You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 250:

    In the past, Gao Ling and the others were strictly forbidding people in the group to post some topics related to women in red on the forum. Everyone knew what was going on, so they all followed it.

    —Until today, I was suddenly forced to break this agreement inexplicably.


    But her eyes were so fascinated that she couldn't take it off the screen, even after watching it once, made a cup of coffee, came back and watched it again.

    Some people in the group watched this masterpiece, and then everyone talked about it.

    [This is… I wrote it casually, probably not knowing the truth. 】

      planting level. 】

    After discussing for a long time, other people in the group agreed that this should be an accident, not that person knew the truth. Maybe they guessed a little, but they don't know much, so they don't need to pay too much attention.

    The people in the small group are at ease, as long as no one spreads the news. But what followed was an unexpected thing - that article was seen by the people in the large group. After one person resisted reading it, he was shocked, and quickly delivered it to the compatriots in the group, until they knew it. When the news came, it was already late, and half the large group of people had already read this article.

    …There are 2000 people in the large group, so after they know it, the whole thing can’t be hidden. Gao Ling didn't delete the post at first, because although some sensitive topics were mentioned in this post, it was posted by a stranger, not an acquaintance. If it was deleted in seconds, it might make the other party suspicious.

    After so much hesitation, things developed like this, and it was too late to delete.

    【Can you still have such a brain hole? 】


    [No no no, I also think it's cute, I suddenly have a similar brain hole, wait for me, I will post it immediately! 】

     Gao Ling looked at the group carnival scene in the large group and had some headaches, so he quickly discussed in the small group, [What should I do now? 】

      It's better to let them write, anyway, it's not too embarrassing to say this kind of brain hole outside. 】

    [Yes, I think it's better not to interfere in this matter. The more you intervene, the more you seem to have a ghost in your heart. It is better to be more generous. Now everyone thinks that the woman in red is a man, and they have not thought of Yuan. Well, that's purely for doing things. 】

      They make another move.

    So, in just three days, the number of transgender texts in the forum increased at an exponential rate, which also caused the fat cat and the original who suddenly came to take a look. Yuanyuan was stunned again.

    "Is this what the two of us did?" After a while, the fat cat asked weakly.

    "It should be..." Yuan Yuanyuan said, "Didn't you see that both of our posts were pinned and refined?"

    In any case, the current situation of the forum is like this. Originally, this forum was already considered a niche, but since these articles became popular recently, the form of the forum has moved towards a smaller niche, and the traffic has become more and more popular, so much that it hardly looks like the traffic of a fan station. …

      Yes, the reason why I don't mention it is probably because of the nature of this site, it is easy to be regarded as a pervert, so those who pay attention generally don't speak up, just keep their cuteness secretly.

    The next update of Yaoji will soon arrive. The anti-war organization and the mask organization have a strong smell of fire and medicine. Recently, the two sides have organized several battles. Faning has officially stood on the side of the anti-war organization, and the plot has gradually entered the middle and late stages. According to the general comic routine, the protagonist will win, justice will win, and the world will be peaceful. Everyone is happy.

      Jiqiu's design is not bad, the plot is ups and downs, and there have been several battles recently, which make readers talk about it.

    One of the battles is the fastest and most dashing.

    It was the mask organization who wanted to assassinate the leader of the anti-war organization, but the leader of the anti-war organization suddenly exploded and was killed directly.

    At the moment when the curtain was lifted, the reader did not see the boss's face clearly, but he saw the beautiful hair and her slender fingers, and the red clothes were fluttering.

    In an instant, the otakus were shocked again, and there was a group of people calling their wives under the comments.

    【Ahhh my wife! My wife is so handsome! 】



    【Ah! this world! It's amazing that I'm still alive! To see such beautiful people! 】

    ... Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the message on the website and said to the fat cat: "I usually don't pay attention to the style of the otaku. Today is the first time I see... Is it so disgusting?"

    And she originally thought that the otaku should like the kind of character that is a little bird and a person, and it is better to have a cute attribute. If you have a gentle personality and big breasts... that is God, refer to someone married The popular female character of the village chief.

    On the contrary, the strong and flat-chested royal sister should be regarded as the dead zone of otaku, but the woman in red actually exploded like this, she said she couldn't understand.

    However, sometimes the hobbies of otaku are very strange, and I don't know how to poke them, just like the queen and saber... They are both strong female characters, and their popularity has always been quite awesome. Maybe she misunderstood, some aspects of otaku are also a little trembling?

    Yuan Yuanyuan spoke for a long time without hearing any echo, so she turned to look at the fat cat, just happened to see the fat cat typing on the keyboard little by little with his small paws...

    [My Lady Queen! Please come with high heels... 】

    "Go to hell!" Yuan Yuanyuan slapped the fat cat with a slap, "Can a male cat of yours find a female cat?"

    Gao Ling looked at the latest articles on the website, and had no love. After the latest issue came out, everyone had new material, so a hundred flowers bloomed and a hundred birds contended.

    [He is a very thin man, with thin wrists that seem to be easily broken. 】

    【But the knife in his hand is sharp, with hot blood dripping from it, but the blade is still bright and scary. 】

    [When the man opened the curtain, he looked up and saw that the man froze completely. 】

    [What's wrong? He thought to himself, never thought that looking from outside the curtain, such a dignified, beautiful, gentle and generous person is actually a man? 】


    【I think this man in red is very powerful! Looking at it makes me feel an inexplicable impulse. 】Someone in the forum said, 【Especially the part where he bowed after killing someone in the last issue, looks very feminine... Make up your mind and get excited instantly. 】

    [I feel that even a little brother is a very beautiful little brother. Maybe compared with the girl, the length is even more delicate. 】

    【Ah, ah, this setting is delicious! Ask the artist to see it! Let's draw this setting, I love this setting so much! 】

    Gao Ling thought about the image of Xiangyuan, more than 1.8 meters tall, dressed in black, usually speaking, as if he was sarcastic, his expression was always a faint feeling, a kind of advanced salted fish Feeling, when beating someone, punching to the flesh, extremely ferocious, and then linking him with [feminine] and [feminine]...

    Ah...who am I, where am I, what am I doing?

    Yuan Yuanyuan went to the mask organization again today. She was in a good mood because she had nothing to do recently, and the atmosphere in the tavern was too relaxed. Compared to the war, it was like an outing.

    She entered the big egg, and when someone around her greeted her, she nodded casually, indicating that they knew it, and behaved a little coldly.

    At the same time, she was divided into three roles. She had to always remind herself to pay attention to prevent herself from acting. When someone nodded to her just now, she subconsciously wanted to bow and smile. Remembering that this is not a pub, I quickly stopped myself.


    "You don't want to get anything out of me, I won't tell you where our base camp is." To provoke those around you.

    Yuan Yuanyuan remembers him, he toasted himself before.

    "Okay, now Yuan is here, let's discuss how to deal with this person." said the boss of the mask organization.

    The people around were talking, Yuan Yuanyuan silently took out the mask, put it on her face, and stood in front of the crowd.

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