You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 249:

    After the incident that day passed, Yuan Yuanyuan also began to be careful during the meeting to prevent anyone from attacking.

    She can infiltrate the other party as a spy, and the other party can naturally sneak in here as a spy. Just like the mirror demon before, everyone competes fairly.

    With the recent sudden appearance of the woman in red, it seems that few people noticed that Yuan's role in the comics suddenly began to decrease. The opportunity for Yuan to appear in the past was relatively scattered, so few people have noticed it yet.

    The original circle always feels that this is paving the way for the later results. Since there are more roles for the woman in red, Yuan's role will naturally decrease. After all, these two are the same person, and it is impossible for the same person to appear in different places at the same time. The details of Jiqiu are still well considered.

    On this day, Yuan Yuanyuan surfed the Internet and opened the website that she used to visit before. There are all kinds of doujinshi about Yuan, although the recent update is a bit slow, I don’t know why, Those big hands seem to have run away, but the number of followers has been rising, which makes her feel a little inexplicable.

    The main reason is that this is completely a fandom... At least now, the whole website is a fandom carnival base, and it still attracts so many people, which makes her start Think about what the kids are watching lately.

    The original dot opened the comic, and happened to encounter the latest updated article on the website. She clicked in and read it, and found that there was a recent article about Yuan. She clicked in and read it. Although the writing was not very good, she read it with relish.

    "Recently, the quality of fandom has begun to's not interesting." Fat Cat said, "It always feels like everyone has run out of brain holes."

    —If Gao Ling is here now, she will refute the fat cat. It’s not that everyone’s brain holes are exhausted, it’s that everyone’s brain holes are not suitable for posting on this kind of public website. Watch secretly in private.

    Yuanyuan also felt a little bored. Now all the fans look cute, but they are missing a little something... that little thing... I don't know what to say.

    When she was struggling, the fat cat next to her suddenly touched it, put her little fat paw on the keyboard, and then pressed four or five keys at once.

    "Well, wait? What are you doing, fat cat?" Yuan Yuanyuan asked with her head lowered.

    "I want to write it myself," said Fat Cat.

    "Oh." Yuan Yuanyuan nodded, then suddenly returned to her mind, "Huh?"

    She lowered her head and looked at the fat cat in horror, "Wait, what are you going to write?"

    "Writing a fan." The fat cat said, "But how many fakes are there in the fan I wrote, that's not necessarily true..."

    "Wait!" Yuan Yuanyuan picked up the fat cat from the keyboard and was silent for a long time, then suddenly looked at him strangely and asked, "You, do you want to write something what?"

    "It's not clear yet." Fat Cat said, he thought for a while, "How about we start from the grievances between Yuan and the head of the Li family?"


    "Wait a minute, you can dictate." Yuan Yuanyuan said, "This little claw is too hard to type, I'll help you type, I type fast."


    One person and one cat lay in front of the screen. It took a full two hours to make up a 3000-word article. , and then sent it out with satisfaction.

    Gao Ling and the others are still constantly discussing the red-clothed woman who appeared in the recent comics. Everyone has a problem. There are already many versions of the outside world's speculation about the appearance of the woman in red, the most famous of which is the version of the former Ben Zi painter.

    The woman in red, with a red veil on her face, can only see a pair of big watery eyes. , but with such a half-covered appearance, it is more in line with the character, and it has instantly become the most widely circulated picture of the red-clothed girl before the official red-clothed girl picture is out.

    Gao Ling might also join in the fun at ordinary times, but this time, she was not seen at all in the activity of painting the woman in red on the Internet.

    …It’s not because of other things, I can’t get it in at all.

      It can be seen from the back that this is a slightly slender man with black hair scattered, covering his profile, making it impossible to recognize his identity.

    This picture of Gao Ling is absolutely explosive. After painting, she felt that this was the most inspirational picture so far. Almost everyone in the group expressed their amazement and regret after seeing the picture. The amazing thing is that this picture is so beautiful, but it is a pity that this picture could not be posted at all.

    Gao Ling herself didn't care that much, she enjoyed the process of painting, and felt very happy after painting.

