You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 228:

    The record that night was terrifying, with dozens of monsters and humans killed and hundreds injured.

    After the war, the world was moved.

      When did the person kill, in short, when it comes to that night, the monsters and humans who were there personally said that it was a nightmare.

    It is said that the sect behind the Taoists specially pushed them out. I didn't expect them to be listed on Yaoji, but after they found out, the sect immediately made a lot of preparations to give The few Taoists who came here provided various help, in fact, they hoped that this time, the sect would be directly famous in the world.

    As a result, after the night, they took a few corpses back. The gang was considered to have lost their wife and lost their soldiers. It is said that they later sent someone to C city to apologize and wanted to meet Yuan. , As a result, no one in City C came out to see them, and after they stayed here for a month, they could only return without success.

    When Yuan Yuanyuan listened to her record later, she thought to herself what the **** do these people have to do with me? She only slashed a few Taoist priests in total. The other monsters and people who were injured and died were due to "Sky Stampede", "Ocean Stampede" and "Internal Fighting When Going Down the Mountain".

    Simply put, it was either trampled to death or beaten to death.

    What Yuan Yuanyuan did that day was actually "escape to the side of those people" - "take out her own knife" - "one person came with a knife" - "drain the blood off the knife" go away".

    In fact, she was surprised that these people let her get it so easily that day.

    The scary thing is not the original Yuanyuan method, but the degree of ignorance of this method, just like Sadako, everyone knows that this guy is crawling out of the TV, She also has such a method, but no one knows how this is done, so she is very afraid.

    In fact, the solution is quite simple. If these people, like in the teaching building before, light a circle of demon fire around them and call more people, Yuan Yuanyuan will definitely not be able to get in. If you want to get in, you have to burn off a layer of skin.

    So you can imagine what kind of expression Yuan Yuanyuan had when she heard these things, basically it was very hideous.

    But then everyone didn't care much about this, maybe in the end it was only the original circle.

     Yuan Yuanyuan went home and listened to the latest battle situation, and then cleaned the house, cooked food, washed the clothes and washed the dishes, squatted in the corner alone and sang, once the fat cat When I passed by the door of the bedroom, I heard a faint singing coming from inside, and I was horrified.

    The sound was like the cry of the devil.

    "A pug, squatting at the gate, bites him and it doesn't bark, drives it and it doesn't go away..."


    Yuan Yuanyuan felt that her SAN value was about to drop these days, so she went out more frequently these days.

    This day, Yuan Yuanyuan was sitting in the cafe halfway through drinking when she suddenly heard someone say from behind, "I didn't expect the famous Yuan Yuan to be hiding here to take a break. Is it the same as yours?"

    Yuan Yuanyuan was startled and wondered if I didn't get rid of the people behind me after I just came back from the alley? After thinking about it, since this kind of person has not been discovered by himself, it is basically that he can't get rid of it or offend him.

    The person who walked in was a monster that Yuan Yuanyuan didn't know at first glance... Yuan Yuanyuan has now calmed down, anyway, these monsters came from "Yuan", not "Yuan Yuanyuan" "Come on, it's not surprising that she doesn't know a little shrimp like her.

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at this new monster and thought, this person has three possibilities, one is Yuan's old friend, the other is Yuan's old rival, and the third is someone Yuan doesn't know But definitely a big guy.

    The boss walked in, looked at Yuan Yuanyuan and asked, "Do you mind if I sit down? It's really a blessing to meet Mr. Yuan here."

     Yuan Yuanyuan didn't say anything, and even Fan poured him a glass of water.

    "Sir Yuan seems to be very familiar with the current human world." The man opposite said, "Do you find the current human world interesting?"

    "Not bad." Yuan Yuanyuan nodded.

    The man opposite suddenly let out a particularly magnetic laugh, Yuan Yuanyuan was hit in an instant, this man laughed well, not only magnetic, but also very gentle.

    "Then the current situation is still in line with your wishes? Or, is it you?" The man opposite said, "Is this your purpose? Is this script well written? "

    Yuan Yuanyuan didn't speak, but suddenly turned to him with a "shh".

