You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 227:


    She went to climb the mountain normally at the beginning, and even had the mind of exercising, but in the end, the demon of the mid-mountain demon was already very strong, and she was afraid that other demons would come over to ask for trouble , I had to release the monster energy, and then I had to climb quickly, because the monsters around were rushing forward as if they were dying.



    You have something wrong!

    Yuan Yuanyuan stood on this hill and looked at that hill, she didn't dare to go there for a while, for fear that the phantom would be **** in the past, so she came here to hide first.

    In the end, she saw that there were monsters on this hill... This also proved that the hills over there were probably full of monsters.

    Yuan Yuanyuan opened the bag, took out a bag of potato chips and sat to eat, she now has a strange feeling in her heart, she wants to know what will happen if she doesn't fight, Will so many people come here for nothing, and finally have to go back with backpacks.

    There is a little kid next to me, Yuan Yuanyuan asked, what are you doing here, little kid? The little kid raised his head and said naively that I came to fight with my mother.

    Yuan Yuanyuan asked if you could see after running so far. The child said she couldn't see it, and Yuan Yuanyuan said she was mentally retarded.

    Didling and dragging, dragging, dragging, dragging until twelve o'clock, Yuan Yuanyuan ate slowly, and the potato chips were finished, she threw the bag away and got up I patted the potato chip residue on my trousers, and the child next to me was about to fall asleep. Several adults muttered, why haven't they come yet? When will they come.

    The expectations of the masses are so heavy.

    The Yuan Yuanyuan figure suddenly disappeared in place, the child next to him turned around, and saw that the big sister who had just stood there eating potato chips was gone, he was a little dazed.

    Gao Ling and the others were sitting together, and the two of them looked towards the middle. There were all people nearby, and all of them were bright, except for the place in the middle that was vacated.

    Several of them were sitting together, and a person beside them said, "The seats over there have been priced at 3,000 yuan per person. Fortunately, we came early."

    Tang Shi took out his binoculars and looked in front of him, and someone next to him took out his mobile phone to take pictures... Gao Ling silently raised the little stick in his hand and asked, "I I don't think it's good for us to be like this, it's easy to be beaten for a while."


    Gao Ling rolled his eyes, youkai and human boys... In some cases, they really have something in common.

    The Tang Shi over there muttered to herself, "Why haven't you come yet, looking at the people below, I feel so suffocated."

    The people she was talking about were the Taoist priests, they had been standing there from the very beginning, there were rows of chairs, and they were sitting there, waiting quietly, looking extremely coercion.

    The monsters around were cursing and whispering, and the few people in the middle were unmoved and sat like a mountain.

    "Do you really have no big monsters to take care of this?" Gao Ling asked, "I remember that the Taoists rarely let in in City C now, why did they let them in today? ?"

    "Ah? Don't you know? This duel is officially approved." A monster boy next to him said, "After two hills, there is the base camp of the monsters in City C. Or they lent the place for everyone to come here, who would dare to come here usually."

    "Official? Let me go, is your official so amazing, poisonous, what did they say?" Gao Ling asked.

    "It was after the demons over there came out, the official said it within an hour, the venue here is open, and everyone can come and watch the game for free."

    "You...this is also magical." Gao Ling thought to himself.

    "Awesome, our city C has a lot of salacious operations from ancient times to the present." The boy next to him said, "But this time it is estimated that Jiqiu will save face, who knows which Jiqiu is. Big monster, what if he is unhappy and comes to kill."

    What is it to give Jiqiu face. Gao Ling thought to himself, destroying his outline, even if it destroyed his face, then her outline was beaten back and forth several times, and she never said that she was losing face.

    While she was talking, Tang Shi, who was next to her, suddenly made a "huh". There are still one or two walking back and forth, and now I can't move."

    "How can there be." Gao Ling said, "Isn't this still moving?"

    She took the telescope and looked at it for two minutes, then said, "Hey, it's really not moving."

    But those people were still sitting securely in their seats.

     Gao Ling looked at the lively atmosphere around him and sat down with peace of mind.

    But ten minutes later, her face suddenly became more and more frightened.

      The two said a few words, and then the two leaned against each other and shivered.

    However, everyone has yet to find out what is going on below, and are still waiting for the arrival of Yuan.

    After another ten minutes, the girl next to her had just been staring at the bottom, when she suddenly rushed towards Gao Ling and whispered to her: "It's not right. , it's been twenty minutes, this group of people just wasn't like this."

    Of course, Gao Ling knew that the two of them very much hope to have a person to go down to see, but for some reason, no one is going down now. This absurd atmosphere made her break into a cold sweat.

    "Or let's go first." She said, "I always think something will happen in a while."

    "Let's go down now? What are we doing here?" the girl next to him said, "Didn't we both agree to cheer for Yuan."

    She took out something while talking, Gao Ling looked at the banner she took out, and it said something like [The Strongest Yuan] and handed it to Gao Ling, Gao Ling took it over with a face Disgusted, "No, this kind of thing, what's the use of you doing it. And it feels like a middle school, like some brainless loli..."

