You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 243:

    Gao Ling looked up for a while, and looked down for a while.

    For a while, I persuaded myself not to think blindly, and then suddenly I wanted to bang my head against the wall.

    In just ten minutes, Gao Ling did not know how much emotional process he went through.

    The original Yuanyuan also made a mistake and hatred for the ages. How could she have imagined that in the group of crazy monsters below, there is actually a god-damn hiding person, this is the four groups next to it, and with other monsters, Gao Ling is probably already cold by now.

    She looked at the people below, thinking of saying a few words to get out. Not because of anything else, but because she suddenly remembered that she had been out for too long. If you don't go back, your colleagues may be suspicious.


    "You..." Yuan Yuanyuan opened her mouth, her voice a little hoarse, "What are your requirements?"

    …She almost blurted out what you wanted.

    The original round voice was hoarse because of those few puffs of cigarettes. The cigarette startled her. It didn't look like it was lit, but after taking a puff, the smoke actually came out, and the smell of the smoke was particularly pungent, which was different from what she usually smoked.

    A kind of cigarette for a man... Yuan Yuanyuan looked disgusted, thinking that after getting out this time, she would never touch this cigarette stick again.

    Gao Ling's expression below was blank.

    The reason why she did this was because she heard the voice just now.

    This fucking…

    My God…

    Ah, who am I, where am I, and what am I doing.

    Gao Ling's eyes suddenly split.

    Your style is wrong! you wake up! No matter what, the women's clothing boss will lose! You are not serious compared to others!

    What the **** is this? Well said old man! Do old men wear women's clothes now?

    Although Gao Ling seems to have a wrong style of painting, he accidentally grasps the point. She looked at the figure above—yes, she was now sure that it was Yuan.

    This kind of Yuan is indeed much more lively than the dead look before... Ah, what is she talking about, unconsciously, is she also assimilated?

    Gao Ling remembered the people who were dragged away before, and also remembered the words of the boys next to them that they would be brainwashed. I thought that she would be brainwashed for a while and then forget about these things. She doesn't want to be like this, so she must find a way to get this news out in a while.

    …If you have to ask for any news, of course, it is news that Yuan is a women's clothing boss! How terrible this is!

    "We...don't want to go back to that kind of life." Someone below hesitated for a while, and finally said, "They haven't asked us, why should we start a war?"

    "Yes, we didn't agree with lineage many years ago, and neither did our grandparents. Many of them even paid for it, isn't that enough? Why let everything Do it again?" Someone shouted loudly.

    Yuan Yuanyuanxin thinks you shout so loudly, why am I so wronged, I am a science student, not a sociology student.

    However, in the current situation, let’s substitute the content taught by the teacher in Yuanyuan’s history class. Probably during World War II, some countries chose to invade foreign countries in order to relieve domestic pressure, which could not only colonize other countries , and can alleviate domestic conflicts.

    This situation of monsters is quite similar to the orthopaedic country during World War II. In the First World War, the Orthopaedic Country was a defeated country. At that time, they recited a lot of regulations, and the national life was very difficult. Therefore, the domestic contradictions were particularly large, which indirectly contributed to the outbreak of the second war. The monsters are the same now. If you don't want a solution now, it is very likely that the war will break out again.

    Because the current monsters are also very tired, in the eyes of humans, the rules that are justified, in the eyes of most monsters, are simply the shackles of killing nature. The grievances of the monsters are already very loud. If they are not handled properly, the number of people who agree to wage war will definitely increase.

    ...But this has something to do with her, even the King of Demons didn't make a move, where would it be her turn.

    Although Yuan Yuanyuan was thinking about irresponsible words, she still knew one thing—this matter really has something to do with her, or rather, it has something to do with 17.

    This is her current duty, and it may be the dream of 17.


    Yuan Yuanyuan finally said, "Okay, I see."

    There was another uproar below, Yuan Yuanyuan shook her head. In fact, what she hates even more is the spirit of blind worship of monsters. When the big monster says something, he immediately takes it seriously, as if he is nothing but a brain.

