Start doing sit-ups.

    One group of fifty, Yuan Yuanyuan lay down silently after three groups... After lying down for a while, she felt that it was too salty, so she got up again and continued to do it with a grin.

      , She doesn't trust this thing very much.

    So she continued to do sit-ups, and it has been about two weeks since the beginning... It seems that the abdominal muscles have become more prominent? Yuan Yuanyuan didn't know if this was her own hallucination, because she did it blindly, but even if it was a psychological factor, it seemed to have some effect.

    Yuanyuan Yuanyuan did three sets with grinning teeth. If ordinary people do this, they may ruin themselves... But although she will become a little weaker when she deliberately does not use demon power, But the recovery ability is still the same strong, so she is very relieved to do it blindly.

    If Yuan Yuanyuan wants to be alone all the time, then she can naturally go down. This person's happiness is very easy to satisfy, but Yuan Yuanyuan thinks that she was in the demon some time ago. I remembered the first paragraph of the one I saw in person, and I had some inexplicable desire to do something.

    She can lose face at will...but she suddenly doesn't want to lose face of Yiqi.

    "Thirty-seven, thirty-eight, thirty-nine..."

    When she reached the fortieth time, she really couldn't do it anymore. She lay on the floor and salted fish for a while. Later, she thought that it would not work. After all, she was done, so she started wanton. have a bee in one's bonnet.

    She thought for a while, thought about herself, thought about the future... and thought about some things that had happened, she gritted her teeth, and sat up again...

    In this way, Yuan Yuanyuan held on to finish the last ten, and in the end it was as if she had been fished out of the water. She staggered up and got ready to go to the bathroom next door I took a bath, and when I got up, my stomach didn't seem to be my own, it was so sour as if I had hit a bottle of vinegar.

    The persecution of willpower... Basically, high school students know this. It is most effective for students who are quick to vomit but still insist on doing the paper.

    When she was half-packed, she suddenly heard someone knocking on the door outside, so she stopped to open the door.

    Yuan Yuanyuan is sweating all over her body now. In fact, seeing people is a bit bad, so she wanted to see who was outside the door, and closed the door after a few words.

    Standing at the door is a beautiful female monster.

     Yuan Yuanyuan, who was sweating profusely, opened the door, and then looked at her from the door, but did not open the door.

    The first time she saw the monster at the door, she thought she was not here to buy clothes, so she looked up and down and asked, "Are you here to buy clothes?"

    "No," said the banshee.

    "Uh, I don't think so." Yuan Yuanyuan retreated into the room, watching the person who came in slowly, every step she took was graceful.

    People may be more beautiful in the eyes of a straight man than Yuan Yuanyuan, the problem is that now Yuan Yuanyuan is still carrying shower gel, shampoo, towels and slippers, looking at the woman After walking in and walking for a while, he interrupted the woman to look around, "Then what, we're going to close, what can you do tomorrow?"

    "You..." said the female monster who had just been walking around, "Why do you need to drive people away so quickly?"

    "Then, tell me what's the matter. I'll have other things later." Yuan Yuanyuan said.

    She thought in her heart that everyone could come to find her these days... What kind of broken place is there for her, sooner or later she will have to change a house.

    "You..." The woman stopped in the middle of her words, and stopped talking.

    The original circle...creepy.


    Whoever likes to enter, there is nothing in that room. The thief doesn't know what to steal.

    After such a thing happened three times... Yuan Yuanyuan gradually realized that something was wrong, her keen radar realized a possibility, so she didn't go to the store for several days Instead, he spent several days in his small home in a safe area.

    When she stayed at home until the third day, she took the time to go over and take a look... Then she was stunned by the various complex demons in her room, Yuan Yuanyuan sniffed it carefully There are many aromas in that smell, all kinds of aromas can make Yuan Yuanyuan think of all kinds of women.

    The frightened Yuan Yuanyuan had never seen this fight, so she went home and hid for two more days. I didn't go to the store to read this time, I lay in the room and read the comics again. , sorted it out.

    Xiaoying is about to take the college entrance examination. Her mother cooks all kinds of supplements every day. Xiaoying's mother, holding a large bowl of pork rib soup in her hand, brought it to Yuan Yuanyuan. Yuan Yuanyuan was flattered and thanked her repeatedly. She drank a large bowl of pork rib soup in the evening and made hundreds of sit-ups. Yuan Yuanyuan has a feeling of being reborn.

    Compared with a few days ago, Yuan Yuanyuan now has the time and mood to be able to surf the Internet, so when she went to the forum again, she heard some news vaguely, which made Yuan Yuanyuan Somewhat incredible.

    She looked at the messages on the forum and didn't know how she was feeling.

      big cut. 】

    [The question is how to do this? I asked my trick teacher, and he said it was impossible. The one in the video was probably just lucky. 】

      To be tricky, you have to have a lot of courage and experience... 】

    Yuanyuanyuan thought, isn't it normal to rush up in that case? For her at the time, she didn't feel any difficulty at all. Instead, she turned around and ran, and it was easy to miss that opportunity.

    Maybe outsiders can't realize how coincidental that opportunity is, but for her, it is indeed a coincidence that cannot be used, and naturally she will not miss it, such a natural thing , how can it be so incredible in other people's mouths.

