You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 222:

    Yuan Yuanyuan then looked down, she felt that there was something vaguely implied, but he didn't write it out clearly, which made Yuan Yuanyuan a little caught Heartbroken.

    She continued to look down, Ji Qiu focused on the bloodline theory of monsters, and it was nothing more than wanting to kill other non-demon creatures and maintain the bloodline of monsters.

    Yuan Yuanyuan felt that the concept of monsters was a little addictive, and they made this bloodline theory... In fact, the goal at the beginning was to protect the bloodline of the demon clan, but in truth, other Eldar races are closely related to the demon clan Therefore, flowers, birds and Cordyceps are the prototypes of most monsters, so this lineage theory is almost equivalent to a specific reference to human blood.

    The craziest age of bloodline theory was during the war between humans and monsters. Almost all human-related massacres were done by monsters who advocated bloodline theory. It's not so clear.

    She found that there were many things in it that she never knew, many, many—

    For example, many years ago, almost all monsters advocated bloodline theory, they used to be really crazy because of this, and it was their responsibility to kill the human beings in the world.

    For example, many years ago, the one who most admired this was the King of Hundred Demons, that big monster once set off a mighty storm, many people followed him, and many people felt that he was His thoughts were correct, Yuan Yuanyuan's ear dazedly sounded the voice of the head of the Li family, the phrase "for loyalty" he said to Yiqi in the comics.

    The head of the Li family must be a firm supporter of this concept.

    Yuanyuan, who was a half-way monk, couldn't make any comments on other people's "customs", even in the human world. It's okay if you don't get beaten up, and if you don't get used to it, you just need to know it in your heart.

    She saw another thing that stunned her, and that strange feeling was finally verified at this time, Ji Qiu really clicked on her from behind.

    This also let her know one thing - the appearance of the Blood Jade Demon Jue was originally related to the bloodline theory.

    In fact, when Yuan Yuanyuan got the Blood Jade Demon Jue for the first time, she felt that this book was very evil. Later, it was because she used her own blood to cultivate. Let that evil feeling continue to haunt her. But with another monster, if he wants to practice this monster, he must do one thing - kill people and get blood.

      , the sacrifice of cultivation is conscience, although monsters seem to have only animal nature and no conscience.

    It was invented during the first war, and the catalyst for its invention at that time was the bloodline theory that was popular among monsters.

      The purpose of the invention, but never thought of this.

      They used to be the most central team in the bloodline theory. Once humans heard them, they were horrified, because the arrival of the Blood Jade Demon not only represented the failure of human beings, but also represented the corpses that were sucked dry...

      What she couldn't see was that she used to think a bit simple, thinking that this thing was only related to her own life, but now it seems that it is related to the lives of many people.

    Because of its unique characteristics, the Blood Jade Demon Jue was completely lost after the war, due to various human interference and other historical factors... Yuan Yuanyuan felt that this was also the same as the Blood Jade Demon Not a single person died in the army. You said that there are no more people left, so how can it be passed down.

    There was also someone who wanted to secretly restore the Blood Jade Demon Jue, but it didn't work, so it still happens now, and there is only one person in the world—

     Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly became a dead fisheye. She looked over and over for a long time, and suddenly felt that her brain was boiling.

    This is does it feel like an "old society scourge" is left behind?

    Is it an illusion?

    The original circle turned down again, oh, it's not an illusion, it's true... This is what Jiqiu means.

    No, isn't 17 a firm opponent of blood theory? How did he suddenly become a blood theory supporter?

    This made Yuan Yuan a little uncomfortable.

    She turned a corner in her heart - ah, yes, the other blood jade demon army is dead, and now there is only one "Yuan" left.

    So even if he is not a spokesperson, others will not think so.

    But... 17, he is very opposed to blood theory! If you think about it, it is very likely that he died because of this... But what did Yuan Yuanyuan say? She doesn't dare to say it now!

    Yuan Yuanyuan hugged the fat cat and asked in a small mosquito-like voice, "Isn't it because of... against the bloodline theory back in 17?"

    She was a little confused herself.

