You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 241:

     Yuan Yuanyuan walked in and looked around, feeling a little scared.


    Yuan Yuanyuan was afraid that she would break the light again, so she let it go. She still doesn't know how the light came on suddenly... Maybe it was an automatic sensing device?

    Yuan Yuanyuan can't always touch the monsters, she went around the screen, wanting to see what was behind, no one walks in this corridor, so she can stay for a while time, but if it's too long, it's bound to be discovered.

     Yuan Yuanyuan went around the screen and saw a bed, a cabinet, and a small coffee table. There are all kinds of monster books on the cabinet.



    Here there are pieces of jade that are the size of a palm.

    Yuan Yuanyuan walked over to the bed, the house hadn't been discovered for some time, and there was no ash in the house, which shows that the monsters are still very magical.

    The curtain of the bed kept covering it, so I couldn't see what was inside. Yuan Yuanyuan wanted to take a closer look, and pushed aside the curtains of the bed, there was a soft couch in front of her. There was no quilt on it, but there was a very cute porcelain pillow with mandarin ducks painted on it.

    …Emma, ​​it’s quite romantic.

    Yuan Yuanyuan couldn't help but imagine that when she came here before 17, she might have secretly done something in this room with the proprietress...cough.

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the slump, it was really beautiful. There was a slumped edge of unknown wood in the slump, and there was a small ashtray on it. There is a long cigarette stick.

    Hey, this cigarette stick…

    Yuan Yuanyuan carefully leaned over, touched it and found that there was no reaction, so she boldly picked it up. This cigarette rod is very beautiful, and most importantly, it is very long. It is actually 1.5 times longer than her own cigarette rod.

    My God, she thinks her cigarette rod is long enough, how should I use such a long cigarette rod?

    Yuan Yuanyuan shook her head with a smile, turned around to put the cigarette rod down, but suddenly found that there was a small gap behind the collapsed edge, and she could get through it.

    Half of her body was supported on the edge of the bed, trying to see what was there, but she couldn't see it clearly, and finally she just climbed up and looked at it with the probe, it turned out to be a man who could only make people Sideways path.

    At the end of the path, there is a vase.

     Yuan Yuanyuan turned around again and suddenly felt that something was wrong.

    There is a flower in that vase.

    She turned her head sharply and looked there, the flower was a plum blossom, with a budding feeling, and a curved branch.

    With Yuan Yuanyuan's current eyesight, she can even see the dew on the flowers.

     Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly had goose bumps on her back.

    Then her eyes suddenly darkened.

    A sense of fear filled her side.

    But then, Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly realized something...

    She now... looks like Yuan.

    Yuanyuanyuan's brain twirled frantically, before she could think of anything, suddenly there was another bright light in front of her eyes, this time the light was not dazzling, but very gentle , a dim yellow light.

    However, it was still dark below.

    Yes, Yuanyuan said, "below."

    She looked at everyone below through a thin layer, like a paper-like "wall".

    She didn't realize just now that the wall was actually a piece of paper, and she didn't even see it just now, the paper turned out to be transparent.

    Yuan Yuanyuan didn't try to poke the wall again, she was afraid that she would poke the wall again.

    She is now half lying on the bed, holding the long cigarette stick in her hand, the light outside must have been on just now, so people outside may not be able to find her, but at this time In this case, she definitely can't move anymore, and if she moves again, everyone will stare at her.

    Where the **** is this... Yuan Yuanyuan felt that this was the most incomprehensible point for herself. Looking at the surrounding walls, she began to calculate gradually in her mind, where she was in the tavern. can see the people in the hall.

      Where she is, and her own perspective... She suddenly shuddered.

    This is...a paper lantern seen from the lobby on the first floor?


    Yuan Yuanyuan always thought that the paper lantern was at an important time point, but before, whether it was Hundred Ghosts Night Walk or any more important festival, I never saw this lantern light up, so She thought that maybe this lantern was just an antique.

    This lantern is too big, hanging from the beam, a place that almost no one can reach.

    … those are useless! This will definitely be seen! Such a big lantern, when she first came here, she was very interested in this lantern, and now even the waiter girl is looking at her!