     Yuan Yuanyuan, who was puzzled, read a bunch of information on the Internet.

      Claws slitting your throat, or crushing you with endless terrifying visions... basically the monsters in urban legends.

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the analysis of this article. The author used the dream demon as a reference. The dream demon entering a dream is also a unique sorcery, but this sorcery on a large battlefield It is very difficult to work, because on large battlefields, monsters like the Dream Demon, who can't carry their shoulders or lift their arms, are naturally easily beaten to death by violent methods, no matter how strong the magic is, it is useless.

      Staying in the rear, you need to rely on the other party's imperceptibility to him to release the magic, and you need to be protected by others.

    If it is a powerful trick demon, it can naturally achieve the effect of killing the Quartet in seconds on the battlefield, but because the difficulty of getting started is too high, the combat power achieved by the low-level trick demon is also too weak, so the official also This style of play is not advocated. In the second war, the number of deceitful monsters died too much, which led to a rapid decline in the number of such monsters now. Many monsters have gone to practice other magic arts, such as demon fire or something... all kinds of All kinds of demon fires, with super strong attack power and no brains, are not beautiful?

    But if that's the case with video...

    Yuan Yuanyuan was blinded by the fact that she was forced to participate in large-scale battlefields by various trick demons in the past, and then was slaughtered.

    The most famous of them is on the battlefield of the second war of human monsters... Although the trick monsters can't face the front, they still appear frequently on the battlefield. They will use some illusions and the like in the rear to confuse the mind of the enemy. Once, Youkai Fang organized a team of top-level trick monsters to pass by, but when they were retreating, they were barged in by the enemy, killing and injuring more than half of the trick monsters... Yuan Yuanyuan felt chills all over looking at the description. I don't know what to do at all.

    I just feel…cool.

    [I think I may witness history in my lifetime...I wonder if you feel this way. 】

    [Yes, we only considered the ability of the bewitching demon in illusion, but ignored the power of the bewitching demon, but many times, the bewitching demon will not arrive there. not found. 】


    【I tell you this, if Yuan can really make it again, I will blow him up. 】

    Don't! Don't blow me away! I am really accidental!

     Yuan Yuanyuan's face in front of the screen turned blue. Before she really understood this, she really didn't think it was anything, but after seeing this at this time, she felt a panic in her heart , don't know what to say.

    However, most of the posts on the computer are still blowing a lot, and the blowing is getting more and more mysterious.

    What is the leader of the new generation of trick demons, what reform trick demons, etc... Yuan Yuanyuan even saw a few posts related to the human Taoist priests. After reading it, my mind was full It's the word [Chou Yao]. She felt that she almost didn't recognize these two words. What is the monster! This is too high school!

    ...But the fact is that when it comes to the monster, everyone will think of her. In fact, even if others call her a monster, she will suffer.

    Because this title was not decided by herself, but by others... That is to say, she has no words to persuade her at all, just passively accept it, because this name is not her own It's because of the evaluation given to her by the "public".

    In other words, the public admitted this nickname, and when the parties were all confused, the only emotion in Yuan Yuanyuan's heart was that the nickname is really good The ones that are easy to obtain, such as Sannin or something... Maybe you have done something, or someone said something, and when everyone is playing tricks, you are called this name.

    But the only problem here is Yuan Yuanyuan herself... She looked at the screen full of [I'll blow him up once again] and wondered why you guys are so funny, I can't, and you can't say I can't, can I go to heaven on the spot?

    She shook her head, and she suddenly felt agitated, Ji Qiu wouldn't draw this, would she? Probably... not.

    If I really draw it... There is a word in A Dream of Red Mansions called cooking oil with fire. When Yuan Yuanyuan read it, I thought it was unlucky, and I still feel unlucky now.

    It's like having a roast duck on a rack.

    Yuan Yuanyuan had a nightmare that night. She dreamed that someone built a huge shelf, made a straw man, and put a "big boss" paper on his head, Then he carried it staggeringly and walked out.

    They carried the straw man to a high platform, Yuan Yuanyuan felt more and more strange, how did the grass man look familiar, after they carried the straw man up, a group of people Excitedly shouting "Ulla!" below, just like shouting "Olla Ora Ora...", and then the straw man started to burn, and it burned beautifully...

    Then Yuan Yuanyuan woke up.

    She lay on the bed, stared at the ceiling for a while, couldn't sleep in the middle of the night, got up and did push-ups...

    At the same time, in a small wooden house, Liu An read some information on the phone, then turned off the phone, and looked at a mirror by the bed with difficulty.

    [What an old friend entrusted me to give you, I have brought it. 】

    "What kind of old friend, you can make it clear." Liu An looked at the words written on the lipstick and couldn't help rolling his eyes. He took the paper towel on the side and wiped off the writing. , the action is awkward.

    Of course he couldn't help being awkward, because he had a thick layer of bandages wrapped around his chest.

    [It's boring to say it, right? ] The words on the mirror slowly disappeared, [but you may be able to prepare yourself mentally first, it is not a very good story, the beginning is tragic, and the end is even more tragic. 】

    "It''s rather miserable, isn't it?" Liu An nodded, "Then tell me what I should do next?"

    【Practice this well. ] The handwriting on the mirror reads, [Then wait quietly, and soon, those people and things from the past will gradually find you. 】

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