    "Of course it's useful." The girl said, "You can rush directly in front of him and say that I know you are miserable, so I decided to cheer for you, I also know that you were not like this before Man, I guess what are you going to do, what are your ideals... What do you think are the chances of us coming back alive after we finish talking?"

    Gao Ling was stunned for a moment, "So the safest way at present is to pretend to be a brainless fan, a brainless fan is a brainless fan, and most people don't like to care about it, because the words don't understand , anyway, there are not too many brain-damaged fans just looking at his face on the Internet..."

    The people below did not hear the conversation between Gao Ling and the girl next to him. At this time, Tang Shi suddenly said, "A fool passed by, look, he didn't know what to do in the past."

    For a while, the man below walked up to several Taoist priests, Tang Shi saw him photographing a man through the telescope, maybe this idiot just wanted to go down and see why these people were Suddenly he stopped moving, he patted it casually, and the man in front of him slid down suddenly, and then collapsed to the ground like a puddle of mud.

    The entire mountain was silent for a second.

    Gao Ling grabbed the hand of the person next to him.

    The next second, overwhelming screams, screams of horror, and excitement resounded throughout the mountain.

    It was a sound like a monster carnival.

    Suddenly, everything was messed up.

    Gao Ling was almost hit by a demon who did not know where it came from. She ducked her head and saw the girl next to her handed her a banner.

    "Throw it on the ground, just unfold it! Let's run!" The girl said, "Don't throw us here, throw it next door! Hurry up, now he may be watching nearby, and someone will say after a while It might be gone."

    Gao Ling knew that the "he" she was referring to was referring to Yuan, and she thought that you are really smart, big bro, remember to throw it next door at this time... Hurry up and start throwing the same way of throwing Indian cakes Go out, and then leave this messy place with the help of a few monster students.

    "When did he come?" Gao Ling heard someone shouting when he was leaving. Gao Lingxin said at least 20 minutes. Thousands of monsters around here can't tell where he came from. Who knows where to go?

    Under the eyes of the public, Yuan suddenly appeared and suddenly disappeared, or he never appeared.

    No one knows where he is.

    "Gosh! I just stared down there and didn't notice!"

    "I also recorded it, and I didn't find it, what's going on?"

    "Stop talking and leave, it's going to be a mess here."


    Under the onlookers of thousands of monsters, there were even all kinds of modern equipment, Yuan didn't even show his face, he killed a few people, then turned and left.

    It's a blatant sarcasm, you guys don't even have a chance to show me.

    In the midst of the chaos, someone realized later that Yuan had already come, then killed people, and left again.

    After that, it was a bone-piercing cold wind that rushed up her back.

    When did he come?

    Thousands of people watched and didn't find out how he came, and let him kill a few people in front of everyone, so the self sitting there at the time, would it be Kill it so easily?

    After that, the monsters started to riot. They ran down the mountain one after another. Don't stay here again. Staying in this place will even make your back cold.

    "Did you throw the banner out?" In the chaos, Gao Ling was exceptionally calm.

    They went down the mountain with a few students. In fact, they did not expect that the road down the mountain would be so peaceful, and basically they could not see anyone.

    While I was thinking about it, a monster with wings in the sky was shot down, streaked like a meteor, and fell in front of them... I guess it was already dead.

    Gao Ling ran quickly for a while, and was a little disgusted by the tragic death of the monster just now, she turned her head and asked, "Throw it out... I don't know if Yuan can see it, but I heard Someone next door scolded me."

    "This...I don't know if I can see it." The girl next to it said, "But I feel a little hopeful to try it."

    "Suddenly I feel like we are also like spies tonight." Gao Ling thought and smiled suddenly, "Actually, it's quite exciting to think about it, it feels like a raging feeling, I haven't been so bearable in a long time. pass."

    "There is a feeling of secretly doing a good deed without leaving my name." The girl came over and gave her a high five, "Yuan's justice team succeeded in their first battle!"

    Gao Ling smiled.

    She suddenly thought that what she did tonight was dangerous to others... I felt like a person like Yuan who was struggling silently in the dark, she was doing something with her own mind matter.

    I don't know if I can convey this feeling, and she accidentally pitted the next door, but she felt that after she finished it tonight, she felt very happy, the happiest time in these days .

    As she walked, she listened to the girl over there, "I decided to carry forward our team, I don't know how to draw, then make up jokes or something and post it on the Internet... Find a way to brainwash everyone , Yuan's fan is quite popular, although everyone complains that the Yuan in the fan is not the real Yuan, but what if I write about the real Yuan in the fan? In case they find out...that Yuan in the fan is the real one. What about?"

    Gao Ling walked silently, only listening, not interrupting, halfway through, suddenly saw a man in black in front of him, with his head bowed and a bag on his back, looking quite Reticent look.

    He held a flashlight in his hand and walked up the steps. Gao Ling immediately felt that he should be a person, because monsters generally don’t use flashlights…

    "Hey, sir." Gao Ling ran over and said to the man, "It's dangerous up there, go down the mountain quickly, don't stay on the mountain so late."

    The man didn't look back and paused after listening to her words.

    After a while, he said, "Okay."

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