You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 226:

    Recently, a lot of monsters have died in the demon world. These monsters have a very special thing in common, that is, they were all killed by one blow.

    It is worth mentioning that each dead monster has a flower stained with blood on its neck.

    This unique way of dying quickly attracted everyone's attention, but because most of the dead monsters were no-ones, or some people who were a headache for other monsters. So the storm was not too big.

    Yuan Yuanyuan used these monsters to practice her hands, she vaguely felt that she knew a little about how to make this thing, in fact, it was the first time that she noticed something was wrong, it was that The next time she went to **** the goddess home, she found that she had a strange characteristic, that is, she seemed to be used to doing things that, in her opinion, would kill her. And not just once or twice...every time.

    Every time Yuan Yuanyuan thinks about this, she wants to hold her chin and ponder for a while.

    In fact, she was a little scared at first, but there is always a probability problem in everything.


    The original Yuanyuan can even sum up some experience that I don’t know if it is experience, such as what kind of sorcery to use first to make it easier to kill later...

    She was sitting opposite the fat cat eating, and she was constantly swiping her mobile phone, wanting to see if there were any monsters nearby that she could "experiment". She went to a nearby place that was similar to killing people for money, took a few photos and brought them back, ready to look at them one by one.

    "What are you looking at?" The fat cat sat down and said, "Don't look, let's eat."

    Yuan Yuanyuan quickly turned off her phone again, Fat Cat said, "I might have to go out after dinner, you don't have to wait for me tonight."

    "Why are you going?" Yuan Yuanyuan asked while eating.

    "In the Yaoji updated yesterday." Fat Cat said while eating: "There is a group of humans organized to kill Yuan, I guess it will be tonight, or tomorrow night, I'm going to join in the fun. "

    "Oh, then you go, I won't make your cat food, just eat whatever you want and sleep." Yuan Yuanyuan replied.

    After she finished speaking, the room was silent for three seconds.


    "Fuck, wait, what did you say?"

     Yuan Yuanyuan almost choked herself to death with a mouthful of rice.

    She just asked casually, and it was unexpected to ask such a result.

    Yuan Yuanyuan asked with a bewildered expression, "What, what? Damn it, what happened to the plot during the time I didn't watch Yaoji?"


    "Wait, wait a minute! You didn't say anything!" Yuan Yuanyuan tried to grab the fat cat with both hands, but the fat cat left without looking back, leaving Yuan Yuanyuan alone Stay where you are. She wanted to quickly open the comics to take a look, but she had fallen behind more than a little bit, and now it's a little more difficult to make up for it.

    She quickly turned to the latest issue, and then, as the fat cat said, there was indeed a group of people discussing to kill Yuan. She didn't see it before, and she didn't see it afterward , anyway, there is such a scene.

    Yuan Yuanyuan glanced at the way this group of people determined the location of the Yuan, and it was actually through fortune telling...

    What the hell? Does fortune-telling actually have such a function?

    Yuan Yuanyuan didn't know whether she should complain or what to do, but she still read this paragraph carefully, these people said that through fortune telling, Yuan will appear in a place with a river.

      Even the river.

    Yuan Yuanyuan put down her rice bowl, chewing on her rice and thinking about what to do. Originally, she really planned to go to the river tonight, because there was one of her experiments... ahem, it was said to be a water demon, Yuan Yuanyuan wanted to try her luck there.

    Ah... what kind of **** is this?

    Wait, this doesn't seem to be the point, the point is to go or not?

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at her phone and thought for a while, for some reason she seemed to bear the expectations of countless people...

    She thought for a while, put down her phone, and prepared to go to dinner. While eating, there was a sudden knock on the door, Yuan Yuanyuan pushed it open, and saw Xiaoying and her long-time girlfriend standing at the door. The two hadn't come for a long time, Yuan Yuanyuan didn't know this either. What the **** are they here for?

    "Sister Yuanyuan, are you going to work tonight?" Xiaoying asked.

    "Ah...May or may not go, what's the matter with you?" Yuan Yuanyuan asked.

    "We want to go to a place today, but we don't dare to go." The two looked at each other, "Sister Yuanyuan, can you take us up the mountain?"


    "Sister Yuanyuan?" Xiaoying blinked her big eyes to look at Yuanyuan.

    "Auntie!" Yuan Yuanyuan turned her head and rushed to the door next door, slamming on the door, "Your daughter can't think of skipping school at night! She even took her friends to escape. Quickly drag them both back!"

    The whole corridor is filled with the sound of "dong dong dong" slamming on the door and the "ah-" sound from the mouth of the two dumb girls behind...

    Facing the door, Xiaoying and the two of them shot out the words "wicked!" at the same time, Yuan Yuanyuan didn't move at all, she slammed on the door and saw Xiaoying's mother The two little girls dragged back and beat them, sighed comfortably, and went back to the house.


    Yuan Yuanyuan scratched her face, thinking that this is really a bit of a mystery. When she saw the content of the comic, she actually didn’t want to go, but then she thought that the plan for today was to go Fighting... who is not fighting? Isn't beating a Taoist a beating?

    Speaking of how the group of Taoists got in, does City C not care? Is it really okay to watch them come in and fight like this casually?