    "Excellent, the lord said to help us!"

    "Sir, please be the master for us! My father died because of this, and now they want to destroy my father's last wish again."

    Yuan Yuanyuan snorted impatiently, she thought that your last wish was my last wish. We're both dying, and it's... so **** heavy.

    "Sir, do you know Yuan?" Suddenly someone shouted loudly, "Have you heard about him recently?"

    The tavern was suddenly silent.

    —The original circle above is bad, maybe someone will ask some questions that she can't answer.

    —The following Gao Ling also thought badly, maybe someone was going to perform and die in person.

    Although they think differently, they are still equally nervous for a while.

    Yuan Yuanyuan gently flipped her sleeve, hid her face behind the wide sleeve, and said softly, "Tell me."

    "Okay!" The monster immediately stood up with righteous indignation, "Yuan has been missing since he disappeared many years ago. Who would have guessed that when he came back this time, he went directly to that side. Many years ago, he This person's words are very insignificant, many seniors died because of this incident, but he finally came back, and he dared to do so, it's just too much!"

    "Yes, too much!"

    "The seniors who entered the painting have already passed away, how dare he..."

    "And Mirror Shadow! Do you remember Mirror Shadow? Mirror Shadow was also killed by him!"

    Mirror? Yuan Yuanyuan pondered the name in her heart... Suddenly, a person came to her mind. She was silent for a while, then nodded slightly.

    The person outside can only see through the shadow, and see the person inside nodded, vaguely, if you don't look carefully, you will think it's an illusion.

    "Sir, you still remember him!" The people below were in an uproar again, and the exaggeration was that there were still people crying, and there were more than one or two crying.

    It was only at this time that Yuan Yuanyuan realized one thing - the spy named Jingying is really super successful. To be able to do this, he is indeed an ancient monster .

    Gao Ling looked at the person above who was obviously silent for a long time after the question, and then nodded quietly. His nod was so small that he couldn't see it if he didn't look carefully. But the people below were instantly madly happy.

    In the midst of the dance of demons, Gao Ling began to feel a little dizzy, a little nauseated, and wanted to vomit.

    That mirror... She suddenly realized who it was, it should be the monster buried under the tree by Yuan.

    That monster, if she remembers correctly, is a very deep traitor lurking.

    Gao Ling listened to the voices around, muttering in a low voice, the four groups next to her came over and quietly pulled the corner of her clothes, "You, what are you talking about?"

    "Small, be quiet." Gao Ling said.

    "...Don't, don't do this." The four groups continued, "Everyone has a good hearing...I have the best hearing."

    "..." Gao Ling closed his mouth.

    "If you can, can you kill him!" Someone finally said a very important sentence.

     "Yes, he doesn't live long now, it would be too cheap for him to die so silently now." A group of people booed.

    The monster is really a simple and rude species.

    Gao Ling looked at the situation around him and felt a little scared, especially considering who was sitting above, it was even more absurd.

    In fact, she should have been able to feel another emotion - anger, but at that time, it may be that the women's clothing boss gave her too much shock, so she didn't feel any anger. .

    And for her, the current Yuan is different from the usual Yuan. The usual Yuan always gave her an inexplicable feeling of bitterness, especially when she heard him speak on the phone that night, Gao Ling's mind immediately sketched a bitter and gentle image in black clothes.

    Now the man above in women's clothes is condescending and looks extraordinarily domineering, and there is no trace of bitterness on his body, even if Gao Ling thinks he should be very hard now.

    Not only is the person above not bitter, but rather charming, and faintly revealed a hint of... cough cough, show...

    The women's clothing boss of Yiqi is really decent, Gao Ling thought. this his hobby?

     Yuan Yuanyuan listened to a bunch of messy voices below, she simply leaned on the bed half by herself, looking like Ge You was paralyzed, picked up the long cigarette stick and took a sip.

    After everyone had finished speaking, she answered lazily, "Okay."


    "Okay." Yuan Yuanyuan said again, "If you want him to die, then I'll kill him. It's like saying what a powerful monster."

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