You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 220:

    The fat cat lived here for many days in Yuan Yuanyuan. Sometimes Yuan Yuanyuan thinks that this cat is actually a cross between a cow and an orange cat.

    Cow cats don't eat much, after all, fat cats are not in good health and can't eat too much, but they can't bear to eat from morning to night, and their small mouth never stops.

    "Fat cat." Yuan Yuanyuan said, "I will take a video of you eating and upload it to the Internet, we will be popular..."

    The fat cat lowered his head, buried his flat and flat face in the bowl, "I eat very painfully... don't eat more, I'm afraid I will die accidentally..."

    Yuan Yuanyuan touched the fat cat's big head, I don't know why the fat cat is dead and alive, but it must be quite hurt. Too easy to die.

    But this still doesn't stop her from wanting to throw the fat cat out. This guy eats a lot.

    Yuan Yuanyuan flipped through the comic book and asked Fat Cat, "When are you going back?"

    "Don't always think about driving me away." The fat cat said, "I'm a poor homeless cat."

    "Okay." Yuan Yuanyuan said, "But you have to pay a little for your meal."

      The direction of the place, there is chaos, surrounded by a lot of monsters.

    "What happened downstairs?" asked the fat cat.

    "Uh, yesterday a human broke into the monster tavern over there... I don't know how to get in, and was caught later." Yuan Yuanyuan said, "The monster in the tavern took her away. After I caught it and wanted to kill it, people came from the human government, and it is estimated that the trouble is not over yet.”

    "No wonder." The fat cat said, "I said why didn't you go to the pub to work."

    Yeah, thanks to that girl, Yuan Yuanyuan thought, she won't pretend to go to work in a pub in order to hide that she has become a rich woman.

    Although Yuan Yuanyuan said she didn't know how the girl got in, she actually found out after asking about it, the reason was that the girl found some clues from Yaoji, according to Clues, touched the pedestrian street this place.

    So since the publication of Yokaiji... The distance between humans and monsters has narrowed a lot. Yuan Yuanyuan thought, while she followed the fat cat's hair, she continued to trick him into paying the money, "So you see I can't even work part-time... Brother, do you want to pay for food or something?"

    The fat cat flicked her tail, Yuan Yuanyuan actually had no other meaning, she guessed that the fat cat might be hiding from the enemy, but she really hoped that the fat cat would sell her color and be full every day Come back again, it would be nice to have a cat cafe near the downstairs.

    When Yuan Yuanyuan was thinking about it, the mirror on her chest suddenly shook, she said sorry to the fat cat, then got into the toilet and took a look, it was the mirror in City C , they asked Yuan Yuanyuan if she had any problems in life recently, and then invited her to come over again. Yuan Yuanyuan thought that if I had any problems in life, it would have already been cold, so why bother asking now.

    She went out and put the instant noodles on the table, let the fat cat soak it when it was hungry, and then went out in a hurry.

    She has been to the office on the mountain many times, she disillusioned far away from home, and then walked towards the direction of the office, before entering, she heard several people arguing, " Who do you want to come with me? Although I don't trust any of you here, but if there is really no way, I just hope you can call a monster with enough skills."

    Yuan Yuanyuan was a little inexplicable, the monster at the door smiled apologetically at her, opened the door and let her in.

    After she went in, she saw the city owner, a handsome man, and a group of people who looked like they were here to make trouble. After Yuan Yuanyuan went in, she asked, " What's wrong?"

    "Phew, thank God, you finally came." The city lord behind him let out a long sigh, "This is the captain of our security team... Please see if he is suitable for this job. thing."

    Yuan Yuanyuan was a little inexplicable in the back, she was the team leader, not the leader... Why did she suddenly get promoted to a level?

    When she wanted to say more, she suddenly saw the man behind her winking at her, Yuan Yuanyuan swallowed all her doubts and continued to listen to the man opposite in silence people talking.

    "We...want to secretly **** a girl home." The person next to him was humane.

    In fact, since they saw Yuan Yuanyuan just now, the place has been quiet for a while, and the arguing in the entire office has disappeared.

    This is something that made the city owner breathe a sigh of relief, and everyone else in the room was relieved. It seems that they expected that after Yuan Yuanyuan came over, these people would not Noisy again.

    "But the girl we escorted is a bit special." The humane behind him said, "It's been very unsafe around her lately... We hope to send her home as soon as possible and not let her stay there any longer. Outside."

    Yuan Yuanyuan felt inexplicable when she heard these things they said, until the girl walked out of the next room, she didn't feel inexplicable... She knew this girl, and it was not a common one. .