    Today, she is still watching the newly added people back and forth on the forum. Recently, the newly added people on the website are not just those in the group. With the increasing popularity of the website, some People from outside come here to visit the various fanciers on the website.

    Gao Ling had to spend more time on the website every day, and recruited several administrators, more people came, and more bad comments, the role of these people Just delete these comments.

    Previously, she had sent a request to be an administrator to Mr. Mao and Huangquanquan, but neither of them responded. Gao Ling also put out this thought, thinking that they may not have seen it, or that they are not interested in this kind of thing at all. As a result, when I deleted the post as usual today, I suddenly found a strange post, and she rubbed her eyes in shock. Read it carefully several times.

      a face.

      Halfway through, she had already said several lies.

    After a while, she posted the post to the group, and the members of the group glanced at them, looking like they were stingy eyes, [Who wrote this! ], [Toxic, this style of painting].

    【Hold on! Hold on! 】Gao Ling carefully persuaded him, 【Three hundred words! Although the front is the same as constipation, but after 300 words, you can experience a sense of relief...]


    [I'll try...]

    【Huh? 】

    ...Some people in the group really watched it, and after reading it, everyone asked, [Who wrote this... The style of the writing is so shit, and the plot is so exciting, it's really not easy. 】

    [Pleasant goat's painting style is matched with the plot of Battle Royale, it's so poisonous, I feel like I've eaten shit-flavored chocolate or chocolate-flavored shit...]

    —In a digression, at this time, the fat cat and Yuan Yuanyuan were very excited to circle around the house to celebrate the birth of their first masterpiece.

    "I think you wrote a very good paragraph, the one where the Li family's head and Yuan meet again. It's very true."

    "Ahaha, yes, your description of the Li family's patriarch putting Yuankeng into the red sand well is also very exciting."

    "Where, you write much better than me."

    "Humble and humble, since everyone is so familiar, don't be humble."


    [This situation is a bit more complicated. ] Gao Ling said: [I suspect that this may be true...because the ids who sent this article are Mr. Cat and Circle Circle. 】

    [Huh? real or fake? 】Everyone in the group became violent, 【So the head of the big family back then was really good friends with Yuan? 】

    [And he's also a brother-in-law... This brother-in-law actually cheated Yuan's sister, and also cheated his own brother. 】

    【So brutal? How is the relationship between the two now? 】

     Has this guy ever appeared in the comics? The call of the head of the house, the head of the house, doesn't sound good at all. 】

    [The two of them did not disclose this. ] Gao Lingdao, [But I saw that they posted it for the first time, and they will definitely post it for the second time. We will look at it later, and there is something in it. For those who are still in the group, please leave a message for them first, encourage them, say that they have written well, and write more in the future. 】

    Gao Ling had a good discussion with her group friends, but she never thought about it, these two people here are insane... Not only do things not care about their hearts, but sometimes they don't even care about their brains.

    Yuan Yuanyuan and Fat Cat looked at a bunch of big, big, madam, madam's on the computer, they were a little floating, whether it was Yuan Yuanyuan or Fat Cat, neither of them had ever experienced this kind of thing. Experience, this is the real first time.

    These two people who don’t have much in their hearts are so directly overexcited. The two discussed it again, struck while the iron was hot, and wrote 3,000 words eloquently, and sent it out before dinner.

      , instantly stunned.

    【If the woman in red was a man... then what would the world be like? 】

    …Gao Ling: "?!"

    She sat in the chair and became confused, and we didn't leak the news...I think I am quite qualified, ah...God, is it really the rumor that I leaked? It's over, I'm the sinner of history, the scum of the world...

    Other people in the small group also saw this post one after another, and then they were all stunned, and they poked Gao Ling privately, asking, [Is this a stupid kid in the group? Tell him to withdraw immediately. 】

    [No, it's not. 】 Gao Ling came back to his senses from the trance, she subconsciously clicked in to see, and then was smeared by the shit-like style of writing.

    But looking at it, she suddenly made a "huh".

    How to say…

    Although it's a little shit...but...the writing is really inexplicably attractive.

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