You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 242:

    Gao Ling looked up at the people inside the paper lantern, even though she didn't know that the people inside were actually as dumb as she was.

    Yuan Yuanyuan just heard something from the proprietress, analyzed it, and came to a very scary conclusion. At this time, the scenes in the tavern came to her mind.



    Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly felt a little dumbfounded, she felt like a mouse got into the cat's den. The voice of the proprietress rang in her ears again, "Do you feel very happy to hear the people below scold you? Why have you been gone for so many years without any news?"

    Her mournful voice made Yuan Yuanyuan feel that she was going to say "you conscienceless person" in the next second.

    It's over, it's over, it's over, and I can't bear it anymore.

    Yuan Yuanyuan seems to have exposed herself, but fortunately, the lady boss is also someone she knows. It seems that she has no plans to kill her, and it can even be said that she is a group of people, so she has no psychology Pressure, even ready to get up and go.

      Yuan Yuanyuan felt the cold sweat on her body come out all of a sudden.


    It always seems weird now.

    Everyone below looked up at her, Yuan Yuanyuan didn't dare to move for a while, so she stopped again.

    This scene... always feels the same as the leader's lecture, right?

    Yuan Yuanyuan has always been the one who was trained before, and this is the first time that she has trained others by herself. She felt a little scared, but she couldn't leave for a while.

    A hundred years ago, Qiuying existed, but it was not decorated like this at that time, and the people inside were not these people.

    The proprietress at that time was still this one. The proprietress at that time did not know if she had hooked up with Yiqi, but Yiqi was already a general with a clear position against bloodline theory.

    But from history to the end, Yiqi has absolutely nothing to do with this tavern in the eyes of the outside world, and has never communicated with the proprietress, even though the name of the tavern is his sister's boudoir name , even if the two are in City C.

    But Qiu Ying was indeed a famous anti-blood base at that time... It was almost impossible to keep it after the war. If it wasn't for the death of the old king of demons, Qiu Ying would have changed her name today .

    In those days, everyone knew that there was a monster with a particularly powerful background behind Qiu Ying, but no one knew who that person was, what his name was, what he looked like, and only some core personnel , can barely know some.

    I heard that that person likes to smoke a long cigarette rod, and does not like to show his face. He always hides behind curtains or paper windows, so that people can see a silhouette of him.

    Who is this person...?

    Yuan Yuanyuan listened to the lady boss's charming voice ringing in her ears all the time, one of her sister's legs was about to go soft, I thought you weak chickens, the most popular in the tavern What kind of girl is the welcome? As soon as the proprietress made her move, everyone was instantly smashed into scum, she really deserved to be an old monster.

    However, Yuan Yuanyuan is still a bit overwhelming. It's better for her to stay away from this woman. She talks from her while looking at the people below.

    "What are you going to do?" the woman's voice complained, "You have been hiding from people before, are you hiding this time? Is it too much?"

    Before? When did you escape on July 17? Yuan Yuanyuan really couldn't understand what the lady boss was saying now, all the words were like slang in her ears.

    "But you actually pretended to be a woman when you came back this time." Yuan Yuanyuan listened to her with a slightly teasing tone, "I didn't expect you to pretend to be a woman, actually a bit more than me. Charm, he really deserves to be the head of the spy back then."

    "A woman, very few people will think in the direction that she is a man." Yuan Yuanyuan whispered an explanation that suddenly appeared in her heart.

    Hey, does this sentence sound familiar? Is it inexplicably the same as why she wore a male vest in the first place?

      Come here, those people below will probably go crazy for you."

     Yuan Yuanyuan rolled her eyes, what the hell.

    Gao Ling wanted to sneak away from the four groups countless times, but the four groups firmly carried out what Yuan Yuanyuan told him before leaving, and kept looking at Gao Ling very hard , don't let her go.

    Although the four groups are stupid, the most reliable point is that the thief is obedient. A little flower, basically useless state.

    Gao Ling gave up the idea of ​​taking pictures, and continued to look at the Lantern Man over there. The Lantern Man couldn't see his face, and even his figure was a little blurry.

