You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 236:

      The taste was a little different from what she had imagined.

    Hot, searing, with a sweet and fishy taste…burning her esophagus.


    He whispered to Yuan Yuanyuan, "Long time no see, how are you recently?"


    Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly felt the dagger in her hand shake.

    But she didn't know why she suddenly trembled.

    She looked at the mirror demon opposite her who looked exactly like her, suddenly a little strange, she didn't know why, and suddenly felt that the person opposite was very familiar.

    It's not that this person looks exactly like her... She seems to suddenly have another person's figure in her mind.

    He is tall, with fair skin and long hair tied up.

    It seems...indistinctly, she has seen such a person before and talked to him.


    Suddenly there was a sweet smell in the air.

    The mirror monster opposite did not show a strong sense of discomfort to this smell like other monsters, but closed her eyes and took a deep breath with joy.

    "One seven, you are still so straightforward."


    A girl tossed and turned on a small bed.

    The room was very quiet, but the girl seemed to see something, even in her sleep, she was always restless.

    Of course she was alone in the room, so no one noticed her wrong.

    The girl who tossed for a while fell back to sleep again. On the surface, it seemed that she had just had a nightmare, and this nightmare has passed.

    Only the person in the dream knows that this is not the case... She seems to be in a worse situation now than when she was just tossing.

    Looking at the situation in front of her, Gao Ling suddenly felt that something was wrong. Just now she was quite sure that she came to take a nap after drawing comics, but now she is suddenly uncertain.

    If it is a dream...the picture is too clear, and the brain is too awake.

    Later, she thought about it for three seconds and silently pinched her arm...

    Oops! It doesn't hurt!

    Gao Ling is embarrassed.

    She kept such a lucid dream and slowly looked at the picture in front of her, which was full of white fog. She felt that she might be being stunned now, but it was the first time she had been tortured like this. She didn't know how to wake up from the dream that was suffocated.

    Then Gao Ling pondered for a while, suddenly raised a finger to the sky and shouted, "I agree to join you!"

    "Balala little magic fairy transformed!"

    "Eat grapes without spitting grape skins!"

    Well, there seems to be no way. Gao Ling retracted his hand and walked towards the white fog in front of him.

    The white mist in front of her didn't know how thick it was, but it always gave people a sense of danger, reminding her of a newspaper movie that she had seen before - The Mist.

    A father ran away with the goose when the end came, and later felt that the goose could not survive the end, so he killed the goose first. He had just killed the goose, the rescue team It's here... Yes, it is such a newspaper film, and Gao Ling still thinks that the director may have been stimulated by something.

    She didn't know how long she had been walking, but when she started to feel a little scared in her heart, the fog suddenly disappeared, and light appeared in front of her eyes.

    Gao Ling's eyes flashed, frowning and looking around, she seemed to have come to a place unintentionally... This place was familiar to her, it was near a coffee shop at the corner of the downstairs, she saw I have the brand of the cafe, but I can't smell the aroma of coffee that often wafts out of it.

    Why dream here?

      Fragments were scattered on the ground, and if you accidentally stepped on it, your feet might bleed.

    She avoided it carefully, and felt that the scene in front of her had an indescribable strange feeling. There was no one on the street, and no one in the cafe. She saw blood on the ground, but Not a single scream was heard.

    Gao Ling squatted down silently to tie her shoelaces, she was going to run for a while. She is now listening carefully to the nearby sounds, for fear that an egg or a black and white bear will pop out suddenly, but if that is the case, then she must be prepared.

    She continued to walk forward, along the flower beds on both sides of the road, until she came to a slightly empty place.

    As she walked there, she suddenly discovered the only difference in this dream.

    There are two people standing there.

    Gao Ling looked at the two people over there, and suddenly realized that they should not be able to see him, because neither of the two people turned their heads towards this side, just looked at each other.

    She was suddenly stunned, because she found that she saw a familiar person.

    Why is he in my dream? Gao Ling was shocked.

    She thought to herself, oh my go, did she dream of a male god... What did she do before going to bed? Be sure to accumulate experience so that you can dream again next time.

    Yuan stood on the left, and the person on his right was a little taller than him.

