You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 235:

    After the comic in the last issue, Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly had a consciousness.

    —I seem to be a big boss in the eyes of others, although many people seem to look down on her, but it is not in a general sense, this kind of contempt, with a little strategic contempt for the enemy style .

    So Yuan Yuanyuan decided that she should also despise them strategically. When she went out today, she deliberately carried her mobile phone and a small book. The small book remembered when she read the last comic To sum up the things that need to be paid attention to to make the feeling of light cloud and wind, the comics of that issue are cached in the mobile phone.

    If you want to imitate that handsome and coquettish feeling again...what should you do? Yuan Yuanyuan felt that her brain was trembling, she thought seriously while walking on the road, in fact, for her, she really hoped to play the role of "Yuan" well. more and more intense.

    She wants to see the scene of slaps in the face... But a handsome and beautiful person slapped in the face is always better looking and more cool than a frustrated and ugly person.

    Yuan Yuanyuan opened her small book and looked at the first item recorded above—need to die.

    Then she closed the book again.

    —It doesn't seem to work.


    She thought about it for a long time these days, and finally realized the essential difference in those days, she was dying every day in those days, experimenting herself every minute and every second How can he die and when will he die.

      The scene of death is always her white moonlight.

    Could it be that she suddenly poked this g point?

    Yuan Yuanyuan felt a little baffled, and when she turned her head, she suddenly found herself a little strange in the mirror opposite.


    Yo hoo, what is it this time. Yuan Yuanyuan looked at herself in the mirror and squeezed her fist.

      She doesn't look disguised.

    This happened twice, Yuan Yuanyuan was hurt badly each time, so after that, she paid special attention to the mirror.

    Yuan Yuanyuan squeezed her fist, and suddenly let go, she continued to walk forward, to a place without a mirror, pretending that nothing happened.

    She took a few steps forward, her chest suddenly began to vibrate, Yuan Yuanyuan took out the mirror and saw that it was organized by the mysterious mask.

    【Go ahead, there is someone connecting you. 】

    Yuan Yuanyuan put down the mirror and continued to walk forward with a flat face, she passed through a billboard, quietly pulled down her hat, and then turned a corner, her face Just one more mask.

    As she walked, she saw a relatively familiar person. She was a nodding acquaintance in the previous organization.

    Yuan Yuanyuan didn't plan to say anything to him. She was going to take a note from him as before, and when she turned to leave, the ground suddenly shook violently.


    Although she doesn't know what the shaking is, Yuan Yuanyuan intuitively realizes that this shaking is not as simple as an earthquake... There is a radar-like thing that keeps flashing in her brain on.

    She glanced at the person in front of her, he seemed to flinch, Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly realized that her eyes might frighten him, but then she wondered about her eyes again How could it scare people, although she didn't confirm what happened, she left immediately with the person behind her.

    In less than three seconds after Yuan Yuanyuan left, all the mirrors behind her suddenly exploded, and the glass shattered to the ground. Suddenly, blood splattered by the scattered glass.

    "Shit, I've been found!" The man who joined Yuan Yuanyuan whispered.

    "Where is the thing?" Yuan Yuanyuan didn't care what he was saying, she asked for a note from the other party and pinched it in her hand.

    "Brother, are you leaving now?" The man opposite said, "So indifferent? Don't you say a few more words?"

    Yuan Yuanyuan thinks that this person is probably sick. As for her talking to him in this **** place, she just wants to go home now.

    In fact, Yuan Yuanyuan vaguely remembered the weird self she saw in the mirror just now, but she didn't panic, she had the demeanor of a general... In fact, she just thought about it for a while Just throw it away, the thing that goes home will definitely not be able to keep up.

    Yuan Yuanyuan's calm style in the eyes of the person on the other side is actually quite old-fashioned. Originally, he was still frightened, but after saying a few words to Yuan Yuanyuan, he became inexplicably calm. .

    After all, a man who wears black clothes with no fluctuations on his face, you also know that a man who has been a spy for many years will always give people a more reliable feeling.

    Yuan Yuanyuan wanted to leave, but the strange guy in the mirror obviously didn't want her to leave so soon, she turned around and asked the person who made the connection what this guy wanted to do, and the person who made the connection said yes A member of a group that recently popped up against masks.

      The guy brings bad luck.

     Along the ground, an increasingly bizarre crack appeared on the ground, just like a crack on a mirror.

    The ground is asphalt, how can it become such a mirror-like effect?

    Yuan Yuanyuan even wanted to stretch out her hand to touch the road, was it the smooth touch, but her reason stopped her, so don’t touch such weird things with your own hands bump.

    She frowned and looked at the ground, this kind of sudden situation is not too unexpected, and joining this kind of organization will definitely be life-threatening.

