You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 234:

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at Yuan in the comics, and then picked up the mirror to compare with herself.

    She started complaining again, what does this look like to her... How did she look like this.

    The cartoon in the new issue is the last time Yuan Yuanyuan escorted her goddess home. Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the cartoon and didn't spit out the magical timeline of Yaoji, anyway. The mess always appears in the comics, no matter what.

    Yuan has been making soy sauce recently...and there are various ways of making soy sauce. Yuan Yuanyuan has seen pictures of herself coming out of various strange places, so it suddenly appears like this Yuan Yuanyuan is still quite happy for a long storyline of Yuan Yuan.

    Although this long story was actually relayed to Fanin by someone else.

    Yuan Yuanyuan thinks that comics are more advanced than novels. Some novels such as paraphrasing can only be presented in words, and comics directly use pictures to mobilize the scene at that time. This is what Fanin heard from others, but it still seems quite intuitive.

    This time Faning continued to look for a magician. The magician who ignored him last time has been fooled into the mask organization. This time, he found it through some underground social networks and dark lines. The original round goddess.

    Yuanyuan Goddess is also a very good doctor, and she used to treat Taoist priests occasionally. When Faning found out about the Yuanyuan Goddess, the person he introduced to Faning was an old man who looked very old.

    Fanning heard about this female doctor, so he thought about going to see her. Although he could control himself by self-harm now, he was still a little uneasy.

    This old man has some friendship with the female doctor's family. Fanning only went there after hearing that he had a way to meet the female doctor. He had the mentality that he would have to spend some money. Who knew that after asking, he heard the old man say that he can't do anything now, because the female doctor has already gone home.

    Fanning came to the door with a gift in his hand, he continued to ask, the old man saw that there was wine in the gift, so he drank it with him, drinking and talking about the female doctor matter.

      There were too many people, so her family paid a lot of money and hired someone to take her back.”]

    ["The person who picked her you know who it is?" Fanning thought a little bit, he wondered if he could start with the person who picked her up, and then find the female doctor . After all, there are not many doctors who treat both monsters and Taoist priests these days, and the sorcery he practiced is a bit strange, so he still doesn't want to miss this opportunity. 】



    [He thought to himself, this is really a big name... With this thought in his head, a black figure appeared faintly. 】

    【However, Faning didn't expect Yuan to take action on this kind of thing. He thought to himself, how much money did the family spend to get this guy to do it? 】

      Is the goddess playing as a specimen? Haha, I posted it upside down...

    However, as soon as Faning heard that the person was Yuan, he gave up his own ideas and turned to ask about Yuan, and the old man began to narrate, and the picture suddenly became The original Yuanyuan's perspective.

    Actually, Yuan Yuanyuan herself, her role in the comics... It really feels like playing soy sauce, the protagonist has been making friends, falling in love with the teacher, and killing each other, Yuan appeared There are really few opportunities in front of the male protagonist, that is, the first part of the comic when the protagonist comes to C city, and the one arranged in the previous few autumns. Another meeting in such a long time.

    Yuan Yuanyuan described in the comics from the third person is absolutely handsome to have no friends, especially during the time when she was escorting the female doctor, Yuan Yuanyuan was looking for others to practice her skills every day, and she could copy in minutes Pick up a kitchen knife to cut people.

    It can be said that Yuan Yuanyuan was shocked when she saw the comics, but she didn't expect that in the comics...


    ...Yes, that's right, Yuan Yuanyuan thought about it for a long time, and suddenly found such an adjective. When this adjective came to her mind, she was shocked.

    From the third person's point of view, the man who often has facial paralysis and wears black clothes is really reliable... If this person appears in other comics, she will also say that he is reliable .

    But as far as herself is concerned, she never felt this kind of reliability at that time. At that time, she felt that she might die every minute, and she was on the road to death at any time.

    Yuan in the comics has a very old-fashioned and calm feeling against the surrounding guards. He watched quietly, and even took a leisurely puff of cigarettes.

    Smoke floated out from the window of the car, wrapping around the whole car, he sat there quietly, although he didn't get out of the car, he seemed to have everything under control.

