The night of Yaoji's update, Yuan Yuanyuan always prepared something for herself, and used to make a cup of tea when she had no money.

    Now that she is a little richer, she bought four packs of potato chips of different flavors in the store downstairs, and went upstairs with a bottle of milk.

    Coke has been classified as a restricted product by Yuanyuan these days. Since all sit-ups and sit-ups have been done, there is no problem in drinking less Coke. Sitting on your own little bed, closing the curtains, turning on a small orange light, sitting on the bed, eating potato chips alone, watching TV shows.

      Seeing that it was already 12:30, I turned up the lights and started the Yaoji update.

    Nowadays, many people have read Yaoji, Yuan Yuanyuan glanced at the comments below casually, but didn't care too much, glanced at the refreshed Yaoji, the plot progressed to the law Ning has been working hard to fight against that strange Taoist art recently, and is trying hard to resist the impact of the Taoist art on him.

      A young boy, Faning recently found that he is prone to get angry at every turn, and the fire is inexplicable.

     Yuan Yuanyuan thought at first that this broken comic was going to be a dark and curious style, but then she knew that she thought too much. Faning is less timid than her, so he is stricter than Yuan Yuanyuan in supervising the troubles on his body, and he can detect if there is something wrong.

    The most outrageous thing for Faning was that he ate beef noodles that day. After the noodles were placed on the table, he picked up the vinegar next to the chopsticks and found that the bottle was empty... Then he fried.

    …The way he fried is also very strange, that is, everything on the table suddenly seems to be alive.

    So the box of chopsticks in front of them all grew small arms and legs, and all of them had a (._.) expression and began to slowly climb out of the box. It felt like Chopsticks are like zombies...


    [Ordinary Taoist priests will let the little ghosts get on their bodies, or gather their souls. Fanning doesn't know what he has recruited around him. Fanning, who has never been a thief in his life, can't help it. For the first time in my life, I stole something from someone else's store and took it back... It's still a box of chopsticks. 】

    This chopstick essence with thin arms and legs...I really want it. Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the "Chopsticks Zombie" on the cartoon, and suddenly wanted to try it with her own chopsticks, but the demonic energy is probably not as interesting as the aura, maybe a bunch of QQ chopsticks will be summoned out...

    Yuanyuan ate another potato chip and continued to look down. She wanted to see if there was a solution in the next few autumns. If there was no solution, she would probably replace it. Faning and herself burn some paper, because if Faning is really brutal and black, it is estimated that she will face a mental patient with a violent disorder in the future.

    Then she found out that she was wrong, she was not dealing with a patient with a violent disorder, but a patient with... a patient with tremors.

      To find out what was wrong with him, he first went to an ordinary hospital to have a look, and then looked for a few doctors he knew before, but it didn't work. 】

      money to pay for medical bills. So Faning took a job of catching ghosts at random nearby, and then went to work while seeing a doctor. 】

      They were all taken aback, and thought that the master I had finally hired was going to hang at home. 】




    The original circle in front of the mobile phone has also opened the door to a new world.

    …This is a forced shake! This is abusing employees, bro!

    What does the comic have to say at this point?

    Yuan Yuanyuan roared when she read the comics for the first time, what kind of new world door did you open up, brother, please close it again! Don't give up on treatment!

    Fanning didn't go for treatment, he gave up, he began to gradually experiment with what was suppressing his inner mania, and even made various comparative experiments.

      There was a lot of blood flowing out from time to time, which is why he calmed down so quickly. 】

    [He tried again many times... Suddenly he felt that this tactic was indescribable. In the process of fighting, I slowly lose blood due to injuries, and after the blood loss reaches a certain point, I will suddenly calm down...]

    【So what is the appeal of this tactic? Faning was puzzled. He vaguely thought of the creatures like orcs. After being controlled, his personality became violent, and he changed from gentle orcs close to nature to killing machines. When the sword struck them, instead of feeling the pain, they became more and more excited. 】

    [So Fanin had a nightmare that night... dreaming that he had become a machine that only knew how to kill, his eyes glowing red.

    [Then he woke up startled. 】


    Yuan Yuanyuan didn't know what to say when she looked at Faning in the comics... It doesn't look like she's too miserable, there's someone at the bottom to give her a foot.

    She shook her head, but this evil Taoist formula should be very powerful, maybe it was written by a great god, so Fanin can grow up step by step.

    With a trace of inexplicable expectation and sympathy for the protagonist, there is also a kind of psychology that wants to kill him directly so that he will not come to him again in the future, Yuan Yuanyuan continued to read, and then saw Fa After Ning Zida discovered the solution to this Taoist tactic, he calmed down and started learning the Taoist tactic wholeheartedly. This level of calmness made Yuan Yuanyuan feel ashamed.

    So other people's practice is to soak in ice springs and enter forbidden places. The wonderful protagonist of Yaoji's comics is sitting on the bed and endorsing the book, and stabs himself when he carries it on his back...

    Yuan Yuanyuan was grinning the whole time, she can think of the psychology of other readers reading this paragraph, no wonder she just casually swept and saw several [miserable], [too miserable] now], [I really like this kind of protagonist], […? ] Leave a message in such a comment area.

    I just read it through before, so there are a lot of things Fanin has not seen, and now I can just read it again.

    [Because of time, Faning has only read the first few pages at present, but he turned over the back part, and felt that the further back it was, the more difficult it was, until the end, he Suddenly, I saw a small, small signature on the last page of the book. It was nailed up between the cracks in the book. If I didn't look carefully, I couldn't see it. 】

    [The color of the signature has faded and turned into a light pink, but Fanin's curiosity was piqued, he took off the thread that stapled the book, and then I saw the whole picture of the chapter at the back. 】

    [Editor X Seven…]

    [Editor... probably refers to the person who edited the book, but who is this person? 】


    … Yuan Yuanyuan, who was sitting in front of the screen, suddenly groaned.


    I remembered that a third-rate health program said that this is not good for the skin on the face, she went to the refrigerator to pick up an unopened can of Coke, put the ice on her face, and then came back to continue watching, this Fanin in the comics is still under investigation.

      People are not careful, and finally become like this. 】


      I wrote it with my whole life, and I replaced it with the editor XX at that time. Many people didn't even have a name. Seeing that the word that came out was seven, it was probably just a code name... Fanning thought about it and thought it was okay. , just treat it like an anonymous senior. 】

    [This state of mind continued until he saw another book...]

    [And by coincidence, the author of that book is not a human, but a monster. 】

    … Yuan Yuanyuan twitched her nose.

    [One day, Fanin accidentally got a book of tricks by monsters. This book of tricks is so old that the stone is full of cracks. He accidentally turned all the way to the back, and suddenly looked at the last page and was stunned. 】

    [Behind that, there is a small handwritten word—one seven. 】

    【“Hey, where did you get this?” Fanin asked the Taoist priest who sold him the stone. 】

    ["From the hands of an old monster." The Taoist said, "The old monster was a famous trickster when he was young, even if we went to catch him, it wasted a lot of time, death There were about ten people.”]


      …How is this going? Fanning couldn't understand what he thought. 】

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the phone, her eyes were a little straight, and she didn't eat potato chips.

    She never dreamed that it was the first time she saw Yiqi's name appearing in a comic, and suddenly it appeared in this way in a Taoist book read by Taoists.

    The two words were placed there quietly, as if revealing a heavy past. Yuan Yuanyuan, who knew the name, felt that these two words were as heavy as a thousand catties. For most of the monsters who didn't know Yiqi in the first place... They probably didn't have any fluctuations in their hearts.

     Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly resumed eating potato chips, her face calmed down, as if nothing had happened.

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