    Gao Ling found that he could not see the face of the man on the right, it was blurry, but the man on the right was wearing the same clothes as Yuan, tall, with a red rope tied in his hair Braids, the complexion looks a little pale.

    Yuan held a knife in his hand, and the man opposite also held a knife in his hand. The two of them seemed calm on the surface, so Gao Ling didn't find the tricky inside at first.

    So when she got a little closer, Gao Lingcai suddenly went blank.


    The knife in the hand of the man who can't see his face has stabbed into Yuan's lower abdomen, and the man who can't see his face already has a lot of blood and wounds.

    The red spread all over the place, extending into the invisible black.

    Gao Ling even heard the sound of some kind of viscous liquid flowing in her ears, bit by bit, like some kind of bug, gnawing at her brain.

    These reds slowly spread to her feet, and the space seemed to have a clear breaking sound, crisp and heart-pounding.

    This is... the sound of glass being broken, and countless broken glass fell to the ground, crackling.

    Gao Ling's brain was blank for a few seconds, and suddenly came back to her senses. She touched the knife that stabbed into Yuan's lower abdomen with her hand, but found that she could not touch it no matter what. arrive.

    This is a phantom, her fingers passed through Yuan's body as if through the mist.

    Is this... a dream?

    Gao Ling touched it a few more times, but her fingers began to tremble, she couldn't touch it, but at this time she was extremely frightened.

    An indescribable sense of fear rose from her heart, and she raised her head sharply to look at Yuan's face.

    Yuan lowered his head, his long bangs hung down, the two were so close, Gao Ling could even see his eyes under his bangs as soon as he looked up.

    It was the first time she was so close to him that she could even hear his heavy breathing.

    For the first time, being so close made Gao Ling feel a strange feeling in her heart, but this feeling was almost ignored by her, because when she saw the dagger on Yuan's lower abdomen, her brain almost There is nothing else left.

    Yuan's lips were particularly red, more than one degree redder than what she had imagined before, but his face was pale, looking even whiter than what Gao Ling saw in the bathroom before .

    Gao Ling got so close that he heard two people talking, and when they were talking, only their lips moved.

    She put her ear close to her tremblingly.

    "Is this the way to meet old friends?" The man who couldn't see his face smiled and said, "You are still so cruel."

    Yuan could only breathe heavily, and Gao Ling found that he could hardly utter a word.

    Who is this ruthless! He was about to be stabbed to death by you! For a while, an untimely groove suddenly appeared in Gao Ling's head.

     Before she could speak, she suddenly saw a flower in front of her, and then turned her head, and the two people who were still beside her suddenly had reached ten meters away, and the two were fierce towards each other Fighting, every sound is deafening.

    The ground nearby suddenly cracked more and more cracks, and as the feet of the invisible man spread out a little bit, the ground began to shake wildly, and the nearby shop dinged There was a loud bang, the cabinet fell down, and the vase shattered.

    Everything is chaotic and everything is invisible.

    Gao Ling felt that the breathing around her was gradually getting higher, and her nose suddenly smelled a smell, which she didn't know whether it was true or not.

    Sweet, spicy, with searing heat.

    The demonic lines on Yuan's face had spread to his neck, and his red eyes flashed with blood, making him hardly look like a person. There are more and more demon features on him, and with every extra point, he becomes more terrifying.

    For a moment, Gao Ling felt that he was more like a beast than a person.

    The dagger in his hand suddenly became long and white, like a long crescent moon.

    But Gao Ling saw that the dagger was like... a bone.

    Yuan's eyes flashed red light that Gao Ling couldn't see clearly, the two fought for a while, and then suddenly stopped again, Gao Ling saw the red on the ground spreading again The block is in the deep.

    He covered his belly, his lips seemed to turn redder.

    "You shouldn't have come back alive. If you don't come back alive, everything will be fine." The man on the opposite side who couldn't see his face helplessly said.

    "Yeah, if you die, then all this will be gone." Yuan said softly.

      There, there is a lot of information from them, they seem to hate you, they think you are a traitor who has become timid when you are old."

    "They don't seem to be very smart." Yuan smiled, "Everyone doesn't seem to be very smart."

