You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 221:

      A chain was spun over the carriage.


    The five people on the opposite side were obviously veterans, hiding so deeply that they were completely invisible. Yuan Yuanyuan sat in the car, like a spy listening to intermittent signals.

    When she first approached her carriage, she quietly took out a small bag, which was full of dried leaves, took out the first leaf, The leaf turned into a knife in her hand.

    These cars are exactly the same, they will not be able to find out which car is which, so they can only try their luck, but the first car they enter is the original round one. car.

    Yuan Yuanyuan was sitting in the car alone, looking very leisurely, but she didn't know her pants were getting wet.


    So when the first person came in, Yuan Yuanyuan glanced at her. As the saying goes, a person's name is a shadow of a tree. When the person outside saw Yuan Yuan sitting in the car , Obviously a little stupid, Yuan Yuanyuan saw him stupid, and she was a little stupid too.

    But soon, the leaves on her hands fluttered, and a bloodstain suddenly appeared on the neck of the person opposite.

    The person outside saw that the person who was the first to go in suddenly stopped moving at all, and couldn't help but want to pat him, but just as he patted him, the person in front slowly swiped down .

    He knew something was wrong, and when he looked up, he saw a man with red eyes sitting in the car, looking at him coldly...

    This was his last thought, and after that, he didn't know anything...

    Yuan Yuanyuan got rid of the two people, and then continued to look at the three people, the other three had abandoned her car at this time, and rushed towards the other car In the past, it looked like a quick fix.

    "Sir Yuan, are you all right?" Someone came in outside, Yuan Yuanyuan didn't have time to answer him, but raised another leaf knife, and suddenly disappeared in the car , appeared behind another person.

    She knew that the girl was sitting in the car.

    The other three people saw Yuan Yuanyuan's reaction, and they all knew what was going on, so they rushed towards this side frantically.

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the man opposite, and suddenly she didn't know why, and suddenly she was in a trance in the air.

    In a trance, the white clouds in the sky suddenly turned blood red with black color, rolling away, like a large piece of ink paper sprinkled with vermilion.

    "Be careful!" Indistinctly, she seemed to hear someone shouting behind her.

    The man on the opposite side was indeed using the knife in his hand to cut Yuan Yuanyuan. His movement was almost head-on, and he was about to slash across Yuan Yuanyuan's face soon.

    In an instant, the knife was about to pierce Yuan Yuanyuan's heart, and the people behind all opened their mouths in shock, Yuan Yuanyuan could almost hear their first words. a sound.

     Yuan Yuanyuan seldom puts herself in this situation. She is used to keeping herself in a safe state. Whenever there is danger, she will run away subconsciously.

    This time she saw that the knife was already in front of her, but she was calm in her heart as if it was not herself.

    The blade of the knife was close to her face, and Yuan Yuanyuan stabbed the knife in her hand in a posture that was about to pierce her heart. Almost the man's knife was only one millimeter short of her heart.

     Yuan Yuanyuan's knife was very stable, and the man's blade finally touched Yuan Yuanyuan's face, leaving a shallow scar on it.

    She turned over and jumped over, and in the unbelievable eyes of the other party, she stabbed his heart all at once, and by the way stirred around his chest.

    The eyes of the person on the opposite side widened. He really didn't understand how Yuan Yuanyuan came here. Originally, this position was a very safe position. He held the knife in front of him. This can not only defend, but also take the opportunity to stab Yuanyuan.

    At this time, Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly avoided his knife, and it was a particularly dangerous posture, almost an inch away, and he could perish with him.

    Only one millimeter.

    Aren't you afraid?

    If you make a little mistake, you will die, are you not afraid?



    Yuan Yuanyuan's moment, obviously frightened them all at once.

    The knife in Yuan Yuanyuan's hand was retracted. She suddenly fell straight down, and the people behind her exclaimed again. It turned out that Yuan Yuanyuan had just stayed in the air by that inertia, and she couldn't fly at all, so she couldn't help falling.

    "Quick! Go save people!" In the panic, a woman seemed to shout, but just after she finished speaking, she suddenly found that there was no black figure in the clouds.

    Look at it again, the original Yuanyuan is hanging under the carriage.

      Basically, I can't control my body by myself.