    "Yes." The fat cat was also looking at the comics, and there was no sense of joking in his tone. He used a kind of Yuanyuan rarely heard, and he would only say it after he became a human being The voice said, "The one who wanted him to die the most back then was the King of Hundred Demons, because he was in charge of the spy battalion, maybe he was a little too big, maybe he died a bit strange in the end, anyway, after he died, the spy battalion It also gradually lost. Because many monsters inside were disobedient, the high-level officials sent them to perform some particularly dangerous tasks. After a few times, the old old people were almost dead, and the newcomers did not. To revive the spy camp again."

    The people in the spy that how they died?

    Yuan Yuanyuan was sitting on the bed, and suddenly felt a little pain in her head. A long time ago someone said that "people in the spy camp died because of him". that so?

    Then all of it really all to blame? If he doesn't die himself, then those people in the spy camp will not be leaderless, nor will they be played to death by the high-level...

    "It's easy to kill those people in the spy battalion." The fat cat is still talking, "I went to check the historical data, at first I thought they killed so many spy battalions. The monsters will be more difficult, but later found out that it only took less than two years... The people in the spy camp have a problem with Yiqi, because they are all trained by him, Yiqi will severely punish those disobedient soldiers, Therefore, the soldiers of the spy battalion are very natural, very obedient to the command, and they are relatively old-fashioned. Although it is a good thing for the soldiers to obey the command, but in 2017, if you… forget it, you can’t think that way, then it’s wrong.”

    "Then he, he..." Yuan Yuanyuan hesitated for a while, then suddenly said, "If he says this..."

    "Are you trying to ask him why he doesn't speak out?" the fat cat said, "Of course he can't speak now... Why do you think he can live so long now? If he speaks out, who will I can't spare him. Don't look at what he's holding now, that's because he hasn't touched the bottom line of the high-level people. The high-level people think that he is more sensible, so they didn't kill him. If he said it, the people who are now chasing him Not on this scale.”

    Yuan Yuanyuan thought about the Li family and a series of high-level executives in City C... Indeed, the reason why they live together now is largely because they have not been with each other since the resurrection of "Yuan" No matter how you talk, things related to that year have never been spoken.

    Don't speak, so others can spare "he", if "he" opens his mouth, it is estimated that the entire demon world can come and kill "him".

    The principle is such a principle.

    But why Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly felt so angry and panic.

    "But this is a good opportunity." The fat cat said, "Maybe Jiqiu didn't draw this now, and I was worried about what kind of turbulence would happen to the monster if it burst out all at once. Although he looks I've always been foolish, but so far, I haven't been able to take it off, as you can see from Yuan."

    " to say?" Yuan Yuanyuan is now a little uncomfortable with others playing a few autumns.

    "Because there are so many things on Yuan's body, he didn't say anything." The fat cat said, "But do you think he really doesn't say anything? Not necessarily, everyone thought him before. He won't talk about the previous war, but he said, he is testing a little bit, and he is also waiting for an opportunity. This opportunity has not come, and he will not talk about it before that. Once he really speaks out , maybe everything will be revealed. At that time, not only the past of Yuan, but also all the things that were covered up by the war will be revealed,"

    "Wh, what chance?" Yuan Yuanyuan was a little distracted by the fat cat, she unexpectedly felt that what the fat cat said made sense.

    "I don't know what the opportunity is..." Who knew that the fat cat suddenly collapsed and shook his tail, "Maybe the world explodes, the earth is destroyed? Or there is a third war between humans and monsters ?"

    Yuan Yuanyuan's current thinking is... I've taken off my pants, and you'll show me this?

    She also lay down on the ground, her whole body was mourning, she glanced at the comics, and turned back to the front. The words [clear conscience] seemed dazzling.

    "Are you still angry?" The fat cat came over, "Actually, I think the top management really has the mentality of getting by... When Yaoji appeared before, if they confessed earlier, some things might be pulled. I have some good feelings, but I don't have a mind that Ji Qiu can't talk about, and I drag it a little... until now, even the one seven that I tried so hard to cover up back then has been picked up."

    "Yes, and now Yiqi has taken away all the hatred." Yuan Yuanyuan dragged her chin and said vaguely, burying her face in the cat's fur, and when she spoke, she covered the cat's fur He also blew, "Do you believe that after today's issue, all readers will think that 17 is synonymous with bloodline theory? Or a bloodlineist with a 'clear conscience' who kills without repentance? ...cough, forget it, I'll be **** off."

