The next morning, the students all went to school again. For those ordinary human students, they had no idea what happened last night.



    The teachers and deans of senior three are looking around, seeing that the students in the first class are studying hard, nodding their heads in relief, and then going to the second class...


    All the students in the class were holding pens and turning from time to time…


    The room was quiet, and the students had a workbook in their hands, but the pens in their hands never stopped.

    There are 30 students in the whole class, without exception, all of them are like this.

    The pens in their hands all turn once, then stop, turn, and stop...

    Looking from the back window, I don't know how magical the scene is. If you turn around alone, it may not be so conspicuous, but the whole class does this, it looks really weird .

    The dean is very puzzled. He knocked on the door, walked in, and asked, "What are you all doing?"

    "Report teacher, we didn't do anything." The monitor immediately stood up and said.

    "Study hard if you don't have anything to do, what do you do when you have nothing to do?" The dean said with a frown.

    After he left, the pens in the students' hands stopped for a while, then began to spin again a few minutes later.

    The teacher of the first class was a very kind middle-aged woman. She was startled when she walked into the classroom, but after a while, she began to cry and laugh. stand up.

      After a few words, he said, "Students, although tricks are very interesting and important, don't give up on the basics. Learning to attack monster-like skills is the most basic thing..."


    The next thing exploded all of a sudden, and the students all asked, "Teacher, did you also watch the video from yesterday? That trick demon is very powerful, right?"

    "Teacher." Another student raised his hand below, "I want to ask, can the trick demon be used on a large battlefield?"

    This teacher is a very kind teacher, much kinder than the old man who taught tricks. The students also like to chat with her more, and usually ask her for some things.

    The female teacher thought for a while and then expressed her opinion, "Actually, I think yesterday's tricky demon's action... is definitely not universal, which means that it is not suitable for most tricks. The magic demons will follow suit, not to mention you students who don't even know how to learn tricks. It is very unlikely that you want to be like the one in the video..."

    "Hey..." The students let out a disappointed voice, and the teacher who was interrupted showed a helpless smile on his face.

    Yuan Yuanyuan slept for almost a day and a night, and when she woke up the next day and was ready to pack up and go to work, she received a punishment.

    Of course the monsters don't talk about punishment, they only talk about punishment, so when Yuan Yuanyuan saw the "ticket", she pondered for a long time...and didn't understand what was going on, But there was a moment when I wanted to resign and leave.

    The fool team leader also asked her how she felt about this mission, Yuan Yuanyuan thought about it for a minute, and said that my impression was that the lamp vest may have fooled the monsters, I guess not Stupid people can't be fooled... and then scolded by the captain.

    Yuan Yuanyuan, who was scolded, was stunned, she thought to myself, this is really my biggest impression, as a "monster", she is more famous among humans than monsters Yesterday, even an old lady in her seventies and eighties called her "Yuan" when she saw her. Sometimes she thought to herself, "It's all a species on the earth, why is there such a big difference?"

    She stood there thinking how much money she could drive this month after the fine was deducted, the captain in front of her knocked on the table, "Hurry up and make up your report yesterday, Write well and don't be fooled anymore."

    "Report this kind of thing..." Yuan Yuanyuan said, "Are you really watching?"

    "Don't look at it or not, first clean up the mess you made." The captain said, "First clarify, what happened the night before was made by accident, no matter what you Whatever method is used, it will be clarified."

    Yuan Yuanyuan returned with a full head of fog, what is it that the events of the night before yesterday were all accidental? Still clarify? Clarify what?

     Yuan Yuanyuan has never understood this matter, because she has not surfed the Internet for a few days, nor has she worked in a pub, so Yuan Yuanyuan naturally doesn’t know. Countless monsters tried to restore the action in the video, and they also caused a lot of accidents.

    As of three days later, there have been many injured and even dead.

    The video caused countless followers, but not everyone has the ability to copy the actions in the video, so most of the monsters end up being injured and killed because of this.

      Before that, they must calm down the impact of this incident.

