You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 257:

    Not long after Yuan Yuanyuan finished talking with the proprietress last time, there was a movement from the mask organization. One day, when she was going to Dadan, she was suddenly called over, and she had some idea in her heart that something big might happen recently.


    Yuan Yuanyuan had some hunch in her heart, so when she met the boss, her heart was actually very calm, even if she looked at the boss's hot-eyed mask, she didn't feel uncomfortable.

    "Do you know what I'm here to ask you to do?" the boss asked.

    "I know." Yuan Yuanyuan replied.

    …In fact, what I know is vague, not so clear.

    "Then do you agree to this matter or not?" the boss asked.

    "I promise." Yuan Yuanyuan said.

    Then she calmly went out, went home, hugged the fat cat and watched TV to sleep, until next Monday, when she truthfully saw the current news on Yaoji.

    The mask organization successfully pushed Yuan out as a target.

    The boss of the mask organization has never been confirmed. In everyone's eyes, the mask organization is a very mysterious organization, and there is no clear boss.

    Recently they finally released the news-after a period of power struggle, finally one person successfully reached the top.

    —This person is Yuan.


    When Yuan Yuanyuan saw the news, her speed of eating melon seeds slowed for a second, and then she said, "I said that this person has been grinding and chirping recently, what does he mean? I thought so..."

    She blinked, thinking that this was much better than she thought. Originally, she thought that the mask organization would suddenly declare war without regard to it, but now it seems that it is much better.

    When Yuan Yuanyuan went out, she happened to see the fat cat looking at the phone, she went over to lick the cat and asked, "What are you doing?"

    "Read comics." The fat cat said, he raised his head and said, "I want to find Zou Yuan recently...Are you going to go with me?"

    "What are you going to do with him?" Yuan Yuanyuan asked, "It's not necessary."

    "I can't find anyone before, but now it seems that there should be a lot of contact opportunities." The fat cat pointed to the screen, "The mask organization finally pushed Yuan out."

    " that true? You know the fat cat." Yuan Yuanyuan said.

    She was constantly thinking about a series of recent changes in her heart, first of all the high-level city C... The high-level people should change their attitude towards her, I don't know if the booklet in C city will be Yuan's name will be deleted, and she can still receive the salary of her team leader at the top.

    Sure enough, she went to check afterwards, she seemed to have no way to go to the high-rise, and then went to see her shop, the shop was not closed, but it seemed that weeds were growing inside, very She didn't dare to go in because of the desolate appearance, for fear that there would be an ambush inside.

    The next time Yuan Yuanyuan went to the mask organization, the whole mask organization behaved like her boss, the former boss suddenly disappeared, and she didn’t know where she went, Yuan Yuan When Yuan passed by, everyone nearby separated her and watched her walk in.

    Yuan Yuanyuan washed the newly made black robe, which has a very strange fragrance.

    She lowered her head and studied it for a while, the fragrance came from the clothes, Yuan Yuanyuan still couldn't recognize what material it was.

    The legendary celestial silk? Or some more magical material?

    The room has been cleaned, there is a huge chair in the middle, the chair is made very comfortable, the original circle is not to say sitting on it, half lying on it is no problem.

    Yuan Yuanyuan wore this dress and sat on the chair, and for a moment, she suddenly felt like she was some kind of demon leader...

    A black robe with a cold face, sitting on a high seat, blood dripping down, all the blood of losers...

    Ah...the feeling...

    Although she is currently holding the script of the demon leader, what kind of battle within the organization, and finally stand out, it sounds very inspirational leader style. In the outside world's speculation, her method of being the boss of the mask organization is definitely not glorious, and it is very likely that she used some shady methods to grab this position from others.

    Just looking at the guesses from the outside world, Yuan Yuanyuan felt that she could write a book. She felt that everyone's brain hole was going to break the sky, but no one thought that she was not the real boss, and the real boss has now disappeared.

    Yuan Yuanyuan reclined on the chair, and listened to the people below reporting the news to her. She was drowsy while eating the grapes.

    The guy below keeps talking. Yuan Yuanyuan didn't really understand what he was saying, but he was sitting here listening anyway.

    "Sir, what do you think about this..." The people below were hesitating.

    Yuan Yuanyuan waved his hand, indicating that he knew, he should hurry down, the monster on the opposite side sighed and hurriedly retreated, Yuan Yuanyuan's stomach was depressed.