    Suddenly she couldn't see everything around, she grabbed the arm of the boy next to her, and looked around, the voices of all kinds of monsters became clearer and louder. She was getting more and more headaches.

    Just as she began to recall her experience at the Comic Con, her eyes suddenly lit up, a very comfortable light.

    She involuntarily looked towards the light source, the light source was emitting from the top of her head, dim yellow, revealing a bit of ambiguous and lazy light.

    A huge lantern was lit overhead, the first time she had seen such a big lantern in her life. It is not so much a lantern, it is a small house, the surroundings of the house are translucent, and the shadows cast by the things inside can be vaguely seen.

    Gao Ling saw a figure appear on the silhouette.

    Who is this person... Gao Ling was a little confused, and she began to feel the feeling that she was inexplicably familiar but couldn't remember.


    But if there is anything different about that person from ordinary women, Gao Ling wants to say that there are still some.

    This person's figure is too slender, and the height is definitely outstanding compared with ordinary women. Her hair is long and loosely scattered over her shoulders, but Gao Ling just felt a strange feeling different from ordinary women's hair.

    The shadow was half leaning on a bed, holding a long cigarette stick in his hand, like a silhouette, but the shadow that moved occasionally proved that it was a living person.

    When everything else is dark, there is only light there, so naturally everyone turns their attention to there.

    Gao Ling seems to have been stunned.

    The others around her were as dumbfounded as she was.

    After a while, Gao Ling came back to his senses, thinking that I rely on you monsters to play like this? Very extravagant and exciting gameplay.

    She felt that her nosebleed was gradually flowing out... No, she just felt that the monsters really felt different from humans.

    If this is placed in the human world, it will be said to be indecent.

    But the shadow above does not seem vulgar at this time. On the contrary, she is high above, but it gives a great sense of oppression below.

    Gao Ling looked at the boy next to him, but found that he did not know when, and raised his head to look up.

    His face no longer had the slightly childish look that the high spirits could vaguely perceive just now.


    Everyone around looked up, and the light cast a thin layer of light on each of their faces.

    Gao Ling didn't know if he was the same. She just suddenly felt that everyone's expressions were very serious, and there was a trace of indescribable excitement.

     Before she could figure out what was going on, she saw the boy next to her turn away gently, and continued to lead her towards the bathroom, standing out among the stunned people.

    "Hey, hey! Wait a minute! What are you doing?" Gao Ling was a little confused, she didn't want to leave, she wanted to see what was going on.

    Before she could speak, she suddenly saw several black-clothed bodyguards rushing out. They were in the crowd, secretly dragging a person away, and the number of people around was gradually decreasing.

    Gao Ling took a deep breath after seeing it, did not dare to speak loudly, and hid behind the boy who was holding her wrist.

    The boy took her all the way into the bathroom unimpeded, and then guarded at the door.

    The last thing Gao Ling saw was a very beautiful female monster who was standing and watching, and was dragged away by several black bodyguards. The monster didn't even struggle at all.

    "Is she... dead?" Gao Ling asked fearfully.

    "No, she just passed out, someone will make her forget about it in a while, she will be fine," said the boy next to her.

    Gao Ling knew, thinking that he would be like that female monster for a while.

    "Why make them amnesia?" Gao Ling asked again.

    "Because we are going to do some secret things, we can't let others know." The boy turned his head and said with a serious face.

    Gao Ling, "...Well, she knows that this child is actually a bit stupid."


    Yuan Yuanyuan didn't really know what was going on, when she saw a monster below shouting excitedly, and then all the monsters followed.

    In an instant, the whole tavern seemed to be a sensation.

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked confused.

    The cigarette stick in her hand is not lit, and now it is completely unclear what is going on.

    However, the people below are as excited as a group of dogs.

    At this moment, she suddenly heard a small voice in her ear. It was the boss's voice.

    "How do you dress up like this? Oh, yes, I forgot, you are being hated by anti-war organizations now... What a poor fellow, you dare not even show your face to your own people Come. So will you still pretend to be a woman like you did before?"


    Yuan Yuanyuan analyzed the meaning of the proprietress's words for a few seconds, and finally thought, big girl, your words have serious logical problems. Who is my own? who are you?


     Yuan Yuanyuan glanced down.

    … Unless this is the **** home of the anti-war organization.

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