You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 206:

    Yuan Yuanyuan was lying on the bed, there was a lot of uproar outside looking for her recently, and she had been sleeping in the house for a whole week.

    The curtains were closed and the door was closed. She came back with a box of instant noodles and mustard greens. She hid in the room to read novels, ate and slept after reading it, and did not go out for a whole week.

      A truth I realized in a few days.

    Change back, nest at home, the curtains are closed, and everything outside can't affect her.

    As long as it's a few autumns, don't come looking for her again.

    In the past few days, Jiqiu really didn't come to see her, which made Yuan Yuanyuan a little relieved, and inexplicably felt that this was like Jiqiu's vacation for herself.


    The curtains that had not been opened for a few days were pulled open by Yuan Yuanyuan. She looked at the sunny outside and felt inexplicably chilling all over her body. , so naturally there is not so much heat, and the room is cold and gloomy without drawing the curtains for several days.

    The dejected Yuan Yuanyuan got up to wash clothes, wash the quilt, and then carried it out to dry, and went downstairs to buy vegetables and toilet paper…

    Then she was slammed by Xiaoying, who was not at all sad, "Miss Yuanyuan! Do you know what happened recently?"

    "I don't know." Yuan Yuanyuan replied sadly, then went home sadly, washed and cooked vegetables, and lay in bed sadly after eating sun.

    After sunning for half an hour, she changed her face.

    She raised her head and looked at her phone, the card had not been used for her recently, so she didn't know any news, but she used it when she was "Yuanyuan" I saw a lot of news in that number, so I don't know anything about it recently.

    Recently, the group she accidentally added to is full of news every day, and it will be added to ninety-nine after a while. For a mild obsessive-compulsive disorder like Yuan Yuanyuan, it needs to be cleaned up from time to time.

    In the process of cleaning up, she saw a lot of discussions about recent events. In fact, she didn't read the latest comics because she didn't want to, but most of the plots actually started from The group knows... I have to say that it is also a pitiful situation.

    [Yuan is too powerful, who can fight him now? 】

    [I don't know, but it seems that he has become the first on the monster side. 】

     As for the one Faning met some time ago, who of the two is more powerful? 】

    Old white snake? Yuan Yuanyuan vaguely recalled, as if there was such a person...


    [Is the trick demon so powerful? I clearly remember saying that the trick demon is suitable for singles and not for group fights. 】

    【This time the group fight is fine, so it’s the first, right? 】


    What's going on outside now? How did you say that about her?

    Although Yuan Yuanyuan really didn't want to see it, she felt a little inexplicable resistance when she saw it now, but there was no way, she still had to watch it, if she didn't have enough information, she would die again What to do outside?

    So Yuan Yuanyuan tangled for a long time, and grinned at the comics, but she read it twice in a row, and her liver hurts when she reads it... I'll stop you, you really dare to draw, this is After one fight, you have drawn this day-to-day appearance, will I have to draw it after two more fights?

    Things seem to be a little unexpectedly bad, Yuan Yuanyuan shook her head, it would be better if she was really so awesome, but she is only a way to survive from the crowd , has only been tested twice.

    Now it seems that she can escape from the pursuit of a group of monsters anytime, anywhere. It is estimated that there will be more people chasing her outside now.

    In the comics, no one can find Yuan during this period of time. No matter how you look for it, everyone is guessing that Yuan may have been secretly hidden in a special hidden place, or What means were used...

    In fact, it is not wrong to think so, Yuan Yuanyuan's concealment method is quite advanced.

    Women disguised as men, few people noticed... Yuan Yuanyuan sat up and looked at herself on the phone. In fact, every time she looked at that person, she felt that the person was not herself, but she did it by herself The things that came out, this is an indescribable feeling, too dazed, I don't know what it is like to do it.


    Sometimes Yuan Yuanyuan is glad that she is "Yuan Yuanyuan", at least she won't be exhausted.

