You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 244:

    Yuan Yuanyuan returned home, took off her clothes, and lay down on the bed relaxed, ready for a good sleep.

    The facts she encountered this evening were too many, and she was too busy. If she hadn't suddenly seen the girl before she left, she would have almost forgotten her.

    Yuanyuan still did not wait for Sister Lizi. But the strange thing is that the four groups can actually do it. After hearing Yuan Yuanyuan's request, he easily erased Gao Ling's memory, and then took her out the door.

    Gao Ling followed Yuan Yuanyuan to the street entrance in a daze, Yuan Yuanyuan let her sit at the intersection for a while, then turned and left by himself. When Gao Ling finally woke up, he only saw the figure of a woman, not the face.

    Yuan Yuanyuan went home and played with her mobile phone at ease, and she also made a small hot pot for herself. The fat cat couldn't eat too spicy food, so she made a mandarin duck pot, and put a lot of tomato soup in the non-spicy half.

    "You seem very happy today." The fat cat said, "Is something good?"

    Yuan Yuanyuan didn't talk to the fat cat. In fact, she still has good things, but she can't talk to other people.

    When she was in the tavern and said that she wanted to kill Yuan, she suddenly realized that she had a real chance to escape.

    —What an upright death escape!

    Yuan Yuanyuan was still very happy, when she said that, she even imagined a bright future. But obviously not everyone is happy, at least the lady boss, the old friend of Yiqi, expressed extreme anger at what Yuan Yuanyuan said.

    "What do you mean by that?" The proprietress almost pulled Yuan Yuanyuan's ear off, "If you don't want to live, I'll give you a ride in person!"

    "It's okay, it's okay." Yuan Yuanyuan begged for mercy, "I'm just talking about it casually, don't take it seriously."

    —No, she didn't say it casually, she took it seriously.

    But she never dared to say this to the boss. According to the mood of the boss at the time, if she said it, she might be executed on the spot.

    Yuan Yuanyuan was thinking about how to run away from her own death. Obviously, those of them wanted Yuan to die now, so she had better choose a suitable time to feign death. And that time should be after everything is settled.

    Ji Qiu kept staring behind her, since Yuan Yuanyuan wanted to play Yiqi well, she must first prevent the outbreak of war, and then solve his sister's affairs. After these two things are done , It is estimated that she wants to die, and Jiqiu will not come to trouble her.

    Maybe there are other things that need to be resolved, such as the cause of death in the spy camp, the Taoist book on the protagonist's side, etc... Oh, it's not very important anyway, there are many round lice No worries.

    She is very happy here, and Gao Ling over there is just a look of confusion.

    When she woke up from the roadside, she didn't know where she was, what she wanted to do, and what just happened.

    In just five minutes, she was actually completely stupid, thanks to Yuan Yuanyuan being more careful and not throwing her there directly, otherwise she might be abducted and run away of.

    After five minutes, Gao Ling finally vaguely remembered where it was. But she still didn't understand how she suddenly appeared here, and vaguely remembered that there was a woman's figure in front of her, walking past her (actually, it was Yuan Yuanyuan's back who turned and left after confirming that Gao Ling was all right).

    She thought and thought, then turned on her phone to confirm what had just happened. She vaguely realized that the situation might not be right, but she really couldn't remember it.

    Taking out the phone, Gao Ling first glanced at the memo, there was no record in it, it was blank. Then she looked at the chat log again, and there was no record either.

    When she turned to the call log, she found something strange, a call was dialed a few hours ago, and the call lasted for about half an hour, but she had no memory at all. No, I don't even remember making the call myself.

    Generally speaking, a half-hour long phone call will have a little memory. Gao Ling called back again, ready to ask for a clearer question. The other end of the phone was connected, and the person inside said, "Oh! Gao Ling, you're all right! You scared me to death. I thought you were dead this time."

    Gao Ling was stunned for a moment, and then interrupted the opposite, "Wait a minute, wait a minute... I'm actually a little messy now, I don't remember anything, have I called you before? What did we two talk about?"

    The other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds... Suddenly, a more tragic howl broke out.

    "Ah Ling! Ling, you are finished! You are completely finished! There is no help!"

    Gao Ling, "...I'm done, I'm suddenly helpless."

    After half an hour, Gao Lingcai finally sorted out what happened from her friend, which shocked her extremely.