    A faint demonic aura appeared in the air, red, accompanied by a suffocating fishy smell. Yuan Yuanyuan felt that the temperature of her body suddenly increased, and the demon blood began to gradually flow in her blood.

    Ah... I seem to have forgotten one thing, what is going on...

    Yuan Yuanyuan's eyes were blank, and before she could think of it, she suddenly felt a **** smell in her mouth, and then swallowed it forcefully.

    Time seemed to stand still for three seconds.




    The monster that joined the original Yuanyuan found nothing. Yuan Yuanyuan didn't show a single star on his face to let him know.

    Yuan Yuanyuan thought silently for a while, then lowered her head... Mom! No blood this week!

    …what a **** sad story.

    —For the Blood Jade Demon Jue, one of its basic needs is human blood...Unfortunately, due to the existence of the fat cat, Yuan Yuanyuan drank the blood secretly in recent days .

    For example, sometimes snacks are placed in front of you and you will remember to eat them every day. Snacks are placed on a high cabinet, and you may not remember that there are snacks when they are expired.

    It is quite troublesome to make human blood. Sometimes Yuan Yuanyuan will hide in an alley and make it by herself, and sometimes she will make it quietly in the woods... Anyway, just make it Confused, she had almost never felt this feeling before, but now it suddenly became more and more uncomfortable, as if there was fire burning in her chest.

    The only way Yuan Yuanyuan can relieve this pain is to temporarily not use the blood jade demon...

    …This solution makes Yuanyuan want to hit the wall when she turns her head.

    Is it possible not to use the Blood Jade Demon?

    …Impossible, if you don’t use it, you will die, and you may survive for a while after using it.

    Relax, relax... Yuan Yuanyuan touched the booklet she brought when she came, remembered the first article above, and thought, did this come without looking at the opportunity? Although... she doesn't seem very cool.

    The second item in the booklet is to become more reliable. Yuan Yuanyuan felt that Yuan was inexplicably reliable when she read the comics. She didn't know if it was her own mother's eyes or what. Anyway, it's unbelievable.

    The feeling of carrying things... She actually envies this kind of person, so when she sees that feeling in herself in the comics, she is both surprised and a little inexplicably happy. Feel.

    Although this kind of joy can't save her life at this time.

     Yuan Yuanyuan took out her dagger and put it in her hand, slashed it first, and then took a sip.

    Demon blood mixed with human to say, a bit rushed, go up.

    A mouthful of demon blood seems to burn even more. Now Yuan Yuanyuan should have more demon blood than human blood, so drinking this kind of blood is really uncomfortable.

    The monster next to the connector looked at Yuan Yuanyuan's movements for a while. Yuan Yuanyuan's opening was not big, but it was deep on the wrist, and blood was seeping out all the time. Yuan Yuanyuan tore off a piece of clothes, licking the blood on her hands and wrapping them around her hands.

    He looked at Yuan Yuanyuan's movements, opened his mouth, and did not move for a long time. Yuan Yuanyuan's eyes were blood red, his tongue was licking the blood a little bit, and the cloth on his wrist was gradually oozing red, but his expression was extraordinarily calm.

    "You, don't you hurt?" After a while, the man opposite asked weakly.

    It hurts, **** hurts.


    But Yuan Yuanyuan didn't want to say that, she not only didn't want to say it, she even wanted to pretend before she left.

     He said in a gentle tone, "Don't look back."

    This gentle tone is seldom used, it is a big killer, this kind of voice is very useful to others, especially a soft-hearted girl, when she fled a few years ago, she used this kind of voice The voice spoke to the proprietress, and the proprietress gave her the weight of two bowls of noodles with one bowl of noodles.

    This time Yuan Yuanyuan used this kind of voice again, she felt that she would definitely be able to fool this little flathead.

    This person is a bit weak, she doesn't want him to stay here, and Yuan Yuanyuan feels psychologically... this person has bad luck.

    Yuan Yuanyuan calmly took out her dagger, and looked at the broken lines that spread to the ground, thinking that the two of us will meet now... Let me see what you are.

    The man behind looked at Yuan Yuanyuan in front of him, suddenly turned his head, and shouted as he ran, "Handsome guy! Hold on! I'll call someone over!"

    Yuan Yuanyuan was too lazy to answer him, but stared at the crack on the ground, watching it spread little by little, always appearing at her feet.

    In a trance, as if there was an original round shadow on the ground, there is a shadow, not like a shadow, but a reflection.

     Yuan Yuanyuan's hand was raised high, holding his own dagger, a smile of interest suddenly appeared on his face.

    The corners of her lips are hooked high, and she smiles like a peach blossom.

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