    "Someone is coming."

    The two of them fell silent again, the door of the store was pushed open, and two people walked in, the two people were talking and laughing.

    There was a sudden explosion outside, and the guests in the cafe shrank in fright. Some people hid under the table. In the chaos, the original Yuanyuan and the person opposite sat at the table, drinking coffee and white water face to face, with a strange leisure.

    A bunch of inaudible voices came from the street, a monster was flying in the sky and shouting, "The irrelevant people leave! If you don't want to die! We don't want to abuse here. Kill innocents!"

    Pedestrians on the street were confused and avoided.

    The monster did not spare those innocent people, and the street was in danger for a while. This scene is not uncommon. In fact, it happens a lot these days, and these people are always under the banner of Yuan.

    Although Yuan Yuanyuan doesn't know them at all.

    "Is this the result you want?" The man opposite pointed to the monster behind him and asked, "Everyone is messed up. I don't understand that for you, messing up the water to the end What it means, but if you do something, you always have to bear the consequences."

    Yuan Yuanyuan took a sip of coffee, picked up the cup and said, "This is not the result I want, but sometimes it is impossible to do something that I don't like for the sake of the result."

    "Is there actually such a thought when a hero is at the end?" The man opposite frowned, he said, "I have always had a question that I would like to ask Master Yuan. May I ask what is inside the red sand well, What is it like?"

    Yuan Yuanyuan has been stimulated these days and said that she can talk nonsense, so she followed the nonsense, "No shadow, no form, no return and no place to go."

      Strange, people can't catch the figure, there is no shadow and no form... Oh, what a shadow and no form."

    Yuanyuanyuanxin thinks that the style of painting is wrong, I just said nonsense, why suddenly such a thief and forceful words pop up, but she can't eat what she said Going down, you can only bite the bullet and say: "How can I bear a word of enlightenment."

    "Don't be humble." The man on the opposite side drank the water, "Now, when a trickster sees you, don't call me a teacher."

     Yuan Yuanyuan sat quietly drinking coffee without speaking.

    The person on the opposite side is probably a bad visitor.

    "A few days ago, you abolished the meridians of the Yuqing Taoist priest of the Longshan School."

    Yuan Yuanyuan thought about it for a while... fart, that was their own sect infighting? After squatting for three days, I came out with such a result.

    "Several big monsters from the Southern faction wanted to stop your actions, but were approached by your subordinates, and finally had to apologize to you and announced that they would go into hiding."

      In the end, she was still shot.

    "There are several little monsters of bad blood nearby who have recently disappeared for no reason. As we all know, you are practicing a strange witchcraft that requires blood. Does this have anything to do with you? ?"

    No, Yuan Yuanyuan even denies this. She has so much blood that she has no place to put it, yet she still has the time to use other people's blood... Why is she so idle.

    The man on the opposite side laughed again and said, "Lord Yuan, now is not what it used to be. I hope this kind of thing won't happen again."

    "What do you mean can't happen a second time?" Yuan Yuanyuan interrupted him.

    "You said that a person was so against this thing back then, why is he going to support it now?" The person poured himself another glass of water, "The human heart is unpredictable, and the demon heart is also unpredictable. Unpredictable."

    "I think so too." Yuan Yuanyuan drank the coffee in the cup, "So you came here to warn me?"

    "Almost." The man smiled, "Please take care of yourself, I really hope you can create more sorcery."

    Yuan Yuanyuan packed a cup of milk tea after the person left, swiped with her mobile phone for a while, pointed to a person on the screen and asked Fat Cat, "Is this person... sick?"

    The person she pointed to was the one she met in the coffee shop today.

    "This person is okay, but his mind is a little straighter." The fat cat next to him came over, "And the force value is also high, it is a positive role, and has always opposed pure blood, but now he still It wasn't hacked to death, but it still had two brushes."

    Yuan Yuanyuan took the phone back and heard a cold sweat. It was terrible today. I almost died there. I didn't expect that the opposite was actually a big guy with such a high force value.

