You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 205:

    Who is Yiqi? This is one of the most discussed issues in the comment section of Yaoji recently.

      You can learn peerless martial arts from him.

      It started to fire, but in a different way.

    Among ordinary people, he has the fire method of ordinary people, and among the unusual people, he also has the fire method of extraordinary people.

    Gao Ling recently drew what he saw in the experimental middle school last time, and then posted it on the Internet. As expected, it became popular overnight, and the next day Look, she rushes to the recommendation list for the first time.

    She was a little frightened, it was the first time she had reached such a high ranking, and the number of comments was so scary that she was almost overwhelmed.

    Gao Ling turned over one by one, and saw many people commenting on the Internet, [Thank you, Mrs. ], [My Jiayuan finally feels a little handsome! 】,【啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊终于对得起他这张脸了,太太我觉得你画的比原作好看啊! 】

    Is the painting better than the original... Actually not, she just drew some things that she calculated.

    For example, Yuan is very likely to be seriously ill, and he may have been wronged before... I slowly drew these calculated things, and added a little bit of my own understanding, And some of my own experience.

    For example, the last experience, and the last time he was rescued in the comic exhibition, Gao Ling looked at the readers who were wailing under the comments, and they all said, [Clearly My family is also handsome, why is it so miserable in the original work! 】

    It's not too miserable, now it's ok girl, Gao Ling thought.

    She turned around and put on her own clothes. Although the response of the comics sent out this time, she was startled, but she still had something else to do and couldn't just stay here.

    Today she is going to meet a few people in the same city, the group owner of her group, and her friends. Everyone in the group wanted to know who that Yiqi was, so the group leader specially invited Gao Ling out to find out who this Yiqi was.

    Having a taxi, Gao Ling arrived at the door of a coffee shop, went in and asked his name, then followed the waiter into the house, as soon as he pushed the door, he saw two little girls sitting there, They were all wearing school uniforms, and there was a practice book spread out in front of them. It seemed that they had just come after school.

    "Hey! Boss, are you here?" A quieter-looking girl next to her shouted happily, Gao Ling smiled and said hello, sat down, ordered full Small snacks on the table, everyone chatted together.

    "Is there any news on 17?" Gao Ling asked, the more lively and cheerful girl next to her sighed, "Hey, don't mention it, I just asked my dad yesterday. , was beaten to death by my father."

    "Your dad beat you up? Why?" The group leader immediately dropped Gao Ling and asked the girl next to him. Gao Ling looked at her, she was probably the monster friend that girl said .

    "How do I know why he beat me? I'll beat him if I want to." The monster girl said, "I asked the boss first, who is Yiqi, and the boss said let me ask My dad went, I asked my dad, and my dad started beating me..."

    "Pfft, since the boss said that, then you shouldn't ask your dad." The group owner laughed.


    Yuan Yuanyuan, who had swindled Tang Shi, was not happy now, because she knew that her troubles had finally begun, and it was definitely a devastating one.

    Yesterday she watched the update, and then fell asleep in a daze. She woke up because the temperature around her suddenly began to drop rapidly, and there was a murderous aura she couldn't ignore.


    The big ice stubble that hit Yuan Yuanyuan's bed in the middle of the night scared Yuan Yuanyuan to the point of urinating, and it smashed down in one swipe.

    She didn't even have time to put on her clothes, so she hurriedly escaped, and a group of monsters were still chasing and killing them, and these people were very experienced, some of them set fire in the air , another part of the people began to water the ground, and then quickly froze the ground.

    Yuan Yuanyuan thought that she was too stupid and sweet, and she just slept in the room so carefree. Back then, these people didn’t want Yiqi to live. Exposing the truth and being slapped in the face, these people don't say that they will kill her, that's really sorry for the monster's usual style.

    So Yuan Yuanyuan felt as if she had returned to the situation where she was besieged by a group of people that day, but that day she ran away with reason, but today she was driven to run like a dog .

    She hid in a shopping mall, the monsters still can't kill people in a crowded place, but Yuan Yuanyuan thinks that after a while, they may send some monsters who are good at illusion .

    Yuan Yuanyuan was walking aimlessly in the mall, taking a small hat and a coat, she really couldn't get rid of the illusion, so she still wears it now Yuan's face was flamboyant, but he had no choice, so he put on a few clothes to cover it up.

    She walked slowly between the shelves, listening to the sounds everywhere.

    When she turned the corner and passed a mirror that was sold as a commodity, she found the words written in lipstick.

    【If you die now, then everything will be empty~】

    Turn around again, and the line of words disappeared in an instant, like a fantasy.

    Yuan Yuanyuan began to suspect that the thing Jiqiu used every time she appeared was an illusion. She had never thought about this before, but recently, the more she learned, the more proficient she became. What I didn't understand, I now gradually understand a little bit.

    She used the chessboard trick to feel the monsters gradually pouring into the shopping mall, and there were fewer and fewer people nearby. After thinking about it, these people are probably going to make a round, as Jiqiu said. Said, if she died here, then everything would be in ashes... So far, everything has been like a dream, no one will know that a hapless child named "Yuan Yuanyuan" was once taken away. A substitute for time.