    Everyone's confidentiality work is really good, and now everyone thinks that she killed the previous boss and successfully ascended the throne of the new boss. Sometimes Yuan Yuanyuan doesn't need to grumble when she talks to them, just look at them and they're scared to pee, that's a person who can't be beat.

    Yuan Yuanyuan has suddenly become very busy recently. Although some key things will not be handed over to her, all will be handed over to the real boss, but Yuan Yuanyuan still has a decision on small matters right.

    Although she doesn't want the right to decide these things, these things are usually long and small, which are of no use to her at all, Yuan Yuanyuan can only go for a walk occasionally to get some news out, more She didn't dare, because she was afraid of revealing her identity.

    Under such circumstances, Yuan Yuanyuan would not have much time even if she wanted to rest and play for a while. This day she finally had some time, so she casually flipped through the comics and looked at the latest issue of herself , while nibbling your fingers, feel this new style of painting.

    "This style of painting... is very dangling." Yuan Yuanyuan looked at Yuan on the comics, quite the style of the evolved blue-dyed boss, that new **** robe is really It's too powerful, and it's especially imposing when you wear it on your body.

    However, if Yuan Yuanyuan is a shameless scumbag, it is mainly because her transformed face is more handsome, which is just enough to match this dress. For ordinary people, this dress can't hold up at all. .


      At that time, he was indeed more imposing, and he seemed to be a little more gloomy. He was a gloomy and handsome guy who could say, "Drag it down and kill me" in minutes.

    Next time, Yuan Yuanyuan found a lot in the comic comments similar to [I suddenly think that there is a villain in Yaoji very handsome, but I dare not say it, for fear of being controlled by the protagonist... ], [I also...] Such comments make Yuan Yuanyuan feel satisfied.

    This kind of thing... don't worry too much, the face is handsome and round, and you'll be satisfied, what else do you need a bicycle?

    This day Yuan Yuanyuan was still working hard in the mask organization. In the current boring life of the villain, the only thing that makes her still interested is the shape. After I finished, I watched my own story in the comics, I thought it was good and handsome, and then I felt a little more comfortable.

     Yuan Yuanyuan felt very boring during this time, but she didn't know, in the eyes of outsiders, during this time she had gone through a turbulent month, killing a few people every day, no Uncomfortable to kill...

    This is the image in the eyes of ordinary outsiders. In the eyes of Gao Ling and the group, Yuan Yuanyuan's month has also been turbulent... But this turbulence is a different feeling.

    They feel that Yuan Yuanyuan should be in a very complicated mood this month, and should have been in an infinite tangle. While thinking about how Yuan felt in this situation, he also thought about the confrontation here, the sword, the light and the sword.

    Of course they are more concerned about Yuan's inner world... They have been thinking about what kind of mood Yuan is in to be the boss over there. This month, in Gao Ling's group It is simply a monster mental state observation conference. Everyone is committed to inferring Yuan's inner state from the details in the comics, and then writing various fanfictions in the group...

    So in general, except for Yuan Yuanyuan, the party who felt it was rather boring... Everyone was very happy...

    Yuan Yuanyuan has not been very happy this month, but she has no worries. To her surprise, although in her original conjecture, she should have had a hard time this month, but in reality, there was nothing bothering her this month, and everything went on smoothly. Well, it was as smooth as someone was pushing it in the dark.

    Until the first day of a month later, when the manga was updated, Yuan Yuanyuan was too busy at first, so she didn't have time to read it, she still heard the news from someone else's mouth.

    "What, what, what?" Yuan Yuanyuan was stunned, "Yuan is Yiqi? Did you just see it in the comics?"

    "Yes! Sister Yuanyuan, hurry up and see! I'm going, is it so exciting? So now Faning and Yuan are considered to have a deep relationship between master and apprentice? ..." Xiaoying, who had just received the admission letter, hurriedly said a bunch of weird words on the other end of the phone.

    Yuan Yuanyuan didn't expect such a thing to happen suddenly at this time, so she quickly took a look.

    In the comics, one or seven Shiyuan was drawn, and the drawing was clear, and even revealed some details that Yuan Yuanyuan did not know.

    In the comics, Yuan Yuanyuan saw what kind of circumstances the 17th was in that year, and wrote a book of Taoist tactics and demons...

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