    She glanced at the cartoon, brushed it, and finally said, "Fat cat, Yuan has been scolded as a dog recently... Dare to ask when he will turn over, I think if this continues, he will be sure I can't hold it anymore." Now people from such a powerful protagonist camp have been recruited to ask questions.

    "Aiya, are you in a hurry?" The fat cat said, "The emperor is not in a hurry, the **** is in a hurry, and he can't eat hot tofu in a hurry."

    Yuan Yuanyuan thought, you don't understand Fat Cat, the problem is that she is not a eunuch! She has roots, what do you say?

    "The matter has been fermenting too fast recently, and a large number of people who supported pure blood and dared not show their faces have come out, mainly because Yuan is really scary now." The fat cat said, "His This trick is already supernatural, so the idle staff before him are all headed by him. He really deserves to be my male god. I don't know how to make the next move. But I especially want to know what he went through in the red sand well in those years. what."

    "Why don't you say that the one who entered Hongshajing is not Yiqi?" Yuan Yuanyuan asked.

    "Because you have seen life through." The fat cat pointed to the cartoon and said, "And the cartoon is painted on it, can't you read it yourself?"

    Yuan Yuanyuan poked her head and took a look, it was true, the picture on it was the scene when she met that person today, the person asked her what she saw in the red manhole, She threw out an invisible and invisible sentence, and the following words were automatically completed by the other party.

    "Did I just say...Such a strange sorcery is definitely not practiced under normal circumstances, maybe I have been practicing that sorcery for so many years in Hongshajing, and finally escaped after successful practice. Let's go." The fat cat shook his head, "I feel sorry for Yuan, it's so heartbreaking."

    "You think too much." Yuan Yuanyuan rolled her eyes. It's the stuff on the Blood Jade Demon Jue, as long as you know the basic magic of the Blood Jade Demon Jue, you can easily learn it.

    "Don't talk about this, I recently found out that there is a magical organization on the Internet, do you want to take a look?" Fat Cat suddenly said excitedly, "It's an organization that writes fans, inside Some things are very interesting and make me feel very meaningful.”

    What is the organization of the original circle center? If you look closely, it's a post, and when you look at it again, it's a fan post, and it's called "Yuan Fan Bar".

    "Yuan doujin?" What the hell, do you write about Yuan doujin? Yuanyuan clicked in, and was the first to see a post by a person whose ID was "Mr. Cat".

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked down...

    "Don't look at me like that, since someone is willing to write, then I will naturally provide the material." The fat cat wagged his tail, "If you are interested, you can look at what is written in it, I will Eye-opening."

    Yuan Yuanyuan flipped through the post, clicked on a red post, and read it casually.

    And then, she didn't expect that she would relive the life of Yiqi like this... or use this way in the post bar.

    The following people all commented [This Yuan is so handsome! ].

    【I hope my male **** is like this! ].

    [It's impossible, just YY].


    There are very few comments, very few, everyone probably left a comment after reading this "fan story", the click rate of this post is not much.

    So everyone has this kind of reaction after watching the real 17, instead of scolding him like he is now.

    So...the fandom is real, or the original is real?

    What you see is real, or what you don't see is real?

    Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly didn't quite understand, she sat in front of the computer in a daze.

    Two days later, when she saw the Yokai update again, she found that the human side seemed to have an intention to attack the monsters.

    At that time, she was the first on their list.

    Yuan Yuanyuan felt very unhappy, she clearly remembered that she was in the yearbook before, and the two should live in peace. Why is it crossing the river and demolishing the bridge at this time?

    "Because the influence of the previous period was too bad." The fat cat said so.

    In fact, she killed those Taoists, and the others were trampled to death by herself, do you believe it? Yuanyuanyuan thought.

    Well, I guess they don't believe it.

    Yuan Yuanyuan put the list together, put on a black trench coat, and immediately turned around to go out.

    Since everyone doesn't believe it, the script has to continue to follow Erwuzai's performance, which shows that her performance is still very successful.

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