    Yuan Yuanyuan was not at all worried about what the comics would do after she died, especially when Yiqi died last time, he took her here as a stand-in, this time she died, he could Grab another "Fang Fangfang" or "Cha Chacha" to be the next substitute... I don't know how long the next person will live, and I don't know if they will laugh at her for being too weak.

    Mom, why are you so unwilling?

    Yuan Yuanyuan bit her lip, looked at the monster separated by a wall, slowly took out her dual knives, and touched the monster opposite.

    Calm down and think about how you did that day.

    If you ask some monster in this world to write a small paper on "How to kill a trick monster in a group battle", maybe only Yuan Yuanyuan is qualified, although She's weak, but she really has experience with it.

    In addition, it is very likely that among all the monsters, she is the only one who has this experience.

    Yuan Yuanyuan stretched out her knife, imagining the feeling of slashing the knife into the man's neck that day, and began to observe who the big monster leading around was.

    It's the one over there, standing at the top.

     Yuan Yuanyuan's eyes aimed at him, and then quickly turned the knife in his hand.

    She shouted cheers to herself three times in her heart, then suddenly appeared behind the monster and inserted her knife into his throat.


    She came and went quickly. After a successful blow, she quickly retreated, and then she heard a sound like a frying pan for a moment.

    The monsters around heard the sound over there, and saw a monster walking out there. The knife in his hand was still dripping blood, and his hair was stuck with blood on his face and neck. There were also a few drops of blood splattered.

    He raised his head and looked at the monsters around him, there was blood on his lips, he wiped the blood off with his hands, and there was a faint red mark on his lips.

    The monsters around saw where he appeared, and suddenly realized who was standing there before, and suddenly their eyes widened involuntarily.

    [It's not enough to just solve the big monster~ I think a more exciting fight may be needed in the comics to enrich the character of Yuan~]

    The person standing there glanced at the mirror placed at the entrance of the mall, walked out slowly, smashed the mirror with one foot, and then walked out slowly on the fragments of the mirror .

    "What happened to the mall over there?" When Gao Ling followed him out, she suddenly raised her head and looked at the mall next to the street where the lights were all turned off. She remembered the time when the lights of the mall were usually turned off. Should be later.

    Tang Shi also frowned and looked over. After a while, he pulled the two people next to him and said, "Let's go, don't look at it."

    "Oh? Good."

    The three of them walked for a while, and when they walked out of the mall, Qiu Ling suddenly said, "Tang Shi... You are just so handsome."

    "Ah? Is there any?" Tang Shi immediately turned his head and smiled happily.

    "Yes, but you're very mentally retarded when you laugh now."

    Tang Shi turned around and put away the smile on his face.

    "What happened to that mall just now?" Gao Ling asked, she was a little curious.

    "There are people fighting inside." Tang Shi said, "I don't know who it is, but the smell of blood is quite heavy, so it's not easy to mess with, go back quickly."

    "I used to think that life was safe, but recently I feel more and more dangerous every day." Gao Ling shook his head and smiled, then said hello and left.

    When she left, she was holding a notebook in her hand, with a lot of things written on it, including a few leaves.

    Gao Ling remembered the only thing the monster's father said to her, "Look at your trick book!"

    So the little girl named Tang Shi read the book and found this.

      ... gosh.

    Gao Ling suddenly turned his head and looked over, not knowing when a scene like a burning cloud appeared in the sky, it was reflected in the sky, like blood.

    What happened that day, Gao Ling didn't take it to heart at all, but in the next few days, although she was a human, she also vaguely heard some heavy news... It looks like a monster There's something big going on over there, so the monsters are going crazy these days.

    She didn't know the specifics, but when another issue of Yaoji was drawn, she knew it like everyone else.

    Yuan caused a very tragic massacre in the monster.

    At the first moment when he saw it, Gao Ling thought like this - how is it possible? That person is impossible.

    But the fact was in front of her, and she had to believe it.

    She stared at the plot in the comics with wide eyes, Yuan killed a group of monsters with a gesture, that action was indeed him... The monsters had almost no power to fight back under his hands.

    Standing in the pool of blood, blood slowly dripped from the knife in his hand, and there were bloodstains on his lips.

    Countless vines continued to extend behind him, like a blooming flower.

    The power revealed on the paper already made her tremble... What will the real reality be like?

    【How can a trick demon survive in a group of people? 】

    [All the monsters were shocked by this for a while, and no one thought that there is actually a trick monster that can do this. 】


      The old monster can actually do this, but now, they have seen it. 】

    [And just when the monsters were in a frenzy... Yuan suddenly lost all traces, and no one knew where he went. 】

    Gao Ling doesn't understand why the tricks and demons are so happy, she just feels that Yuan, who has been with her a few times, has suddenly killed so many people, which is really shocking her three views .

    She also had a few leaves of the book of trickery in her hand. Although she couldn't read it, she brought them all back. Now she feels a little scared when she touches the leaves.


    Is that it?

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