    She is a cartoonist. Although she is not very good, she has been drawing for many years after all. The person above gave her some wrong feelings, and this feeling is mainly on the human body.

    This human body... so... a rough girl, she doesn't know how to describe it.

    Anyway, if she dared to draw a girl like this, she would probably be sprayed to death.

    Although Gao Ling felt a strong disobedience, the magic was that although the body structure of the girl in front of her was terrifyingly rough, she unexpectedly looked very comfortable. So except for her, maybe everyone present didn't pay much attention to this girl's sense of disobedience. Most of the reason is that the girl above looks quite pleasing to the eye.

    Gao Ling stretched out one of his fingers and put it in front of him to compare the proportions, and shook his head, still feeling that something was wrong.

    From the standard vision of her cartoonist, the girl above should be at least 1.8 meters tall. Judging from the way she walked in this tavern, even if she was the height of a banshee, It is no different from ordinary humans, generally between one meter five and one meter seven.

    The girl above was not only rough, but also too tall, Gao Ling continued to observe, watching the "girl" slowly turn her head, she observed it carefully.

    When the "girl" gradually turned to her side, and "she" finally stood in a sideways posture, Gao Ling suddenly died.



    This bone structure…this hip bone…

    She suddenly felt that she had discovered something incredible... It seems that these monsters not only have different views, but also have different tastes... Monsters are unexpectedly much more advanced than humans in this aspect...

    Ah... is she too preconceived? That's right, there can be no discrimination. You discriminate against me and I discriminate against you. Everyone has no good fruit to eat. We must treat these strange things with a normal attitude.

    Gao Ling felt that he had done a perfect psychological dredging for himself, and then he raised his head sharply and continued to frantically look at the person above.


    Gao Ling's impression of the person above is still the impression of "maybe a cheerleader found in the tavern", until someone suddenly cried and shouted beside him, "Is it you? Is it really you back?" She felt something was wrong.

    I always feel that the monsters are too sincere to come to that one... As for it, one that one is so excited.

    "It's her! It's really her! I didn't expect her to be alive?" Someone shouted excitedly, "It's been more than 100 years... In the past 100 years, so many adults have fallen. Oh, I didn't expect this adult to be alive, is it really unbearable to watch the recent events?"

    Oh, he's still an old monster, old monster... Gao Ling suddenly frowned, no, old monster... How could he be popular in such a place? Regardless, there was one thing she knew must be true—everyone likes young people.

    She was attentively stealing her voice again, and she saw someone shouting constantly, "Sir, what do you think we should do now? Those voices have become more frequent again."

    "I don't want to kill, and I don't want the war to come back again. I'm used to this kind of life, isn't it okay?"

    Gao Ling secretly asked the boy next to him, "What are they doing?"

    "They didn't want to fight, so they asked the person above to help them." The four groups whispered.

    "This is also possible?" Gao Ling was stunned, "Who the **** is the person above me?"

    "The people above are the heads of these people." The four groups explained diligently, "Everyone must listen to him."

    Gao Ling was stunned.

    At this time, the same idea as Yuan Yuanyuan came up in her mind just now - this damn... actually broke into the nest of the anti-war organization... No, it should be said to be the base, the nest It's too ugly.

    And it's amazing, the boss of the anti-war organization is actually a big boss in women's clothing, hey hey hey hey...

    Gao Ling smiled, the smile on his face slowly disappeared, slowly disappeared, disappeared...

    "Why don't you laugh?" The four groups asked Gao Ling next to him a little strangely. He was not used to asking strangers, and his face was flushed.

    "I..." Gao Ling's hands were trembling, and her voice trembled, "I just thought of some... terrible things."

    "Is that terrible thing very terrible?" The four groups continued to ask.

     "Yes." Gao Ling thought in a trance, "It's terrible."

    She suddenly remembered... There seems to be only one women's clothing boss she knows in this tavern. Although the women's clothing boss seems to be unrecognizable on the surface, it is also officially certified, super women's clothing Big guy.

    Then she raised her head and glanced up, and quickly lowered her head.

    It's horrible...

    I didn’t think it was so similar when I didn’t have this idea, but now it looks like it suddenly, the more I look at it, the more similar it is.

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