    In the beginning, there were other guards gossiping. They looked at the people in the car and asked, "Did he come to work?"

    "It should work, Miss's decision, let's not talk nonsense."

    The people in the car didn't seem to hear their conversation, and still smoked quietly.

    How to say that feeling... A sense of understatement and forcefulness that disdains talking to ordinary monsters, Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly raised her head when she saw it, thinking, do I have it?

    ...she doesn't even know that someone is talking bad about her! Depend on! Don't let her see those people again!

    But this is really inexplicably handsome... Yuan Yuanyuan bit her finger and thought, she probably wasn't so handsome when she was pretending, is it because people who are always on the edge of life and death are so handsome? Or... she was too greasy when she was pretending, and in contrast, she didn't seem to be deliberately pretending to be handsome?

    Yuan Yuanyuan shivered violently and read it several times.

    Uh, practice shows true knowledge, it seems that deliberately pretending to be forceful is really not an understatement to pretend to be handsome, even she is almost fascinated by this appearance.

     Let Yuan Yuanyuan indulge.

    Well, appearing on Yuan's body will make her feel addicted and want to cry...

    In the comics, when the enemy came to assassinate, Yuan suddenly got out of the car, and the smoke slowly drifted out along the window, forming a faint smoke in the air.

    He slammed out of the car at an astonishing speed, and everyone around was startled by him.


    The number of people on the opposite side is extremely large, so many that they can almost surround this small team, but from beginning to end, Yuan has been very calm.

    In front of a big scary monster, Yuan held the strangely shaped dagger and stabbed him straight, ignoring that the huge claw was stuck in front of him.


    However, what impressed Yuan Yuanyuan the most was Yuan Yuan's eyes that were pure black from beginning to end.

    There is no turbulence in it.

    The dagger pierced the throat of the other monster, and the claws in the monster's hand also drew a shallow line on Yuan's neck. Not being slashed by the dagger, it just stopped very flatly.

    Yuan retracted his dagger into the scabbard, took the fallen monster with one hand, and placed him gently on the ground, which can be said to be a very gentle action.

    Then he turned his head calmly, as if nothing had happened just now, and continued to return to the car. After a while, smoke began to appear around the car.

    "Okay, it's amazing." A monster said in shock, he thought he would definitely die here this time, but who knows that he survived like this.

    He looked up again to listen to the movement inside the car.

    The wind blew slowly through the curtain, revealing a face inside.

    She has fine skin and tender meat. Several guards have complained that this face is suitable for being a little white face, not suitable for fighting.

    Afterwards, when something happened in the team, everyone's first reaction was to look at the carriage. Everyone was a little nervous at first, but then it became more and more calm.

    After that, everyone became more and more relaxed. Of course, the enemy who came every time was not an ordinary person. A feeling of indifference, and do not like to pay attention to other people.

      I don't say it in my heart.

    After all, such a powerful bodyguard... It's really hard to find. Many people thought they couldn't go back at first, but now they think it's a logical thing to go back safely.


    ["So don't make any decisions about that female doctor." The old man said, "I can introduce you a few more."]

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at her calm eyes in the comics... I thought that her face was really different. Putting such eyes on her would be lifeless. Put Yuan on this face Above is calm.

    In fact, she only appeared in more than a dozen pages in the comics. This issue is mainly about the process of Fanning asking a doctor, but Yuan Yuanyuan still read the first few times over and over again. .

    Overall, I am quite satisfied. Maybe no one but herself will read this paragraph over and over so many times.

    Yuan Yuanyuan put the comic aside, and as soon as she went out, she saw the fat cat squatting on the sofa and looking at the phone with relish, and at first glance it was the pages of Yuan.

    "Are you still watching?" Yuan Yuanyuan asked indifferently.

    "Look at Yuan, how handsome, so handsome." The fat cat pressed the phone with the pad.

     Yuan Yuanyuan probed over and looked, and the fat cat just pressed Zhang Yuan's side face.

    Yuan in the comics stuck his head out, looked outside in the car, his eyes were indifferent, but the voices outside the car suddenly quieted down.

    But he didn't seem to care about this, so after that, he turned his head quietly, and a quiet silhouette appeared behind the window again.

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