    This girl is very famous, she is quite famous in Yaoji, and she is not a nobody in 3D. I heard that she is the daughter of a big monster. She also appeared in Yaoji, and she is very popular. The value is very high. I heard that she is a very kind monster girl, wandering around, hoping to cure more monsters.

    When I was reading comics, Yuan Yuanyuan liked this girl very much, but now I suddenly saw a real person, I suddenly felt like I saw an idol, and my little heart was thumping.

    "What's the matter with you?" Yuan Yuanyuan asked the city lord.

    "There are always strangers harassing her recently." The city owner said: "She hopes to go home quickly, her home can give her good protection."

    Has the goddess been harassed! Yuan Yuanyuan was shocked.

      To ensure her safety, she can go home safely."

    Of course! Yuan Yuanyuan thought, how could she not let such a kind and beautiful girl get poisoned.

    Anyway, she has such a job, the goal is to send the goddess from C city back to her hometown, Yuan Yuanyuan checked it, and it takes about two days to drive, but of course the goddess does not Will drive, she has her own car.

    Although the goddess is still not suitable for revealing her identity, she is a lady after all, and she still has to have some things, so when Yuan Yuanyuan saw the car drawn by several flying horses When I was around, I suddenly wanted to wash my face with tears, and then I called Fat Cat and told him that I really couldn't go back these days.

    Several people in the same group are from City C, so they should be looking at Yuan Yuanyuan. Several of the girl's subordinates are very at ease with Yuan Yuanyuan, because Yuan Yuanyuan's prominent identity has not been killed for so long, which shows that Yuan's strength is extraordinary. The girl's current situation is the same as that of Yuan, but because Yuan has so many means, she has to go home.

    Yuan Yuanyuan knew in her heart that she was not that good at all. She survived entirely by being able to hide.

    The carriage quickly flew into the sky, the girl meant that the sooner she left, the better, Yuan Yuanyuan sat in a carriage by herself, looking at the clouds outside the window, she sat again This kind of car flew into the sky, and there were floating clouds everywhere. Yuan Yuanyuan was curiously clinging to the window and looking out.

    She worked hard all the way to cheer herself up, opened the chessboard to keep an eye on the surroundings. While trying to let the smoke out, make the chessboard trick more effective.

    "Excuse me..." When the carriage stopped in the middle to rest, suddenly someone came in from outside. Seeing that the car was full of smoke, it stopped outside the car and didn't move. Yuan quickly stopped "swallowing clouds and mists", turned around and asked the people outside, "What's wrong?"

    "You..." The girl hesitated for a while and asked, "Can I sit in and talk?"

    "Please." Yuan Yuanyuan thought that this was your car and asked me why?

    And she was very curious, how did the girl parked outside the car, stuck her head out to see, the girl was standing on a long forging belt, the forging belt connected the two carriages , the girl stopped on the forging belt.

    Really, it's amazing.

    Yuan Yuanyuan complained, and let the girl sit in, the girl sat down and kept pulling the handkerchief in her hand, Yuan Yuanyuan roared in her heart, "It's so beautiful, so beautiful, so beautiful. Beautiful!", one side of his face was tense, because of the tension, the expression on his face became even more rigid, and his whole body exuded a terrible temperament.

    The girl hesitated for a while, then asked, "Excuse me, how do you avoid those strange monsters and humans? If I encounter this situation, what method should I use? Avoid them?"

    The original round face was still tense, she thought about it, and then two words popped out, "Don't worry about them."

    "Don't care about them?" The girl was incredulous, "But, don't care about them, they will gossip a lot..."

    "That' way." Yuan Yuanyuan said, "It's already like this, and there's no way to avoid it, just have a clear conscience."

    Yuan Yuanyuan felt that what she said seemed a little guilty, but she felt that this girl could understand.

    "Then you have a clear conscience?" The girl was silent for a while and looked up and asked.

    Something flashed in Yuan Yuanyuan's mind, but she still said with certainty, "I did it."

    The clouds outside rose and fell, floating around them, like some white elves.

     Yuan Yuanyuan passed a while and said to the girl, "You should go back, it's getting late, please go and rest."

    The girl looked at her for a while, then nodded and went out.


    After the girl went out, Yuan Yuanyuan covered her face.

    She felt like her face was hot.

    Yuan Yuanyuan thinks that the girl doesn't know something... Otherwise, why is it so philosophical?


    Yuan Yuanyuan tossed and turned in the car for a long time... Finally, I thought that I should be more reserved, so I quickly sat up again.

    She picked up the cigarette, took a puff, and the smoke spread out from the car window.

    "Sir Yuan." Suddenly someone opened the curtain and asked a question.

    "I know." Yuan Yuanyuan put down the cigarette stick in her hand and said, "Someone is approaching, prepare to fight."

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