    However, Yuan Yuanyuan still stared at the two remaining people on the opposite side, grabbed the wheel of the car with one hand, and a knife appeared in her hand.

    The two people were obviously a little scared and stupid, so they were caught without much effort. Someone went down to interrogate them, Yuan Yuanyuan was pulled up and entered the carriage again , as if it never happened.

    However, the scene just now was imprinted in the hearts of everyone present.

    Yuan Yuanyuan was sweating profusely in the carriage, she didn't know what happened to her just now, she seemed to be in the same situation as last time in school.

    She knew that the scene was really dangerous, but at that moment, she really didn't think about anything, and rushed up at once.


    Yuan Yuanyuan began to recall the scene just now, when the person killed just now, she saw a gap over there almost instantly in her mind, and through the gap, she saw to the carriage over there.

    Jumped over, avoided the knife, then smashed his heart, then grabbed the yoke over there, like a whole set of movements, the whole process appeared in her mind instantly , and then she did so.

    She didn't come to her senses until she grabbed the cab. The two people over there saw her as stupid, but she herself was stupid too. It was as if... all of a sudden my brain lost control.

    Sitting in the car, an indescribable feeling of excitement surged up in her heart for a while, and then a sense of fear surged up in her heart.

    Shit...she almost died this time...what if next time, she really died?

    But just now, she really didn't think about anything, so she rushed up, it was a completely subconscious behavior, and this was not the first time.

    Yuan Yuanyuan was sitting in the car sweating like rain, but no one outside said a word, but some people thought, it really deserves to be the big monster in the legend, it's really amazing.

    In fact, Yuan Yuanyuan just performed exceptionally well, but people outside the car mistakenly thought it was Yuan Yuanyuan's normal level.

    The inside and outside of the car was as quiet as a chicken for a while, Yuan Yuanyuan was shrunk in the car, and was afraid to speak.

    With such a strange atmosphere, this car continued to drive forward, and then several groups of assassins came, each time Yuan Yuanyuan solved it alone, she fell It's not that I want to do this, I just came to test what happened to my previous situation and why it became like this.

    The results of the experiment...not very satisfying to Yuan Yuanyuan. In general, as long as she is not excited, it is fine. She shouted to herself in her heart, "Hold on!", but don't let her see the opportunity.

    As soon as she sees it, no matter how dangerous the opponent is, she will rush up and kill the opponent.

      He survived like a god. Then Yuan Yuanyuan sat in the car and looked up at the sky very calmly [actually, he was repenting in his heart, and desperately asked himself what to do and what to do], and later, the people who went with him even held back, wanting to see Yuan Yuanyuan How to kill the enemy next time.

    When they crossed, the people in this car were already worshipping the original dome...

    The escorted girl bowed to Yuan Yuanyuan before leaving, dressed in a very gentle and dignified ancient costume, and said to her: "If Lord Yuan feels a clear conscience, then I will stay at home I pray for you, I pray for you to be safe."

    Yuanyuanyuanxin thinks the goddess you are so kind... I think I really need to pray, otherwise it will be easy to die.

    She also heard other members of the caravan ask, "Is that the trick of the monster? No wonder he can kill so many people."

    "It's amazing... Once can be said to be a fluke, but twice is definitely his method. If someone can learn it, it will be amazing."

    …no! Not a method!

    A few days later, Yuan Yuanyuan sat on the bed, hugged the fat cat, and watched the latest comic.

    The fat cat looked at the plot on the comic and said, "This hand is very beautiful, it's a trick to change the knife at will."

    "Hey, she's beautiful." Yuan Yuanyuan said to the fat cat deadly, turned a page, looked at the girl above, sat in the car and asked Yuan, " Did you have a clear conscience then?"

    "I did it." Yuan in the comic was silent for a while, and replied.

    Yuan Yuanyuan turned the page again without love, and suddenly felt that something was wrong, so she turned back and went to the front, watching the latest plot of this issue.

    This issue talks about some more sensitive things, and talks about the long-standing "blood theory" in monsters.

    It mentioned that the newly appeared mask organization may be related to this, Yuan Yuanyuan didn't think there was anything wrong until it was linked to the latter.

    You just introduced the bloodline theory... and then suddenly Huayuan said that he had a clear conscience?

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the comics with a headache, she thought, you won't be so bad in Jiqiu...

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