    The fat cat was about to speak, but suddenly stopped, he felt a little strange on his cat's fur, "Hey, hey, wait a minute, are you crying? Wait, Miss Yuanyuan Are you really crying?"

    "Don't call me like Xiaoying." Yuan Yuanyuan pressed the cat's head, "Don't look at me, take your catnip and roll."

    As she spoke, she threw a catnip stick she just bought and threw it out.

     I won't tell you... I hold the mentality of science, one is one, and there is always someone in the world who knows the truth, otherwise it will be too tragic. But if you are like this, I will not dare to tell you again. "

    "Although Yuan is really handsome, if I were a woman, I would marry him." The fat cat paused and said, "Also, don't treat me like a dog."

    Yuan Yuanyuan rubbed her nose on the cat's body, turned around to take toilet paper and blow her nose, turned her back, and didn't want the fat cat to see her crying, the fat cat came over and followed her Said, "Don't cry, you cry now, he can't see Yuan Yuan, and he won't know that there is a fan girl crying for him, and he won't..." He stopped halfway and threw Yuan Yuanyuan at him. The paper on his body was picked up with cat paws and placed on the table.

    After a while, he suddenly said again, "Actually, after I tell you his story, you can cry when you hear it, it means that he is a bit lucky... You and I are not strange. People, our ideas are just not popular because we offend other people's interests, but that doesn't mean we are wrong."

    "I used to wonder if I was wrong or they were wrong, and now I'm actually relieved to see you cry, because at this moment I realize that I'm a normal cat. My character is noble and sound, and I am willing to die for something."

    "I cried..." Yuan Yuanyuan didn't know why she couldn't help crying, "It's not the same as crying with other people..." She cried for herself, and crying for her with others was not a concept what. "Besides, your death is a little too cheap... or it's useless, anyway, you're not afraid."

    "But I'm afraid of pain." The fat cat coughed, "You have some confidence in Yuan... He's not a salted fish, he will definitely do something, he was the head of the spy battalion back then , he is not afraid of the sky and the earth, as long as he is there, nothing to worry about."

    "Besides." The fat cat lay down on Yuan Yuanyuan, who couldn't hold back her tears and had hiccups, "Come on, I'll lend you this invincible and lovely tail to touch, you will be lucky if you touch it. Oh~ calm down in your hand... Besides, Yiqi should be able to endure a lot more than us."

    The fat cat suddenly said in his somewhat rogue voice, "Because Yiqi is my idol."

    "He is very brave. He is my idol since childhood. In my heart, he is omnipotent. When I was a child, I would cut out all his stories and put them in a notebook. He He is also my life mentor, I hope to be a man like him, although there is still a little distance, but my idol has returned from hell, and he wants to expose all the darkness."

    "He is not afraid of any gossip, even if people outside are desperate to scold him, he is not afraid, he looks very immodest, but in his heart, there has always been an old school, A handsome gentleman. The childhood idol of Mr. Cat must be the most powerful person in the world~ This is Mr. Cat's famous saying~ You can't go wrong by listening to Mr. Cat's words."

    The fat cat flicked his tail, "Old man... I remembered the nickname I saw that day. It's actually true, he is the kind of old-fashioned and reliable old man in my heart. Man, I actually quite like the nickname."

    "Hiccup, I, I don't, I like it." Yuan Yuanyuan said.

    "Can I touch my tail?" asked the fat cat.

    "Not easy to touch."

      Cry, then he will definitely not be lonely~"

    "Hiccup, yes, yes, there is an egg, the egg is for..."

     I can’t reach out and pick it up, I can’t touch it.”

    Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly looked up and saw a star outside the window, through her eyes full of tears, blurry and silvery light.

    Looks beautiful.


    Gao Ling looked at the comics, digging his fingers deep into his hair.

    She's actually in a bit of pain right now.


    She has been home for three days.

    "Don't sleep, come out quickly." Her mother knocked on the door, "Did you secretly fall in love behind my back? Then let others dump it?"

    Gao Ling suddenly put on clothes, pushed the door and ran out, greeting her mother hastily, which startled her mother.

    "Hey, what are you doing?"

    Gao Ling did not answer.

    She wants to find something now... whatever it is, as long as it calms her down.

    The more the better.

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