    Yuan Yuanyuan complained while preparing to take a nap first, she might go out at night, so she'll make up her sleep first. She vaguely felt that the Taoist priests came to beat her, probably because the fact that she was a pure-blood representative had fermented some time ago... Even if the Taoist priests didn't guess what was going on like a fat cat, they were born with the so-called so-called She felt disgusted by the pure-blood statement, and it was not surprising that she came to kill her.

    Although I just turned a few pages at random, I did see some content related to those things, and they did scolded "disgusting thoughts" and so on... I didn't think much about the previous ones, but Yuan Yuanyuan felt that her guesses were inseparable.

      I mean, basically it's on the pillow as soon as it touches it.

    She slept soundly here, but everyone else was different... To be precise, except for the person involved, the others who were affected were not as good as her.

    Gao Ling was carrying a bunch of luggage and was on the phone while walking. On the other end of the phone was another girl, "Hey? Are you coming by plane? Do you want me to pick you up?"

    "No, I've been here last time." The **** the other end said, "I'll be there at eight o'clock in the evening, I hope they will be late."

    "We'll stay with a few monsters, don't be afraid." Gao Ling said, "All of them are students from nearby schools. They said they wanted to form a team today and said they wanted to stay with us. a location."


    "...You, how many people did you call?" Gao Ling was stunned, "Didn't we both know..."

    "I think since I call people over, then make the scale a little bigger." The girl over there said, "It's okay, I'm all at ease, and there won't be any moths. , I'm quite prepared, you don't have to worry about me."

    "Okay, okay." Gao Ling put down the phone a little worried, thinking about how complete the preparations were, and always felt that it was not very reliable...

    Well, she admits that she is a bit timid, so she doesn't dare to publicize the things she knows, but the girl is a little more courageous and belongs to the outgoing type, she is very close to her different.

    Gao Ling is quite envious of such people, and always thinks they can do a lot of things that she can't. But recently, the comments in Yaoji are really not allowed to be read. In fact, she has to jump to read Yaoji now, and she absolutely cannot read the comments.

    How should I put it... The recent form is indeed very serious for Yuan, Gao Ling breaks out in a cold sweat every time he reads comics, wondering if Yuan can hold on.

    First pure blood was gradually fermented, then more and more things related to the year were revealed, and then, there was this incident, in fact, this was caused by caused by the previous ones.

    In such a situation, it's her... She may have an explosion of mind, although she doesn't know exactly what Yuan has suffered recently, but it's not so comfortable to think about.

    She felt like she saw the outer world inside through a cartoon, and through the outer world, saw the inner world inside... I don't know whether to be happy or unhappy about this situation.

    After Gao Ling arrived on the mountain, looking around, she was instantly a little frightened, the crowd was not enough to describe, she hurriedly called Tang Shi and they connected, and Tang Shi led her away , and said to her: "Don't leave for a while, there are too many monsters here, I'm afraid something will happen to you."

    They looked at the people in the mountains, passing through the monsters, Gao Ling felt that it was difficult to breathe, her eyes were full of monsters, she walked for a while, and said to Tang Shi: "This... Can you wait until Yuan?"

    Gao Ling didn't really believe it in her heart, she felt a little overwhelmed, like this, it's very likely that Yuan won't come.

    "We will wait." Tang Shi turned his head and said in a natural tone.

    Gao Ling knows that this girl often has a straight brain circuit... She has a big heart and never turns a corner. She sighed, not going to continue talking to her, so she continued to move forward.

    "Because you think so." Tang Shi ignored her and continued to say, "Ji Qiu usually never paints in such detail... The first time he painted in such detail, he must have made Everyone came to see it."

    Gao Ling raised his head to look at Tang poetry.

    "C city, by the river, when did you have such a detailed reminder?" Tang Shi told her, "No one knows who Faning is now, of course everyone knows Yuan I'll be here, so I'll be waiting here."

    Gao Ling was amused when he heard it, the brain circuit of Tang poetry is really simple... It is so simple that there is no reason to refute it.

    She raised her head and wondered, will Yuan come? He will definitely leave when he sees this scene... How could he stay? Does he want everyone to watch him fight other people?

    No way, how could he do such a thing, how could he deliberately…

    Gao Ling suddenly stopped.

    "Come on, the big monster will come up later." Tang Shi said: "We have a good position, we can get closer.

    "Oh." Gao Ling nodded casually, a little uneasy.

    She turned her head again and saw another student over there bringing the girl over. The girl was carrying a large bag behind her back and threw it to her, "Then, yours."

    "What?" Gao Ling asked.

    "The shirt and the banner!" The girl shouted two words.


    Yuan Yuanyuan woke up from sleep and got on the bus with Hache, and slowly went to the mountain in the suburbs. It was said that the last time she fought with someone was on the mountain... Because it was the second time, so Strange peace of mind.

    As soon as she got off the car, she saw the demonic aura on the top of the mountain... She calmly picked up her schoolbag, calmly got out of the car, calmly tied her shoelaces, calmly prepared to climb the mountain to digest and digest.

    Ah, every time. Every time.

    Others fight, what are you guys doing here...

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