      Twice your time, but how do you stop them... They are crazy right now, they want to let the war spread, because only war can break the current situation, after the war is won, we can treat us like human beings Make demands of them, and make demands of them in turn.”

    Yuan stood up clutching his lower abdomen, Gao Ling felt that he might be unstable, but he still stood up hard.

    Suddenly she realized...the two should know each other and know each other very well.

    Because Yuan said in a tone that he would have when dealing with acquaintances, "So you went to the anti-war faction and became a spy...just like I came here to be a spy."

    As he spoke, he suddenly vomited blood.

      The same, "In your current situation, the less you use sorcery, the less you will be offended."

    Yuan's head bowed, from the very beginning, the redness in his eyes gradually faded away, and the blood on his body gradually stopped flowing, but Gao Ling didn't think it was a good thing. Yuan gave her a frightened sense of exhaustion.

    "What are you here for...for?" Yuan's voice was very soft and confused, he really couldn't stand, so he knelt down halfway, like a man who had begun to find his way people.

    "I don't want this either." The man on the opposite side who couldn't see his face turned to Yuandao, "But you're back. Actually, I came here with the heart of death, if I If you kill you, then I will erase a mistake. If you kill me...then people in the anti-war organization will hate you even more, and I don't want to see that."

    "So you can let me kill you in peace?"


    This mirror demon and Yiqi used to be brothers, Yuan Yuanyuan didn't know why, but something suddenly appeared in her mind.

    She remembered that the two of them once took a class together, used a water glass, slept in a bed, and appeared on the battlefield together.

    Yiqi was a member of the Blood Jade Demon Army, this man was not, but at that time they were also very good comrades in arms.

    Thinking about it, Yuan Yuanyuan didn't know why, but tears flowed out.

    She felt like she couldn't cry at this time, but she couldn't help crying. When she cried, she seemed to be looking at a stranger, squatting in the corner, with her head buried in it, quietly Not a single sound.

    —who is crying?

    Gao Ling's heart was about to go crazy, but she couldn't wake up from this dream that was comparable to reality.


    Don't! Don't let him kill! He...he has bad intentions!

    Gao Ling's tears came down completely this time, she could not wait to step forward to separate the two, but she could only touch the phantom.

    So she could only look at the man with a slight smile, her fingers gently stroked Shangyuan's face, and a faint red light appeared between her fingers.

    "Have you ever... regarded me as a friend?" Suddenly, Yuan, who seemed to be in a coma, said this softly, like a dream.

    The mirror demon opposite was stunned.


    His eyes seemed blank for a moment.



    What happened a hundred years ago... I can still remember it now, but it was actually a happy thing.

    His eyes were soft for a moment. So he opened his mouth to say something...

    A knife suddenly appeared behind him, like a vicious snake that suddenly appeared, and stabbed into his back.


    Gao Ling screamed in fright.

    She could see clearly, Yuan, who seemed to be in a coma at first, suddenly burst out violently, and the bone knife in his hand stabbed fiercely into the body of the person on the opposite side who was stunned for a moment.

    The person on the opposite side is very close to Yuan, and the two are almost a finger away.

    The expression on his face was as if he had never known the person in front of him.

    Yuan in front of him raised his head, tears in his eyes, and something deep.

    Gao Ling, who was next to him with tears still hanging on his face, suddenly became dumb, like a chicken whose neck was strangled.

    The man opposite suddenly came to a realization. He looked at Yuan, and a little smile suddenly appeared on his face. This smile was different from before, and it was much more pleasing to the eye.

    "You're still amazing."

    "But I'm not bad, because I prepared a gift for you." He pointed around, "They all saw that you were killing me."

    Gao Ling suddenly felt tight.

    "Since I'm dead, then you'll be fine." The man opposite who couldn't see his face gradually shattered like a mirror, "Maybe in the future, you can still be on the Naihe Bridge. saw me."

    Gao Ling looked behind him, there were many shadows, and there were many phantom-like people whose faces could not be seen clearly.

    When did they come? Gao Ling's mind was spinning extremely fast, and he suddenly realized that they had just come!

    Each of them is very far away.

    Gao Ling's heart suddenly clenched, but she found that the dream was not over, she could continue to do it.

      Shang Yuan's speed, so he quickly followed behind him.

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