    Anyway, Yuan Yuanyuan, who didn't understand anything, wrote the report and handed it in, and then went back. She pushed the door again, only to find that Liu An went out again at an unknown time, and she stayed in the kitchen. She bought a bunch of wrapped dumplings and left a note for her to eat hot. Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the note, it said that she didn't know when he would come back, so she put away the note and the dumplings. Then go to the kitchen to cook for the kids.

    According to these children, they lived in a kindergarten nearby. When there was no one in the yard for a few days, they came to pick leaves and never went back.

    Although the children are pretty bears, Yuan Yuanyuan still likes them very much, because they are a few children with good nature. After feeding them, Yuan Yuanyuan sent them back When she went to the kindergarten, she was left alone in the house.

    Only at this time can she slowly open her new mobile phone... The last mobile phone has been completely useless since it ran into the fire, so she bought a new one got one. The new phone feels significantly better in the hand than the old one, and the screen is also much larger, which looks particularly comfortable.

    So Yuan Yuanyuan, who had nothing to do, turned on her phone, and just saw the latest Yaoji, Faning in Yaoji has been extremely miserable recently, so miserable that Yuan Yuanyuan couldn't bear to watch it. ...the reason is this.

    —Fining recently got into some trouble. His research was stuck and he wanted to make a breakthrough, so he used some of the money he had recently to buy some books in the goods exchange area of ​​the loose repair.

      Something caught Fanning's attention right away.

    The first time he saw the book, he felt that it felt very cold, Fanning always felt that there was a gust of wind around the book, but obviously everyone except Fanning Without this feeling, Faning could only study it slowly while feeling agitated in his heart.

    The moment she opened the book, Fanin was shocked...well, it was the "Nani!" look in the comics, that scene made Yuan Yuanyuan want to read the book very much What was written on it, but she didn't see it when she died, which was what made Yuan Yuanyuan the worst.

    What is recorded in the book, according to Fanin's words, is "a crazy and bold idea", he only read five minutes, he came to a conclusion about the author of this book, "Genius Maniac", the content in the book is not so comfortable, the Taoist formula in it is like the book itself, giving people a gloomy and cold feeling, but the content is particularly shocking, Faning just read it After a few pages, it completely sinks in.

    He didn't dare to come and practice the booklet at first, because it looked a little weird, but he couldn't hold back his curiosity, so he secretly read it, and then threw the book aside.

    After reading it thoroughly, Fanin never opened the book again, so he felt it was all right... As time passed, he woke up one day and suddenly felt dizzy for a long time, Sitting on the edge of the bed in a trance for a long time, suddenly as if stunned, he began to rummage through the boxes to find the book, and also learned a Taoist formula at the back...

    He didn't say anything about this matter, but he felt more and more that this matter was not good, so he began to find a way gradually, until he couldn't find any reason after searching for countless reasons, he Just started to panic.

    Sometimes during the day, he will also become in a trance, and it will take a long time to recover. Inexplicable excitement calmed down.

    After this, Fanin felt that things were a little serious, so he wanted to find out what the **** this booklet was, and then slowly get rid of the current state.

    Yuan Yuanyuan thinks that this is probably a ghost... Really, she is sincere, she always thinks that the broken booklet is probably thrown to Faning in the autumn, although the protagonist Halo, but there are so many halos in reality, how can such a strange thing appear in a pile of books, this routine is the same as the routine that treats her.

    But she didn't say it. Seeing countless people below asking, "What's wrong with Faning?", "Jiqiu won't suddenly go crazy, right?", she was very calm. Anyway, before the end, Faning's safety must be A little higher than Yuan.

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the latest issue of Yaoji, and couldn't help but think, if one day Faning is really strong enough to kill Yuan alone...Actually, according to the development law of general comics, this is serious The ending of , the boss is to pave the way for the protagonist, but when that time comes, what will happen to the situation.

    Thinking about it makes me feel a little flustered.

    As a strongest boss... Can she achieve enough power? Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly began to suspect this matter, and began to worry about the comic editor inexplicably.

    However, while she was still in a complicated mood, someone had quietly inquired about her address and approached her residence.

    What he was holding in his hand was the video of Yuan Yuanyuan that night, the action that was amazing and decisive in the eyes of everyone, and the purpose of this visit was to ask Yuan Yuanyuan. Things on the round circle video.

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