    Yuan Yuanyuan, who had been with the salted fish for a few days, silently guessed the thoughts of Jiqiu at home... or slowly climbed up.

    Now it's best to strike while the iron is hot and make a little show for the outside world to see.

    Yuan Yuanyuan thought about it for a few hours, and based on her years of experience in reading comics, she formulated a script. To sum up, it is probably a big monster who was chased and killed for a few days. He was seriously injured, but he was still escaping from the pursuit again and again like a swimming fish.



    Yuan Yuanyuan sat up a little resignedly, she took out a fresh-keeping box in the refrigerator, dipped the blood inside with a cotton swab and slowly smeared on her face, then looked for A piece of clothes, I scratched a few lines on it with distress, and then put it on my body.

    Looking at the mirror for a few times, Yuan Yuanyuan felt that this appearance was more in line with the appearance of a person who had been chased for so long, and should not be very ostentatious, so she was ready to go out to take a look.

    Then the next thing is the key thing, where should I go... Yuan Yuanyuan took out the Baidu map and searched on it, and finally found a more remote and quiet place, no The small street that has been seen by too many people, and then disillusioned, ready to go for a walk.


     Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly appeared in the street.

    She looked around, silently covered her chest with her left hand, and felt that there was something wrong with this place, so she pressed down...

    Where is this... kidney?

     Yuan Yuanyuan walked forward silently with a look of kidney deficiency.

    She walked stumblingly on purpose, stopping from time to time to rest for a while, as if she was exhausted.

    In the shadow of the street, a person is walking on the road from time to time, and a thin bloodstain appears on the ground...drop by drop, which is shocking.

    Yuan Yuanyuan was dressed like this, waiting for the fish to be hooked.

    The identity of Yuan is really scary, she doesn't worry that no one will see her when she goes out, really, it's not her blowing, just based on her current sense of existence... just worry that she will It's okay not to be beaten up.

    As Jiang Taigong, Yuan Yuanyuan waited less than half an hour for someone who was going to come after her.

    Yo hoo, that's true.

    …But this time, the people here are not monsters, but a group of Taoist priests.

    In addition to Yuan Yuanyuan, everyone may not know about this matter. In the past few days, a lot of Taoist priests have entered C city, specifically to chase and kill Yuan... Not even drawn in the comics Only Yuan Yuanyuan knew about this thing.

    If this matter were told... Yuan Yuanyuan felt that City C might be caught in an unspeakable fluctuation, because City C has not been a Taoist priest for a long time, and now she is entering a Taoist priest Basically, it is one thing that shakes the relationship between monsters and humans, but the Taoists still entered C City.

    Look, the status of Yuan... All the Taoist monsters are dispatched.

    Yuan Yuanyuan sighed in pain as she looked at the Taoist priests on the opposite side with an expression of kidney deficiency. The Taoist priest headed out came out, Yuan Yuanyuan could smell them Underneath the thick demonic aura, there is a faint human taste... If it wasn't for her, a half-demon who is good at illusion, it would not be easy to find this.

    The first Taoist priest looked at Yuan Yuanyuan, those slender eyes faintly looked like a fox, Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the small yellow talisman in his hand, pointing The tip flicked on it, and the talisman didn't ignite and spontaneously ignited. He was the last group of people who chased Yuan Yuanyuan a few days ago, maybe because Yuan Yuanyuan felt like he was going to fall in minutes, so he didn't hide it now, and simply showed the Dao Talisman.

    A faint fishy smell appeared on Yuan Yuanyuan's nose along with the smell of burning paper, and a looming figure appeared in front of Yuan Yuanyuan.

    Oops, it's an exorcism.

    "Long time no see, it seems that you are not having a good time these days." The Taoist priest opposite said with a smile.

      , looked down at the ground with a look of indifference.

      I admire you for being able to persist until now."

    Brother, don't say more, the more you say FLAG, the more.