    I met a monster woman on the road, and was taken to the old nest. Something happened in the old nest halfway, causing the voice to be inaudible and the phone to be interrupted. A few hours later, she reappeared on the street again, with no memory and no idea of ​​what happened before.

    A proper horror movie plot, after Gao Ling heard what his friend said, he was also scared into a cold sweat.

    The two of them analyzed for a long time, and finally determined that Gao Ling should have been clearly remembered like the one inside. But what exactly happened during that period of bad phone signal? Neither of them knew.

    The unknown is always scary.

     Gao Ling's friend asked her, "Did you leave no hints for yourself? Of course, it is normal if you don't, maybe you have been checked before leaving."

     Gao Ling was horrified to hear this, she quickly rummaged through all the pockets on her body, trying to find out if she left any notes or the like, but found nothing.

    But fortunately, her mobile phone and wallet are still there, and she has not lost any money. She took a taxi home, and she felt as if she had lost her soul on the way. She always felt that someone was watching her from behind.

    Before going upstairs, she didn't even dare to go home directly, but walked around a few times outside, and finally opened the door when it was dark.

    Gao Ling firmly believed that she might have encountered some terrible things in the monster's lair. She even thought about all the possibilities, and finally felt disgusted by herself. However, since there was no way to verify it, she did not method to draw conclusions.

    But when she was taking a bath at night, Gao Ling suddenly found that there were a few lines on her belly, which surprised her.

    Snippets flashed through her mind instantly—

      And relying on his own ingenuity, he successfully brought out the information and left it to himself after it came out.

    Gao Ling wanted to burst into tears instantly.

    Because of the position, the line of words on the belly looks all reversed, so it is a little uncomfortable. Gao Ling picked up the phone, turned on the selfie function, and took a picture.

    Before she could clearly see the line of words on the phone, her heart was surging, until the line of words clearly hit her eyes—



    Gao Ling, "…Huh?"

    What the hell? can't read.

    But the words are really her dog crawling words.

    She was stunned for a while, and didn't quite understand what this sentence meant, but since she used so many exclamation marks and troughs at the same time, it showed that her mood was on the verge of collapse.

    Further down there is another line.

    【Just the woman in the lantern! It's him! ! 】


    I still don't understand.

    What "people in the lantern?", will people go into the lantern? How big is that lantern?

    At first, Gao Ling thought that he had left some important information, but it turned out to be these two words for no reason. He couldn't help laughing and shaking his head, thinking that he might have been frightened at the time, and sure enough Don't overestimate yourself. Bringing news from the battle royale or something...

    —one week later.


    A new issue of Yaoji is published.

    The world was shocked and said that the righteous faction in the comics finally appeared, and the protagonist finally had a backer this time.

    Gao Ling was equally shocked. She stayed at home alone for a full hour, then took out her quilt, wrapped herself tightly, leaned against the corner and sang Sweet and lovely song.

    "Ah~ Once upon a time there was a cute little fool who planted a big watermelon~"

    "The big watermelon grows~"


    【Big brother, why are you not online these days? What's with you? 】 People in the group asked.

    [Big Watermelon~Big Flower~] Gao Ling replied with a sentence of unknown meaning.

    […Boss, what are you talking about, it looks so weird. 】

    [When the big flowers fall, they become watermelons~]

    The people in the group did not dare to provoke Gao Ling, and continued to talk about the one thing they were most concerned about these days. 【Who is the boss of that anti-war organization? I really want to know! 】

    [It looks like she should be a royal sister... I don't know why, I suddenly feel a little empathetic and let go of love, such a trembling royal sister. 】

    [Where is it? Didn't she want to kill Yuan! 】

    [No no no, we have to think about it. 】Someone in the group said, 【Think about it, Her Lady Queen, holding a leather whip in his hand, speaking insults, stepping on Yuan's back with one foot... 】

    [Dahuahua~Big Watermelon~Hehehe~] Gao Ling continued to say in the group [Dahuahua is a big watermelon~]

    …The people in the group were suddenly terrified, and finally everyone turned their attention to the group owner, [Group leader, please ask the boss what happened? Didn't something happen recently? 】

    [Okay...I'll try my best. 】The group host girl replied, she called Gao Ling and asked her, "What happened recently?"

    The voice on the other end of the phone startled her, "It's a little bit, but it's not a big deal, it's just that the flowers suddenly turned into watermelons."

    Group owner, "…"

    Speak human.

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