

    "Uh..." The monster below stammered for a while and said, "Sir, that is..."

    "I know that he is Yuan, you all know that I know?" The captain patted the table, "Go find it, hurry up, if you can't find it, we don't have to get off work today."

    After scolding the little monster away, the captain took a cigarette with a headache and looked at the sky.

    Why are you calling Yuan back in such a hurry...

      Yesterday, no one thought that Yuan would be so crazy, and it scared everyone.

    This is a completely unexpected thing, it happened so suddenly yesterday, so the captain forgot about it for a while, and then he suddenly realized it in the daytime So I hurried to find Yuan to suppress this matter.

    However, he still underestimated the speed of the students' information dissemination, especially when the school's evacuation measures were all opened yesterday. Suffering, so this kind of human shelter will be set up in the city in advance. The human shelter in City C has not been established for a long time, and the speed of advancement is not fast. Now there are only five in the whole city, but the things are still very good. For example, there is a huge Taoist formation in the experimental middle school that can prevent the demonic energy from interfering with the current.

      The reason for the power on.

    On the school forum, there was a post at three o'clock in the middle of the night last night. At that time, not many people read it, but now the students are getting up one after another. , the whole thing began to ferment crazy, and began to develop in an increasingly crazy direction...

     Is there such a thing as a trick demon? ! 】

    [Fuck, this trick demon is going crazy! 】

    【What a powerful trick demon! He is also very courageous, and his movements are very standard. I don't know which ancient **** of the security team is. 】

    The student who posted the post obviously knew who the monster on the screen really belonged to, but he was very smart and didn't say it. It was another student who kicked it out. He was there yesterday.

      The color of red, and the monster in brown clothes and holding a silver dagger is the brightest and brightest stroke on this painting.

    All the monsters who have watched the video once, no one will forget the silvery shadow on the screen.

    This picture will forever remain in the minds of this group of students, and may never be forgotten in this life. A trick demon single-handedly entered the siege, and in a posture that was impossible in common sense of all monsters, he stabbed into the group of monsters, and his figure was as fierce as a lightning ghost.

    There is a common sense that seems to be subverted violently... It was also at this time that a voice began to appear on the Internet, and countless people were asking one thing, that is—" How can a trick demon be able to do this?"

    Common sense was subverted, followed by discussions and frenzied emotions, but to the students' surprise, the video streamed into another In the crowd...Although monsters and humans are not very pleasing to each other, but the Internet was invented by humans after all, and there have always been humans in ambush in the forum, so this video appeared on the Taoist priests network a day later.

    In an instant, Yuan suddenly became popular. Although he was famous before, there was no time, like now, when everyone was talking about him, and he became every a person's topic.

      To use words to describe the shock of everyone seeing this scene, almost overnight, everyone remembered that moment, and deeply remembered the man in the picture who was still chuckling.

    What is more interesting is that when this video was spread, a video from a long time ago was also circulated. At that time, Yuan was laughed at by the students as a monster, and even worshipped him Kaoshen, when the video was passed on to the Taoist priest, this title was also passed on.

    The acceptance of this name is very high on the human side, and almost overnight, everyone began to shout the title of "weird monster".


    Since then, the name of Wei Yao, which was a joke, turned out to be a symbol of monsters, resounding throughout the human world...

    The Taoists began to be afraid of the monsters.

    The monsters are starting to take pride in the monsters.

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