    However, Yuan Yuanyuan has not been chased these days. She is hiding in the house and no one can find her. She thinks that there may be several groups of people chasing her. Knowing the existence of the other party, but the information is not exchanged, so Party A feels that Party B is chasing and killing Yuan, and Party B today feels that Party C is chasing and killing Yuan... In fact, none of them are chasing and killing Yuan.

    This is the first time Yuan has appeared this week.

    The driven ghost on the opposite side came to Yuan Yuanyuan's side in an instant, and she could feel the ghost's aura that made her faintly threatening.

    Her expression had a hint of pain, but her movements were still very sensitive. She ignored the "blurred" state of her body and quickly avoided the attack to the side.

    "Huh?" The Taoist priest opposite smiled, his eyes narrowed, "I didn't expect you to have some physical strength... or are you still holding on?"

    The original round face opposite him was expressionless, no one could find any emotion from her face, her face seemed to freeze, and she thought in her heart—

    Oops~ I didn’t hit it~⊙▽⊙, you are not angry, you are not angry~

    The Taoist talisman in the Taoist priest's hand lit up several times one after another, Yuan Yuanyuan saw that several ghosts appeared in front of her, and there seemed to be monsters inside.

      I was knocked down, but now I am Yuan Yuanyuan who has eaten and eaten and salted fish for several days...

    Yuan Yuanyuan's eyes suddenly became extremely cold. This is the look in her unfamiliar eyes a few days ago. That look is quite intimidating.

      , forming a small pool of blood on the ground.

    In the eyes of the Taoist priest on the opposite side, Yuan has been gasping for breath, his left shoulder seems to be seriously injured, the fabric over there is soaked, and he doesn't know where Is it sweat or blood?

    Hero's End.

    It seems that the day-to-day pursuit has exhausted this person to the extreme, maybe, just a little…


    Several ghosts surrounded by the light charged towards the Yuan over there. He had the chance to win, and felt that the person in front of him would definitely not survive.

      Died in a monster infighting.

    The amazing and decisive Yuan, he will die here today.

    No matter what he did before, no matter what he might do next.

    When he was thinking about it, he saw Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly dodging to the side again, his eyes raised, the demon lines on his face were exposed, and the knife in his hand flashed.

    The ghosts in front of them all exploded all of a sudden, and a few seriously injured turned into broken spells and slowly fell.

    Yuan, who was already seriously injured on the opposite side, suddenly made a stunning knife!

    The Taoist priest felt numbness in his arm, he quickly pulled his hand back, and then looked at the opposite side vigilantly.

    However, Yuan, who made this knife, slowly covered his stomach. It seemed that the knife just now brought him a lot of pressure.


    It seems that it is indeed a monster that cannot be underestimated.

    Yuan on the opposite side lowered his head, his breathing became heavier and heavier, and there seemed to be more and more blood on his shoulders.

    His eyes were hidden under his hair, shining bright and scary.


     Yuan Yuanyuan, who was emitting a terrifying light in her eyes at this time, thought, Oops~ I didn’t hit it again~ ⊙▽⊙~

    Crap, I won't play with you anymore, that's enough, I'm going home to sleep.

    Yuan Yuanyuan was thinking about a tragic exit for a while, and estimated that she would be able to salt fish for a few more days... Anyway, Fanning has been leveling up recently, so she can take the opportunity to be lazy.

    This is a very serious injury in the comics, maybe I can get a little sympathy, I hope so.

    I was thinking about whether to politely stab the other side, when a faint smile suddenly sounded in the air.

    "One seven, you are really embarrassed."

    Yuan Yuanyuan was stunned for a moment, and before she could raise her head, a number of bright spots of light suddenly fell from the sky on the opposite side, covering the area.

    In the bright spot of light, she vaguely saw a person appearing in front of her.

    "You are so miserable now, haven't you thought about making some changes?"

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